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Everything posted by arfurdent

  1. trying to lull them into a false sense of security McCarthy was worried he would be injured if he got in the way of the ball
  2. not making me smile
  3. seems to be a weakness teams have spotted whereby the CBs are left exposed after the FBs push forward. No cover in place
  4. not good
  5. bet he scores
  6. one goal down away from home and gaining traction, Leeds tiring
  7. if it looks like phishing and it has links that raise malware flags then block the sender I have reported it to Offcom
  8. what a load of cobblers you continue to spout, making it up a bunch of porkies
  9. that should be "whom"
  10. just handed three Brighton away tickets back to the club if you are quick
  11. arfurdent

    Fan Zone

    will there be a Wetherspoons?
  12. also watch the closure of rail services around Brighton on 30 - 31 March. Buses used from Three bridges to Brighton.
  13. so lots of snow up to the midlands and no trains. Going to be fun
  14. s thise who are not staying overnight are walking home staying in in Haworth and travelling by bus
  15. still looking for two tickets if anyone could be so kind, thanks
  16. actually looking for two so after you
  17. I am a ST holder and missed out on Bournemouth tickets by one away match. Looking for two tickets, even OAP concessions.
  18. there were not 7000 empty seats at the Bournemouth match. I wonder if HMRC are looking at the tax implications of this report
  19. surely moronic opinions do not rate
  20. if you have to ask then point proven
  21. that is a moronic statement
  22. however I got jumped on by moronic trolls even though the info I supplied was actually correct. Still this forum does seem to attract that sort of poster.
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