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Everything posted by paris

  1. Apparently Adkins back soon as he's only on leave ....
  2. Hope it last's for the next thirty to forty years at least ....
  3. Shame i don't have enough money to buy the club and re install Nigel ....
  4. Sacking Adkins > BIG MISTAKE imho ......
  5. It's probarbly been said however "The manager should never have been changed" ahhh good to get that off my chest ......
  6. The Saints Web poitical party now there's a thought , would never be able to agree on anything mind ......
  7. An ex landlord explained to me recently the costs of running a pub these days , he basically said that to make a success it would have to be busy night and day pretty much seven days a week ....
  8. He would have fitted easily into either Fulham or Stokes teams that i witnessed playing during the weekend , so i don't agree with some people saying he's not prem standard .....
  9. Saw the incident last night , IMHO 100% NOT a penalty ......
  10. A troll and and idiot , i must remember to visit soon ......
  11. I think players' laziness was one of the biggest factors in Adkins' demise. Yes really showed when they were getting promoted etc as Adkins didn't like fit players did he now .. ....
  12. The Dell such a special place !!!
  13. Tweet tweet from the bird in the northams mouth..............
  14. Put in a good shift on Saturday !!!
  15. Thnks nice read , is Nick Harvey still at SFC or did he leave wth Adkins & co ??
  16. All very positive !!!
  17. Adds to the atmosphere IMHO .......Better not tell you what i saw at The Warrens bck in the 80s ? could put some off tonight's supper worring about it ...
  18. Yes ...
  19. PSG is only for 5 months,
  20. Fox starting over Shaw good that ....................
  21. I like him .....
  22. IMHO i think we're lightweight , time will tell however ......
  23. Merde !!!!!
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