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adrian lord

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Everything posted by adrian lord

  1. late subs like we're winning?!?
  2. where's the winning mentality AP crows about?
  3. New signings affected morale in the squad?
  4. Am I plastic? Do I deserve a Wembley ticket for the JPt and FA Cup finals? I'm seriously worried that I'm morally bankrupt as a Saints fan. Only supported Saints since age 9 in 76 been to loads of matches at Dell and but a lot fewer at St Mary's due to distance (Norfolk)/work (v busy dr)/family commitments etc. I now go to more away games than home, because a) often nearer and b) prefer the sense of adventure and excitement and passion associated with being part of the travelling Saints army. But..no season ticket..must be plastic?
  5. If Bridge had already separated from her then so what?
  6. Oh yes lets be jolly polite to that spiffing chap Mr Keane, what a good sportsman and gentleman he is. A ripple of polite applause perhaps? Not too much though - the noise might frighten some of our very mature and oh-so-balanced and sanctimonious spectators.
  7. Were are going up!!!!
  8. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!!!
  9. norwich thrashing colchester...
  10. Ha Ha - if the yoof did see Millwall outside they would "never make the station". I remember as an 11 year old watching Saints v Millwall at the Dell in 78 - the away fans in part of the Milton, next to the Milton Road quoir separated by only a single, thin line of policemen. Unbelievable these days. We were in the Archers. Inevitable fighting in Milton end all match, far better entertainment that what passed as football on the pitch....
  11. Hear Hear, good thread, thank you. Can't believe the smart-arsed, ball-breaking aggro some have given you...
  12. We wouldn't want an unmotivated player who was resentful because of his salary.
  13. In managment he's hardly succeded - and quits as soon as the going gets tough. He's just a narcissitic psychopath. His attitude stinks; there are plenty of ways of winning and having a never-say-die mentality but still retaining honour and dignity and respect. He has none. Contrast Keane and Rooney - the latter is developing real tenacity, passion and winning mentality and leadership skills on the field to supplement his technical skill and yet still has the human qualities that Keane lacks.
  14. Usually they are aged between 50 and 90 too. Often, whether male or female thay have purple hair it seems too.
  15. Well done Leeds. Superb game. Always amazed how my detestation of Man U and their arrogant managers allows me to support teams I'd normally loathe...
  16. What about "match fitness" and "match sharpness"? If they can't recover in a week then they should be applying for Stenna Chair lifts and bus passes FFS!!
  17. First year in Ch'ship was riddled with "Easy" chants that came back to haunt us by the end of the game.... The Leeds 3-4 being just about the most humiliating.
  18. I saw us beat them 4-1 at Kenilworth Road in 78.........lovely sunny April day.
  19. Beckford has the air of a dressing-room trouble-maker about him, I think if anyone could upset the team spirit it could be him. No thanks.
  20. Thank God for that.....
  21. come on Saints, big crowd, against 10 men...script says a rout FFS....!!!
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