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sir woody

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Everything posted by sir woody

  1. I blame redknapp, idiot !
  2. No he's not, he's a decent bloke. Talking about 'your' club is not a crime, and if people have a problem with him doing this, I suggest you phone the echo and give them your take on the subject in question. We'll see who gets the 'quote'.
  3. Why would you wish this on any club ?
  4. Agreed , totally pointless inflammatory comment. Obviously has small genitalia.
  5. Man u 46% Saints 54% possession, never thought i would ever see that statistic. Come on Saints !!!
  6. Agreed, possibly more with a bit of luck.
  7. I must be in the minority then, i will not spend that kind of money to watch a game of football. Haven't been to a game this season and out of principle i will not go in the foreseeable future until something changes.
  8. Terrible dive, the defender wasn't even close. Just watched it on a live stream. He'll get loads of grief for that.
  9. Agreed, he used to be a tennis coach.
  10. lol
  11. Agreed, see post above.
  12. All 3 of them are crap, gazzaniga is bearable. Get a new keeper in january.
  13. How about, kick the **** out of all four of them and then go for a pint.
  14. I'm not worried about putting something on here that is true, why should i be. It's a fact and yes you are right various companies have signed nda's with sfc. Bog standard working procedures in this day and age. The dispute is purely about money and leadbitter will not return until it is paid.
  15. I hear through 2 companies that have worked for SFC that they were both owed fortunes and had to take SFC to court to get their money. The problem with the development at staplewood is that leadbitter are owed 1million plus and are not being paid, so they have pulled off site until it is settled.The planning issue/architectural problems is nothing more than an sfc smokescreen.
  16. After the last few amazing days and the end of the window, with all the money spent and loads of new players coming in will we come back down to earth with a bump tomorrow. I hope not but knowing us we'll probably get walloped. I'm going for 1-2 United.
  17. At last a sensible, intelligent, forward thinking post, please make this individual post a sticky !
  18. The deal is off - bored.com
  19. Deal is off - Skysports.com
  20. Absolutely crap, bring the old one back. The new one is a nightmare to use on a pc and impossible on a blackberry.
  21. It sounds as though Cortese has pulled the offer, don't mess with the 'DON' !!
  22. sir woody


    ‎-10 points start of next season, 10 players, no stadium, 40m in debt, no cva, still in admin. Threatened with expulsion from league 1 before the start of the new season. What have saints got to worry about - a little bit of rain LOL
  23. The 9, you are right after reading 10 separate posts on here the whole sight is full of freaks. Where have they all come from ?
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