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Everything posted by paris

  1. How's the public transport going to be on Boxing Day in Dodge ?
  2. From the OS , i wouldn't have thought it cost millions but it does show that money continues to be invested in the overall running costs of the club.. The St. Mary's playing surface has received a boost with the installation of moveable lighting rigs. The grounds staff will now be able to keep the sun shining on St Mary's all year round, with the club (( investing a considerable amount of money )) in giving the pitch every opportunity to stay in top shape throughout the season. Saints Player caught up with the stadium's Head Groundsman Andy Gray, who explains how the system will allow his staff to gain control over the amount of light and heat the pitch receives in all seasons, ensuring that its reputation as one of the best pitches in the country, remains.
  3. I'm in the family section with my Daughter so i hope we have some noise in there ....
  4. Three ticket now booked this morning ,* first match watching The Saints live with my daughter coming up.....
  5. Narcotics Anonymous ....
  6. I'm on the phone early doors Monday , hope to be taking my daughter for the first time ....
  7. Good for him a day at a time .......
  8. Yes all working normal.....
  9. Yes move on next....
  10. Like .....
  11. Your all staying positive i see ........
  12. Ahh thats the one i want to go to as i'll be home for Xmas .....so please do keep me in mind if one comes up please....
  13. Nice Xmas present me thinks , would be happy with that .....
  14. The real football fans who've followed the game since chidhood know Southampton quite well i found .....
  15. Like..
  16. Great ........
  17. Used to get the bus back & forth to Bmth in my younger days ......
  18. I just love the positive attention that we're getting recently , so nice to see after our most recent most depressing times ....
  19. Palace will be my first match this year so hope i can get a ticket .....i'll certainly do my best......
  20. OS > 1300 left.....
  21. So did anyone on here actually go to the said diner ?
  22. yes...
  23. At the last get together very little news was leaked so not holding my breath....
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