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Everything posted by Saintleigh

  1. He flew out with the rest of the team on Monday to Spain - no need for conspiracy theories (yet).
  2. Definately Spain, I saw Lambert, Sharp, Chaplow, Barnard, Harding & Hammond at Gatwick yesterday and was told that Adkins & Crosby were there a few minutes earlier. Presumably all/most of the other players were there as well but I didn't meet them.
  3. Sorry - Sky 429
  4. Remember the mud fight between players in the directors box and fans on the pitch?
  5. Please, please, please this.
  6. Current 2.18 PPG, Best 2.2 PPG, Worst 2.13 So excluding Franchise it cannot be worse than Poyet's regardless of Saturdays results.
  7. FWIW I've just had a spare few mins so looked at the average PPG so far (and for Adkins included Franchise away) for Adkins, Poyet & Clark and then the best and worst result depending on the outcome of the games this weekend For all the bleating down the road about the monkey faced one being the best manager in the division by a mile, they've walked this league blah, blah, blah it shows just how close all 3 are and if the initial 5 games went with the rest of season form we would have got an additional 6 points and been champions but regardless Adkins has (including 3pts at the weekend) bettered Poyet in PPG. Adkins - Current 2.13 PPG, Best 2.24 PPG, Worst 2.07 PPG Poyet - Current 2.09 PPG, Best 2.11 PPG, Worst 2.04 PPG Clark - Current 1.91 PPG, Best 1.93 PPG, Worst 1.87 PPG Anyway, anorak back in the cupboard.
  8. Thanks for the stats - saved me a job as I was only thinking about NA vs Poyet over the weekend. As Poyet is widely pronounced as the best manager since sliced bread (well at the eastern end of the A27 anyway) surely a return of 2.03 PPG is a great comparison to Poyets of 2.175 PPG so far this season. They have spent money (on loanees wages if not permanent signings) as have we so that is also comparable but he has been in charge a lot longer and had a pre-season etc. All in all as long as we get that 2nd spot then its a job well done and looking onwards and upwards to the EPL.
  9. All we need is great comebacks from Swindon, Wednesday & Walsall = even happier days!
  10. 5th as it stands- ahead of Bournemouth
  11. RIP Herr Liebherr and my sincere condolences to your family. And thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  12. If Carlsberg did January's......
  13. I threatened the DJ with ramming his CD player where the sun don't shine after he played that song twice at my wedding reception. It still hurts to hear it
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/8450601.stm Not very enlightening - just a load of flannel,dodging questions and vague statements. There again he is a solicitor so what would you expect
  15. Play offs this year = beyond my wildest dreams this time 5 months ago Automatic Promotion next year = Confident it can be achieved Play Offs next year = absolute minimum
  16. Even if teams above us with games in hand win them all we will still be only 9 points from play offs
  17. Just seen the highlights on SSN. Great saves by Bart in the shoot out. F'in love it PS PMSL at the "was it Harding or Waigo for the equaliser" line. Easiest spot the difference game going.
  18. As Tommy Smith is due at Farton Park for a medical (SSN) Rasiak looks like a straight replacement so probably no exchange.
  19. Seconded I take all comments from ITKers on here with a pinch of salt (for some of them I use a JCB) but I generally accept what FF says as I can't see why he would be using the forum as a self promoter. I only FF through some of his books but accept that he has an inside track on a lot of SFC related matters. FF - don't stop posting in the main arena or at least allow those who you PM to enlighten the rest of us.
  20. The latest from the blog re PFC/Hydra http://dralfahim.blogspot.com/2009/08/history-repeating-at-portsmouth.html
  21. Saintleigh


    The funniest thing (sorry if already noted) is when clicking on the THIS REALLY DOES MAKE EASTLEIGH LOOK CRAP link there is a banner advert for a dating site called plenty of fish created by a bloke called Markus. Now you can see what ML has been doing since taking over the club - taking the **** out of the blue few down the road.
  22. Saintleigh


    And your point is ???????????????
  23. Was he offered by ML's regime or was it by the Pinnacle Group? There seemed to be fairly well founded rumours (on here anyway) that various meetings had been had about managers by Pinnacle and it may well be that they offered the job to PT but that was abandoned by ML when he bought us. Either way I prefer AP over PT
  24. But all the best to Ed - great news to hear although I do agree sitting next to Mille Clode, Georgie Thompson etc must be a great motivation to get back to work
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