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wessex saint

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Everything posted by wessex saint

  1. Wow! Well I was one of the few who stayed until the end. It’s a 3 hour round trip so seems a bit daft to leave at halftime ( although that’s what I wanted to do) Good News first... I guessed the starting XI perfectly so won the sweepstake. The bad news.. well where do I start? MP was renowned for getting the odd result in Spain away against the big boys I.e. how we nearly did v Man City. When it comes to attacking football he’s absolutely clueless. The football at St Mary’s this season has been dreadful. 2. I correctly guessed the starting XI but it’s not the one I would have played. Hojberg and gabiadinni would have been in there for sure. Leicester have two of the slowest immobile central defenders in the league. Needed to give them a challenge that involved a bit more pace than Austin. 3. VVD Bertrand et al will no doubt look great on Saturday... it’ll be backs to the wall against a top side so they’ll make an effort ( we,ll still lose narrowly) 4. Home support is abysmal. I’ve never known such apathy in saints fans before. And I’ve been going since 1980. 5. When we got relegated before we didn’t have a very good squad. Player for player we do have a decent team now... it’s just we’re not seeing the best of them due to complete tactical ineptness. Unless there’s a change I predict relegation. There’s an underlying bad vibe in the club right now and I can’t see how it’s gonna change. I also predict VVD and Bertrand off in January, and if gabby’s got any sense he’ll go back to Italy and find a team that like quality attackers playing for them. Sorry. Rant over [emoji6] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Looked good for 15 mind and then back to the generally dithering negative football we’ve had all season. Either Davis or jwp off for lemina please. Oh.. and should be 2 down. Absolutely got away with one there with the penalty shout Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Absolute turd. Yet again. I’ve been an ST holder for a few years but right now I’m thinking of giving it up. We are SO boring to watch. It’s like Tony pulls has taken over Utter utter ****e Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Saints are utter turd. Unbelievable. Take our only threatening player off for redmond. This manager has literally no clue Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. I feel so sorry for gabbi Absolutely no service yet again as we defend our 18 yard box. Some passion and intensity is needed big time. Tepid,tiresome performance so far. Christ.... we are really boring aren’t we? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Cracking performance again. The boy is absolute top draw. Can anyone tell me the words to the song about him? Couldn't make them out yesterday. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. On my way back from simply the worst performance in a long time. Is Forster unlucky that every single shot on target is a worldly or is he just ****? Tactically clueless against an average side. Our coaches have taken decent players and coached the talent out of them. Dreadful. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. The lad has been in a sulk for a good few months. Looked completely apathetic from march onwards. I'd drop him and give McQueen a go for a couple of games. He might not be as good as Bertrand but he'll die trying. Come September and he's still here he also might realise he needs to try his ass off if he wants a move in Jan/ next summer. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Cheers angelman. Off on my jollies shortly and will be away for palace away plus some cricket. I'll load up a couple and see what happens! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Ip not in obvs! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Another question for those more tech savvy than me. I've downloaded opera and using as vpn. When I go abroad will it let me use sky go/ iPlayer etc? When I look at the regions I can use, none are the uk. Therefore these services would still be blocked as they don't work with anywhere that doesn't recognise a U.K. In address? I think? Help! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Boufal has just started following him on instagram too. If that counts or anything! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. The issues that I (and others) have is obviously the lack of entertainment in the League we have generally had a St Mary's this season. I think after 16 home games, we have managed 17 goals in total. I will renew again next season- but I'm praying for a bit more excitement
  14. Oh.. and if puel has any ****** then he'll start boufal again against hull. Would be good to see what's he's capable of when up against a weak team... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. In short.. beaten by a more physical, and cynical team. Hazard and costa are world class. Boufal... what an enigma. Directly at fault for just jogging about when they scored from a short corner, but showed glimpses of what he can do At least we tried to take the game to them.. they were just better.
  16. So... guess I'm on my own with this one. Will go back to worrying about how many players we'll lose this summer instead. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Wasn't meant to come across like that. When it comes to supporters, virgin have chucked more at away fans than us, and I don't think that's right; but was interested if anyone felt the same. Clearly not judging from the thread so I'll get back in my box Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. [emoji3][emoji3] I am a tight bar steward and take 30 quid off whoever comes. Helps make up the financial difference and means there's a die hard saints fan in the seat rather than an empty one. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. He's the best cb I've seen for decades. No way will he go to Everton if he's got any ambition He'd walk into any team in the world... surely he'll go to a champions league club? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Greedy?? What do you mean? I somehow find 1200 quid for a couple of st tickets every year. Idiot. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. ???? I pay full price for 2 season tickets. About 1200 quid for me and my son. He's under 18 but I've bought an adult ticket so that the odd game he can't go I can take a mate. I don't want a free shirt. Just a bit naffed off that I'm paying more for my ticket than every away fan. Judging by the thread and the ridiculous sarcasm though it appears I'm on my own! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. Apologies. I forgot about the europa league subsidy. I took advantage of that and only paid 16 quid a ticket. The other subsidies on tickets all relate to pre season stuff.. to be honest, being a st holder who lives 50 miles away, a fiver off a friendly v athletico Bilbao doesn't really float my boat. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. They've 'thrown money at the club' as you say, but it doesnt sit right with me that they then spend more money on wooing away fans rather than giving saints fans some type of incentive. In a sky subscriber... they've done nothing that encourages me to sign up for virgin instead. And btw.. I don't begrudge £30 per game. Just wanna see our major sponsor to do something for US Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. To the OP, ignore the sarcastic tossers. You're right. I sit in the kingsland north and join in with whatever songs come my way but the atmosphere has taken a real downturn over this season. I think it's mainly driven by the lack of half decent football during the season, but more importantly about NOT having many intense periods of attacking. Fans need something to grab hold of... we're no different to anfield in that respect. The atmosphere in league 1 was better.... but this season has been nutty. Inter at home was one of the best ones ever, as was Wembley, but the normal games st SMS have been woeful. Don't know what the answer is... we had 30k fans [emoji445] their hearts out at Wembley.. why they don't do it at SMS is a mystery. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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