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Everything posted by GenevaSaint

  1. Maybe a 32 team tournament is just too big?
  2. I'm sorry, I really don't buy this **** that the ball is the difference, the football is poor as the teams are playing defensively. There are high and wide shots I agree, but what about actually trying to pass your way to a goal. If you're shooting from 30 yards it's unlikely you're going to score.....
  3. Well, HT 0-0. DPRK have done bloody well, well organised, focused, breaking quickly where possible. #9 does look quite tasty. That's a result for them already. 105th in the world rankings!
  4. Wrong + Wrong = Right? Please, those were heinous acts on that day The IRA, INLA, UVF all carried out acts of violence that were awful, it's not one way traffic. Oh and btw, the unionists are also walking free.
  5. Yeh I know, but he didn't shoot any British Soldiers though did he. He *may* have, but he didn't actually do anything did he. Read the report TDD, innocent victims shot, one was shot while laying mortally wounded, one was on his hands and knees crawling away. Then there are the lies about the petrol bombs, no one has every found evidence there were any, plus the we were shot at first lies. No evidence of either fact that the soldiers put forward in their defence. I know you're in the armed forces, but please, don't try to justify this atrocious act, dare I say it crime.
  6. We'll have Dune on here in a moment trying to justify the actions of these soldiers. Lets not forget they lied through their teeth.
  7. But he didn't though did he (McGuiness), that's the point surely.
  8. In fairness Thorpe, Blair did set the enquiry running.
  9. I'm not saying I have all the ideas or answers FMPR, AA just doesn't seem to be taking the situation as seriously as he could do. Unless we had access to every piece of information it's hard to say, but I'm erring on the side that he's a dreamer. 85 redundancies out of a staff of how many? There was one point where the club had 550 ish employees, saw that is an annual report at somepoint. I realise that probably includes EVERYONE, stewards etc, but 550! Then there are the loans, how much were they costing? In times of financial constraint, contract workers are the first to go in every organisation I know of, why not PFC? Are the loan contracts so poorly written that it would cost Pompey money to send the players back? And then you're actually signing more players on loan during the course of the season when you're financially fecked. AA was giving it the billy big balls, we're not selling our prizes assets during the cup run, blah blah. Even if PFC had won the FA Cup how much money would they have made in the long term? What would the win bonuses have been, bearing in mind Storrie probably wrote the contract! Winning may have actually been quite a costly experience. Like I say, not all the answers (in fact none!), without all the facts it's hard to tell 100%. I'd hazard a guess that there were other cuts that could and should have been made. And as NickH says, planning a US tour, doesn't sound like a club taking the administration that seriously.
  10. No Bridgey, one of those is useful.
  11. Although a catastrophy for the environment now, there might be some good to come out of this..... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/us_and_canada/10307782.stm Mr Obama said the disaster would have a lasting impact on US environmental policy. "In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11, I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come," he said in the Politico interview. Mr Obama vowed to "move forward in a bold way in a direction that finally gives us the kind of future-oriented… visionary energy policy that we so vitally need and has been absent for so long". "One of the biggest leadership challenges for me going forward is going to be to make sure that we draw the right lessons from this disaster," he said. Mr Obama said he could not predict whether the nation would make a complete transition from an oil-based economy within his lifetime, but added that "now is the time for us to start making that transition and investing in a new way of doing business when it comes to energy". "I have no idea what new energy sources are going to be available, what technologies might drive down the price of renewable energies," he said. "What we can predict is that the availability of fossil fuel is going to be diminishing; that it's going to get more expensive to recover; that there are going to be environmental costs that our children… our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren are going to have to bear
  12. 13 players out of contract, is that it. I'm with Steve, looking at it logically without pompey or saints tinted glasses on, that's really not good enough is it. A company in administration, 130m in debt, must try harder, seriously.
  13. Have you forgotten his mistake!
  14. The shell garage at the top of the Portswood bypass had unleaded for 116.9 yesterday
  15. on a lighter note, re Green last night That's one British spill the yanks won't be moaning about.....
  16. Was concerned with that as well, there was really only circumstantial evidence. No DNA or murder weapon. I bet we'll see an appeal pretty soon.
  17. Ah, no it's not. They may be HQ'd in London, but they as much British as I'm Aussie. 42% of the company is owned by American shareholders. Same as Cadbury wasn't really a British company when sold, over 56% of the staff were based abroad and more than half of their products were made abroad. It's just somewhere to pay taxes.
  18. George, the American can do attitude is not what I see in my company. Every guy I know who gets expat'd out to the US succedes because their us counterparts are so useless/incompetent. If that's what being British does for you then great, give me some more. Being American is shouting the odds, shouting people down like the big O and some of the other idiotic senators I've heard on the radio and seen on TV have been doing. While I agree that BP have not handled the situation particularly well (understatement of the century) , isn't the most important thing to get the well capped off. Blame game should come afterwards. While the problem is ongoing you don't do a root cause analysis. We may well find that the company who BP had running the well are truely to blame? But repurcussions some come afterwards.
  19. BP plc (formerly British Petroleum). To be fair, they're such a massive organisation the British part doesn't really ring true, hence the name change in 2001. British Petroleum merged with Amoco (formerly Standard Oil of Indiana) in December 1998,[29] becoming BP Amoco plc.[30] In 2000, BP Amoco acquired Arco (Atlantic Richfield Co.)[31] and Burmah Castrol plc.[32] In 2001 the company formally renamed itself as BP plc[30] and adopted the tagline "Beyond Petroleum," which remains in use today. It states that BP was never meant to be an abbreviation of its tagline
  20. But all of the money will be in a ring fenced account, AA says so, honest guv ;-)
  21. Bastards still haven't paid for a full clean up yet. Oh and don't get started on Agent Orange still causing birth defects 30-40 years later.
  22. Written by a Republican no doubt, but if some of those are true it's fairly shocking. Capping a well @ 5000ft below see level is slightly different to those at ground level though!
  23. while we're on the subject of American hypocrisy re oil spills, when are they going to force Israel to comply with resolution 446? A resolution passed on majority. If they're still pushing Iran to comply with requirements about their nuclear program, surely resolution 446 also needs a little push. Oh no, that's right, they don't want to provide problems for their friends who incidently may have nuclear weapons provided no doubt with help from the US. And, yes, I do agree with Iran would be a nightmare with nuclear weapons, and no I don't believe their programme is for civil purposes only.
  24. But I'm sure the politicians would be a bit more restrained.
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