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Everything posted by GenevaSaint
There's a big difference between interment camps in UK post war and those in Germany/Poland Dune and you know it. Yes thousands of people were kept in the UK post war, I think the last were freed about '49/50. They were used a free labour to help rebuild Britain. I've never seen any evidence that we were performing mass murder to provide "the final solution". I've yet to see a Belsen type establishment outside Southampton, London, Leeds or Manchester.
It's not politically correct Stanley, it's compassion. Look it up in the dictionary one day. You are a typical biggoted, non compassioniate, homophobic, anti European, Xenophobic, I'm alright Jack **** the rest of the world old style Tory. Guess what, the party has moved on and come to the centre. Hard Luck. That's why they're increasing the international aid not cutting it! Re Diane Abbott, I wonder if your dislike of the woman is based on other characteristics apart from her being "thick". Colour of skin perhaps? I bet Ellen Semple and the other environmental determinists are your heroes. Fortunately for the world and the Geographic community we've moved on and it's no longer considered viable.
Away fan move is not happening anymore, was in the news a week or two ago.
You really are a cretin of the highest order. BTW, your Tory government are increasing international aid not dropping it.
Although I'm not happy with the outcome here as the club were insolvent, it could be a good move by the revenue. What a great incentive for clubs to live within their means and force the directors to not be stupid. If you go into administration catastrophically as pompey did, we'll investigate and come after you as directors if appropriate. You obviously weren't running the club solvently or as you should given the probably hundreds of laws about that. The -10 isn't a great problem for some clubs, so what about personal liability for debts.
Fantastic result for them, I just hope they don't go mad and live the dream. Take this as a major stepping stone to financial stability and the potential to be a yoyo club until their fanbase expands.
I agree to a point TDD, but I've just read that the ConDems are going to freeze council tax for two years. That's a travesty given the central funding cuts probably already on the way.
Switzerland would by my choice. Geneva, Lausanne, Basel, Zurich. Lovely. Meet up with some mates in Geneva, Saints vs Servette as a warm up then Lausanne Sports before meeting FC Basel and Grasshoppers or FC Zurich. Or maybe Nyon as well, lovely town and home of UEFA.
If we lost the financial sector from London it would be a disaster for the UK economy. If the new government goes ahead unilaterally with a transaction tax I'd be very afraid for the financial services sector and the UK economy as a whole. For every 1 financial services job in London how many tertiary jobs would be lost? Added to that lost taxes, NI. We all moan about the bankers bonuses, which to be fair are obscene, but the bonus tax bought in 2bn of taxes. And when these guys get the money everything they pay for gets taxed through VAT, Insurance Tax for the new Porsche, Stamp Duty etc.
But with their 5 year fixed term and the move to try and get the vote of no confidence % raised to 55% no one could trigger another election apart from the tories. All opposition parties together including lib dems only command 53%. So the tories could drop the lib dems and trigger an election by voting against themselves, but the lib dems and opposition are stuck.
Dune what that says to me is that weeks ago the Tories were planning for failure. One other issue, being a good politician and a good chancellor are two different things. :-)
Once it's up TDD it's never coming back down I'm afraid.
Interesting fact on Radio4 recently (before the election), manufacturing in the UK has GROWN since 1997. With a baseline of 100% in 1997 it was actually running at 124% before the recession, it's now down to 107%. Figures were from the bloke who does more or less so I think we can rely on them, although my recollection of the specifics may be slightly out.
Not any more the £ fell against the $ and the €. Funny thing is, we're all worried about the city and the traders and what they think, but they caused the financial meltdown in the first place. Six months ago the bankers and traders were the biggest villains since Atilla the Hun.
I'm not a grass roots liberal, but I wouldn't be happy if I were. I've just looked through the "agreement", if we don't agree with a policy we can abstain. Wow. One stand out issue was the tuition fee policy.
mmmmm, now which party introduced the fuel escalator........
+1 Mind you to be fair, I couldn't really give a flying **** what Clarkson thinks. Sums up the target audience quite nicely.
Well according to the Dave & Nick show the global meltdown and banking crisis was Labour's issue. Talk about rewriting history.
The editor of the Spectator magazine, Fraser Nelson, tweets: Bookies say still 50-50 chance of second election this year. Cameron should hope for five years, prepare for five months Should give ordinary Dave Milliband enough time to bring back some disillusioned LD voters back to the centre left.