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Everything posted by GenevaSaint

  1. Just heard on the radio that for London posters there's a big screen at Alexandra Palace. £6.50 for a ticket but you get a beer in with that. Heard it on Absolute radio.
  2. He does yes, sucks really though. Like I say, populist slagging off for political purposes. I know alot of Americans, most are assholes, very few that are reasonable. They really ought to try and look at things a bit more objectively. I can see my FB status now, British Petroleum 2 USA 0. LOL
  3. I agree Andy... Democrat on radio last night, BP and their leadership have been irresponsible. He repeated that several times. How have they been irresponsible?? Jerk. It's in their best interests to stop this leak ASAP FFS!
  4. It's no longer British Petroleum, I *believe*that BP is the official name. I'm not sure it's anti British TDD, just plain old political ******. Obama has gone way down in my estimations on this one along with his democrate senators. "I'll keep the boot on the throat of BP until they pay up every dime" WTF. They've never said they wouldn't pay. If you live by the sword die by it. The US allowed this deep water drilling due to their thirst for oil. You can't have it both ways, there will always be accidents, this was only a matter of time really. In regards to BP stopping paying their dividends, I'm not sure how they could do that through legal recourse. One could say to Obama, ensure that banks don't pay dividends as we're still cleaning up that mess!
  5. She actually went to Cambridge!
  6. Is she dead yet?
  7. She's 13, she used to speak fairly fluently (French that is) when we lived in Geneva, just wanted to help her along. She's taking her GCSE next year so any help is useful. In regards to the other replies, this isn't the muppet show! It was a serious question :-)
  8. Anyone out there ever done a French exchange program, or exchange program in general? Not bothered if it's "paid" or not, would like to know of any good companies/organisations offering these services! If not paid would be a true exchange with my daughter going out to France to improve her French.
  9. Heard Simpson on Radio4 today, personally he sounded like a beaten man. 80% of long haul and 60% of short haul flights out of Heathrow went yesterday. Not sure exactly how BA are getting these numbers, but I wonder what the take up is within the unions for the actual strike. 4 * 5 days strikes must be hitting the workers hard in the pocket.
  10. You don't mind sharing that champagne do you VFTT :-) State funeral when she dies I believe, hopefully we'll get it out of the way soon. If there's a public holiday (god forbid) I'll be going to work.
  11. Not retarded at all, I agree with you in principle, they're just not going to change anything this season so why carry on bleating about it? They may change it next year, who knows.
  12. Some figures say 10%, the club say 10% no? 1300 is the figure I've seen on here. Nothings gonna change (this season) so please move along, nothing to see here.
  13. Bit like the Saints fans who've been bought kicking and screaming into reality about our funding? You sir are an arse of the highest order. Another i'm alright jack Dune moment.
  14. What goes around comes around for the man who loves the ConDems. ;-) I'm allright jack is ok if it suits you eh Dune? FWIW I believe the booking fee is a stitch up, but it also happens in other areas of the "entertainment" industry. Not that any of that has anything to do with corporate hospitality!
  15. I thought the same thing myself but couldn't really be arsed to post it. If we are doing well the club would be quids in.....
  16. The box to box midfielder that Pards said he's looking for?
  17. If he was out of the tournament full stop I'd draft Dawon in but play Carragher.
  18. I thought you were the intelligent one in the family stick.
  19. I'll have to add any of the ****s from the home team who tormented Arizona and I in the first half of the forum match.
  20. What do you care Dune, you hate Europe anyway!
  21. Freddy Adu signs - STs released....... ;-)
  22. I was sure there was something on the O/S or in Cortese's statement that confirmed this? Anyway, lets have a conspiracy theory rather than a plausible one. We're going to sign a big name player and there'll be a rush in ST sales as they're released the next day.
  23. Anyway Dune we missed you at the forum match last night, would have been good to see you. I thought you were coming to see Robsk as he's a ginger ****. I'm guessing your vertically challenged with an inferiority complex living in some sort of social housing.
  24. Well you hadn't given any time period or area of the world now had you. Since '45 is quite a long time span and I'd assumed you were talking about post war. In regards to your post above, I'm sure you would find that activity in Kenya totally acceptable. Gotta keep those uneducated beasts in line eh?
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