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Everything posted by ItchenRob

  1. ItchenRob

    Alien Lucy

    Chap behind me at Norwich said that he was 20 times better than when he went on loan to Celtic..... but was still not good enough! After a few flashes of promise this season I think I agree with that assessment although 20 is probably a bit of an exaggeration!
  2. Clearly not up to the pace of the game and not getting stuck in but looked comfortable on the ball. Subbed at half time. I guess getting minutes on the pitch is the important thing at the moment.
  3. Thought Saints looked ok second half. Chauke looks a decent player to me. And if only Simeu was half as good as he seems to think he is!
  4. Yes, I am here ! Doyle looks a great prospect. Simeu is quick. Infact been impressed with all of them, even Olly Lancashire!😊
  5. The bit about him never being a Saints fan. Genuine question - how does that square with him having a brick with his name on it at the back of the Chapel? Or is it a grander version of my friend who knows I loathe MUFC buying me a ManUre badge for Xmas?
  6. I am old enough to remember the 5 replays between Oxford City and Alvechurch in 1971. Although two non-league teams the saga started to make quite big back page news !
  7. I love Saints away pre-season friendlies. No agonising over the result and you get to see the new faces and some different grounds. I think there were over 500 Saints fans at Feyenoord on last preseason we were allowed to attend.
  8. I always thought Djuricic looked a tidy player but a bit lightweight. Hopefully, he's put on a few pounds if we are interested!
  9. He certainly was on that occasion !
  10. He's my cousin! But I agree 100%!
  11. In answer to original post it's a Yes from me (for today at least)!
  12. Very enjoyable - what a nice bloke - thanks for sharing.
  13. Ah, didn't realise they were staggered. We were both 10.30 arrivals. Thanks for letting me know as I would have just turned up ridiculously early for the City game as well!
  14. Not particularly in my experience. I think it was stipulated that early to give time to process everyone through but people still seemed to be arriving well past 10.30. Not sure how close the KO I would want to test it though! Also, some queues were being checked for ID but others weren't. HTH !
  15. Oscar Gobern at Preston immediately springs to mind for me.
  16. Hmmm, a friend of mine had just been denied a ticket for not having 7 aways so something not stacking up there.
  17. I really like the look of Dan N'Lundulu. Very strong, great shot, quick feet for a big player. He had to make his own chances though as others around him were not doing so. Some of the other Saints players looked ok in patches but, to echo a comment above I thought Klarer and O'Driscoll were not great. I have nothing really to base this comment on but Klarer looks like he thinks he is much better than he is ! However, they are all very young and I wouldn't write any of them off. FGR is also by far the friendliest ground I have ever visited in 44 years of watching Saints !
  18. Wish I had seen this earlier. At least it's all downhill after the match!
  19. Beer was definitely available inside the ground but despite having several it didn't seem to have much effect. Subsequently discovered that it was about 2% strength !
  20. I joined the Saints Ultras FB Group this evening not because I wanted to be an "Ultra" , whatever that means, but just to see how the concept developed (I am 58 and retired!). I really wish I hadn't bothered. As someone above mentioned it seems to be populated by 14 year olds. I tried to explain that yes there was such a thing as a Saints Away Season Ticket (I have one) but they are refusing to believe me. I think I wiill quietly slip away especially as I might get accued of grooming at some point !
  21. Only immediately depressing thing for me is that I am exactly twice the age of a Saints Assistant Manager !
  22. You can still get odds of around 1/10 on Betfair Exchange if you are feeling confident !
  23. That's "interesting" ! Thanks for this. The OED also indicates that both are used more interchangeably than I thought : "Nowhere are the battle lines more deeply drawn in usage questions than over the difference between disinterested and uninterested. According to traditional guidelines, disinterested should never be used to mean ‘not interested’ (i.e. it is not a synonym for uninterested) but only to mean ‘impartial’, as in the judgements of disinterested outsiders are likely to be more useful. Ironically, the earliest recorded sense of disinterested is for the disputed sense. Today, the ‘incorrect’ use of disinterested is widespread: around a quarter of citations in the Oxford English Corpus for disinterested are for this sense". I would take it up with my English teacher but I suspect he's probably no longer with us. Anyway, Mark Hughes now odds on with Betfair.
  24. I thought the Telegraph was supposed to be a quality paper. I think they probably mean "uninterested".
  25. What he said + 1!
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