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Everything posted by GenevaSaint

  1. I've worked in IT for 22 years Barry, and it could and should be a possibility. It's only in the public sector that IT projects such as this **** up so much. In the private sector systems that make this look like childs play get implemented without major issues or cost overruns.
  2. I was also very surprised at the Tories failure to win Eastleigh, really thought that was dodgy ground for the Libs.
  3. Corrected for you.... The Conservatives won the same actual number of votes as Labour got in the 1997 landslide. If it didn't register Dune no one got 326 seats. No outright winner.
  4. The worry about PR is delivering extremeists from both sides of politics I agree. But how fair is it when a party get 22% of the votes but only have 8% of the seats. Maybe we all take a step backwards and look at other countries. The Germans seem to get along quite well with no one particular party with a majority.
  5. Constitutionally Labour have the right to try to form a government. Morally speaking though much as it galls me to say it the Tories probably deserve a shot. The Tories can't have it both ways though, they like the 1st past the post system and have no intention of changing it. If they want to form a government without reaching the line they have to provide concessions on voting reform.
  6. Assuming you're call them all losers I agree. A sorry state of affairs to be honest. I feel very deflated about the whole thing, I wanted a Labour win, that obviously wasn't going to happen. I now feel let down that we don't have a majority government. Regardless of political allegiances the 1st past the post system has had it's day. We need to reform the voting system. I am sickened by Labours claims that they also want reform, FFS you've had 13 years guys.
  7. Johnny, it should be he gives DC his one unaceptable demand. Plurals are not required. Number 1 on the list would be voting reform which is unacceptable to the Tories.
  8. Greece. Oh and the Dow fell 3% yesterday. Aided a little by the politcal uncertainty. HTH
  9. @ 09:41 - It's official, hung parliament.
  10. Whitehead wins comfortably, was surpised about how close it was for Denham though.
  11. I'm in the camp that they had 13 hours, but come on, someone must have seen an issue coming here surely. When they saw the queues getting longer they could have done something about it. Which brings us to electoral reform in general, I can submit my tax return via the government gateway why can't I vote via it.
  12. Does this scare anyone else!
  13. GenevaSaint


    Turnout seemed very good in Southampton Itchen. I had to queue up for about 25 minutes to vote @ 6.30. Will be very interesting to see turnout figures.
  14. Oh bugger yes, me dumb. Forgot about the convention of not standing against the speaker but NF doing publicity stunt. I must admit I wouldn't have thought he would have been allowed to stand already being an MEP.
  15. City council elections have been overshadowed somewhat by the "big one". I've absolutely no idea what my councillors have been saying about council direction/policy. Anyone have any ideas in Southampton?
  16. Wins what? Farage isn't standing.
  17. Surely they were in contempt of court in the last winding up hearing if the true debt has doubled. Some of the figures supplied before were just plan LIES.
  18. I was cynically thinking the same thing myself. It's no longer an issue of it being pompey, this is a disgrace.
  19. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/8664722.stm
  20. Well putting it like that.... they're all tossers.
  21. But what about if he/she still has interests in the UK. They might own a house and rent it out or people could be retired and have their UK pension paid. They still have the right to have their voice heard as government direction has an effect on their lives still.
  22. Like I said, sad really isn't it, a bit of rain can make that much difference. In fact it's not sad, it's pathetic! If people choose not to vote, that's their choice (I don't agree with it), but not voting because of rain FFS get a grip.
  23. Surely you don't need to worry about the weather Dune, the Tories have it sewn up. ;-) BTW, it's a fecking sad state of affairs if the rain will put people of voting. I know it does, but this is such an important election for the UK
  24. Con - Heads UKIP - Tails or BNP - Heads UKIP - Tails
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