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Everything posted by GenevaSaint

  1. the investigators were convinced that the bomb that brought down Flight 103, killing 270 people, had been concealed in a Toshiba radio-cassette recorder - a bomb highly similar to four devices that had been found in the possession of members of the PFLP-GC arrested in a Frankfurt suburb just weeks before. The cell was said to have been planning attacks on airplanes heading to the US and Israel; the bombs it had built were detonated by a barometric pressure device and timer, designed to activate when a plane reached a certain altitude. It was reported that a fifth bomb had been built and had disappeared - presumably the bomb that blew up Flight 103. It was also reported at the time that American intelligence had established that the PFLP-GC had been paid $10 million by Iran to carry out the Lockerbie bombing. So, let me get this straight. The bomb was similar to those being created by a cell in Frankfurt. The CIA had a link between the cell and Iran via $10m dollars. You think this is all coincedence? The main link to this fella was a circuit board and a dodgy identification by a shop owner in Malta. Who couldn't remember when he sold the clothes to Al Mahgrahi (sp?!) and amazingly managed to see a picture before the ID parade. Oh added to that he managed to emigrate to Australia after being given a large sum of money by the US authorities.
  2. What I don't "get" about this though, the club has been up for sale since December, why are these groups now allegedly getting interested? Bit odd surely?
  3. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1249418663325&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull A very interesting read from the Jerusalem Post.
  4. It's funny, saw something on the news last night, Iran was always the principal country involved, but just prior to the gulf war the focus moved to Libya. Mmmmm, the US needed Iran onside at the time. Could all be conjecture the Iran did "promise" to down 10 US planes after the navy shot down an Iranian airliner. We'll never get to the truth but I do believe this man was a scapegoat though.
  5. http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/david-conn-inside-sport-blog/2009/aug/20/peter-storrie-sulaiman-al-fahim-portsmouth Some very good snippets in this article, especially about Storrie teller! When the reports began earlier this year that Pompey faced a fire sale of players this summer, Storrie denied it. When I talked to him at the end of the season, he said that as the club had survived in the Premier League, the TV and other money the club would receive meant the pressure was largely off and they would have to sell only one player this summer
  6. If the victims relatives can forgive him that says alot to me. I'm sure they don't give a **** what you think.
  7. And those cheeky ****s in America don't base all of their decisions on trade and oil?
  8. and for what it's worth, who else on here thinks it's a tad hypocritical of the US and the families of the Lockberbie victims to talk about this being about oil and trade. Cheeky ****s. Gulf war 1 was about freeing poor little Kuwait, my arse.
  9. Yes it's odd how the Maltese shop owner moved to Australia after the trial on the back of the US giving him a shed load of cash....... And I might his part in the conviction was instrumental
  10. Self sufficiency is the way to go! I agree 100%,
  11. I agree to an extent, but if we're struggling and AP is being denied funds to strenghten and we're maming a handsome profit I wouldn't be happy. NOT saying that is the case, just pointing out that we will not know the financials behind the club now, which is something we need to accept.
  12. What we'll never know now is what profit we're making. That was one positive from being listed, the accounts had to be published. Now we're delisted we will just need to accept whats going on with the finances as we'll never know the full story. Which is frustrating, but a necessary evil to have one owner and no PLC.
  13. Stop it Clapham, you're killing me ;-)
  14. Got a Garmin Nuuvi for £170 from Halfords which included all European maps, one free update and TrafficMaster subscription for life (Very handy for avoiding traffic incidents). could have got something cheaper but the Traffic Master thing is a god send. IF there is an incident on the route an icon appears which you can touch and then recalculate to avoid. Forgot to add also has Bluetooth for handsfree with the mobile.
  15. Get a grip WashSaint. In regards to the obsession, it's nice to have a laugh in life. If we had to focus on our results so far we'd be miserable as sin. The skates deserve this grief based on their attitudes when we were in trouble and their we're a massive club, new ground etc which is all delusional IMHO.
  16. Why are the tickets going to be cheaper when you have a new stadium because you can fit in 10k more? You have to pay for the stadium somehow you know, it's not going to be self funding! You'll be going from 0 stadium debt to 50m at a minimum.
  17. What struck me about Lambert last night was how many times he wanted the ball to feet and we never gave it. Give him the ball to feet on the edge of the area and he will hurt teams. He was screaming for the ball to feet at times, hopefully with more training and gelling with the team he'll get it. But as others have pointed out, it's nice to have a ball into the channels, direct or even long ball when necessary. If we can mix it up all the better as we won't be seen as one dimensional.
  18. Amazing what a bit of competition will do for people :-)
  19. I really can't see the issue to be honest. Luker had said there would be a big walk up crowd, so I got there at 18:55 with my kids, queued for 5 minutes to get the tickets and then went in to with no queue. Had the pick of the seats on half way to the left of the dugout. One more beer or a long wait, your choice, I had my pint in the ground.
  20. Why do you persist in this boring question. You've asked on other threads and people have answered, can't you drop it now? Different division, reality has hit home, div3, a manager we believe in, no more Rupert, a general sense of well being about the club, manager is not a yes man working for a perceived dictator. Enough for you? Oh and you don't need to spend a fortune to get out of L1.
  21. That sucks. 5 Friends admit affray but Gerrard who threw three punches is not guilty. Sounds very dubious to me. That's a bit like charging Matt Le Tiss and trying him in Southampton, never going to be found guilty in you're home town.
  22. Risk but as I kid I loved Bruce Jenners Decathlon.
  23. http://www.camra.org.uk/media/attachments/272900/Beer_Tax_Campaign.pdf Gives some great detail and graphs. Beer sales in pubs have been in decline since 1976 with shops sales rising. This is not a recent trend. Only 6% of people put the smoking ban down as a reason why they don't drink in pubs.
  24. TBF, the tax on a pint of beer is less than 50p. Saw a graph somewhere today showing the rise in tax. My local charges £3.45 for a pint of Kronenbourg, where does the other £2.95 go then. The pint of Kronenbourg has gone up 30p in less than a year, that's NOT tax causing that.
  25. From the news last night he sounds a right arrogant **** and the people of Merseyside are in awe of him. "Not many people would refuse to change the music at the request of Steven Gerrard".
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