1,181 -
Everything posted by GenevaSaint
2500, that wasn't their cup final though ;-)
Possibly a corner or two. LOL.
The problem with Tsunami's is that it's so difficult to predict impact...until landfall.... Better to be safe than sorry though! Predicting a 6 foot wave for Hawaii last I heard, still could do a huge amount of damage though.
5 - 10 going for the craic (ticketless)
It would seem that your options are very limited and £35 off Amazon is a bargain!
So, the current scenario then ;-) I must admit I might well vote against AV as I actually want full PR, this half hearted attempt could well indeed be worse than FPTP. I guess I ought to read the artice....
Can't agree more Hypo, when it comes to documentaries or other programmes such as Horizon I don't think the Americans can touch us. The science and nature wings of the BBC are world class no doubt about it.
Come on VFTT
A great programme, great presenter, fantastic knowledge sharing.....so what the **** do I get for my licence fee?
Ebay user id or a link to some items you have for sale?
A blip in what are always difficult and unpredicable events or a statement of intent from the electorate now the planning for the cuts is starting to hit the public.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12645090 "The party finished behind UKIP, the BNP and an independent as its share of the vote dropped to just over 4% (from 17%)." "It was a very safe Labour seat. Labour got a huge majority on an abysmally-low turnout and everybody else was left to pick up the pieces" "In truth it was a no contest for any non-Labour candidate," The fall in the Lib Dems' vote share is the largest in a by-election since 1989
He has spoken about his drug problem before, mate 7g of crack in one go is not clever. In regards to the rest of his lifestyle, I wouldn't mind ;-) That said I'm with the tpbury, why do porn stars when you could be doing pretty much any women he wanted. The porn stars he's doing are just very expensive whores.
Does that include the drug problem and dropping 7g rocks of crack?
I would agree, but hardluck TDD :-) Last nights game was more than a little tasty!
Can't do it, I'm from across the water so Sholing it is :-) Well, I've been once! Drove by the new ground the other day, looks very very nice, might just need to go an see a game.
Of course...... Maybe you should change the tense in that sentence :-)
Grabit works quite nicely and it's free.
Nothing personal Baj, but BASTARD! I live less then 1k from my local exchange and get less than 3mb, bloody awful. Even the BT engineer that visited was surprised.
ha ha ha ha, next you'll be telling me their football coverage is better as well. lol
Not an expert on this sort of thing, but corporate bonds, bit dull for you Dune. Bonds are safe but on leaving recession they'll not give anywhere near the returns of the markets (stock or others). Are you saying you don't believe we're clear of recession and the potential of a double dip? Go in bollcks and all in BRIC countries.
I wouldn't say the BBC was left leaning, but it is liberal Duckhunter. And TBF, a liberal organisation such as the BBC is required to even out the right wing propaganda distributed by the Mail and Murdoch's empire.
Must admit suprised we didn't try a bit harder with Craig Mackail-Smith. Barny is great, holds the ball up well, brings other players into play, runs for England but crucially his finishing is not clinical enough.
Glenn Hoddle, Dalek do you agree?