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Everything posted by paris

  1. It's quite amazing i'm so surprised at this there has never been a rivalary between us ,just some bored bmth boys with too much time on there hands i guess ....
  2. If this is true he's in the brown stuff big time i'd have thought.......
  3. Yes i saw that good luck to him ....
  4. ;(( And there's me thinking great we're now going in the right direction....i hopr this is not true but doesn't seem that way..(
  5. The omens are looking good if we can keep it up...
  6. Well done to all who atteneded..
  7. Stop it Ossie there's no rivalry whatsoever ,just go and enjoy the match young man .......I actually look out for your results from time to time ....
  8. 27,000 ish is my estimation .................
  9. These are younf proffesional sportsman who had a
  10. Nigel has his work cut out me thinks........;(( understatement i know...
  11. paris


    I see some of the football people where right about him NOT...........
  12. Yes we won i'm happy............))) and away from home with a clean sheet......
  13. Yes the spark has gone ,i'm also a sad one or just plain bored at work as i'm on here checking for news every day...
  14. I'm not....
  15. paris


    So it'a a big bonus that we have an ex phisio as our manager me thinks...
  16. I was there and can remember snippets now ,what i do remember is going to the top of Green Pk and then on to town to gret the team home ..I also remember wanting to get home quickly to see it all again on Match of the Day......
  17. No i don't think so i went to SMS at the end of last season when we where in a rich vain of winning and watched some great entertaining footie ....
  18. AP leaves and we loose all our matches since coincidence i think not ....
  19. Yes sounds good now for the result's ..... For what it's worth i thought AP was a good manager ,didn't hear many on here sniping at him when we reached the JPT final and won...... Still nothing like kicking someone when their down...
  20. NA is laughing in most of the pics ................
  21. That's a lot of staff...............
  22. First interview by NA on the OS now for those that are interested .............
  23. Saints in cover up shock horror ...... Move on boy's & girls please ...
  24. As has been previously said it's what we need right now ,time will tell ,feel slightly better now we can move forward ..... The very best of luck Nigel...
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