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Everything posted by GenevaSaint

  1. Milliband is very astute, a very clever politician and has the PR skills, be afraid Dune. ;-) Balls, would be a balls up (pardon the pun!).
  2. It would be interesting to see how the fixed term thing really works and is worded.
  3. Yes I do like Johnson, but I think Milliband is the better long term option as we may in opposition for a while.... Ed Balls, please god no. I'm sure the left leaning will be hoping for him.
  4. You sir are a ****. I seem to remember other posts where the line was, whatever is best of the country etc etc. What a ******. A least Dune had the decency to say what he stood for.
  5. Just heard on Radio4 that Alan Johnson is NOT standing and is supporting David Milliband. Happy Days.
  6. referendum on alternative vote
  7. Europe - The bain of the Tories raises its head again. :-D I can't help but laugh, for all the we've changed talk they are still split over Europe.
  8. That's a serious point SOG. All of the privatised industries are all making nice tidy profits for the shareholders now, which could have been the UK government. Billions have gone out of the UK economy to foreign investors since privatisation. I realise there were issues with militant work forces,but the French kept hold of 40% or so of EDF/GDF. Now they're making money for the French government supplying electricity and gas to UK consumers.
  9. Lost more than Black Wednesday? How does that work Whitey. Nothing was lost at the time, since the sell off prices have increased, but you can't lose what you don't have! All theoretical.
  10. Oh yes I know they are. I was truly gob smacked by the offer of a referendum on AV though, seriously. I never thought they would go against their core beliefs.
  11. can we add another two words to the thread title..... Cameron must be absolutely gutted and desperate
  12. I just make it up as you do with most of your comments on here Dune. It's a personal opinion that's all. I believe (rightly or wrongly) that coallitions would provide a more mellow experience of the left and right. The problem with asking for parties is that we don't know the make up of the PR parliament so it's a bit hard to tell. Left leaning..... Labour, SDLP, Greens, SNP, Plaid Cymru. Not sure about the latter two as they'll sell themselves to the highest bidder! Leftish Leaning LibDems Right Leaning..... Conservatives, DUP, UUP, UKIP Far Right... BNP
  13. There's only one massive group of whingers on here at the moment, and it's not the left of centre brigade I can tell you that. Really you tory voters should really go back and read this in 12 months when the dust has settled.
  14. I really don't think it would be that leftwing, as I posted somewhere yesterday. I personally think it will bring politics to the centre away from the wild left to right swings of Labour and the Conservatives.
  15. TopGun are you going to let Gary know that we vote for parties not individuals....... Or shall we let him fester is his strange little world :-)
  16. I must admit regardless of the rights and wrong, it strike me the right don't want PR as they'll probably struggle to gain power again. The Lib Dems and Labour are far more "aligned" then the Tories and LibDems.
  17. This weak government **** really doesn't work does it. Are the Germans a weak country/economy? I think the answer is a resounding no and they use a version of PR. Aside from the current whole we're in, IMO a PR based government would take out the wild swings from left to right in policy that we have. Parties would need to agree on things, so we won't have massive overspending (lab) or swinging cuts (con), there would be a status quo. In regards to the far right and left getting a voice, that's an unfortunate potential effect of PR. Biggest concern for me would be UKIP though! That asides where did you get that 12 seats from DD? Wouldn't that be entirely dependent on what system of PR we used?
  18. I'm hoping they go up personally. Sorry Northern and Leeds Saints!
  19. Bloody fantastic, what a result all round.
  20. The map is always very blue even in 2005 with a Labour majority due to the physical size of the conservative seats bearing in mind alot of them are rural. If you select the proportional view on the BBC website it gives a fairer reflection.
  21. Milliband is certainly an option I would go for.
  22. My faith in humanity and the intelligence of the normal voters in Barking has risen substantially. They didn't fall for the BS being spun. Lets hope some of this rubs off next time they have council elections (assuming they never had some yesterday).
  23. I think you're Barking up the wrong tree (sorry I'll get my coat). I echo soppyoldsod's comments.
  24. Not only is he one of those, but he trails in a miserable third....
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