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wessex saint

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Everything posted by wessex saint

  1. Yes. The manager IS the problem. Lemina... part of a champions league winning team Cedric.. Euro 2016 winner Etc etc. We have some decent footballers at saints. Unfortunately they are not allowed to express themselves. I’ll give you an example. Do you remember 3 seasons ago when we scored goals for fun?bertie used to overlap a dozen times during a game. Today he did it twice. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. I swear I’m jinxed. Missed 2 games at home last season. Everton... I was away for a friends birthday and then Bournemouth as I was in Marbella. Therefore the last time I saw saints win was about a year ago when boufal scored that stunner against wba. The good news is I can’t go next week as I’m working. Therefore nailed on 3 Pts v the toon Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Spot on. We’re really good at coaching creativity and forward thinking football out of our players. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. I’ve stopped thinking we’ll score and looking for the positives eg a clever/ creative/ visionary pass. Not seen one yet today. Sunday morning cloggers so far Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Today is poignant. I think we can definitely say that Hughes has now got the team playing the way he wants them to. I.e. disciplined 4 4 2 and hoof it up front to the cart horse Austin. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Bertrand adding a sly one to the total. Expect him to reach a suspension for Christmas. Sweet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Now that is a bloomin random starting XI!, Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Just because I’m realistic about our squad and manager it doesn’t mean I’m less of a ‘fan’. I won’t bore you with tales of decades of season tickets and sing my heart out at every game no matter what. Except I just did [emoji106] I so hope I’m proved wrong today but having only seen 1 win in about a year at home, it’s not surprising that some ‘fans’ are not particularly optimistic come kick off. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. I’d happily take a draw right now. The odd point away against the weaker teams and the odd win against bottom half teams is about as much as we can hope for. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Yet again the tactical genius Hughes proves his worth. 3 different formations in the 1st hour. Zonal marking which has led to more goals conceded than anyone else. I wish someone would take his 1987 coaching manual that he got free with match magazine off him Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I’ll take a 2 nil loss and be happy to escape without too much of a dent to our confidence. Toon at home is the more important game... if we’re going to avoid relegation then this is you classic 6 pointer. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Well I was wrong. I predicted they would boss it 1st half but they didn't. However, the result was predicted... the only silver lining is a few quid in my pocket. I stand by what I said pre match. I would be quite happy to go down - we could then have a proper clear out which includes Reed, and maybe find a young, thirsty, energetic, forward thinking manager who believes in attacking and scoring. And yes, we had 6 shots on target but not a single one genuinely troubled their keeper. The current set up is sterile, tired and out of ideas. Over the 39 years I've been watching games I've never felt so disullusioned with the club. And I' debated whether to renew my ST in the summer and I did - I'm regretting that right now because I know I've got a 2hr drive every home game to watch that shower of shiiite for the rest of the season.
  13. For mark Hughes read mike Bassett. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I didn’t say I wanted to come back up. Starting the season praying for 36 ish points just to stay up is boring. In an ideal world I’d rather flirt with the top 4 in the championship for a few seasons and watch some entertaining football and see some goals. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Time for a bit of honesty. Wolves are riding a wave right now ( just like we did when we first came up ) and I’ll happily take a 1 or 2 nil loss. They’re better than us. If we win enough home games and occasionally grab a point away we might finish outside the bottom 3. Personally I’d rather go down and rebuild and enjoy the odd win rather than endure this premier league wackfest anymore. Anyway... 4231 Inns Rm. me. Gabby Rom. Hoj Bertie. Yoshi. Best. Cedric Gunn Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Ha ha! You got it completely wrong for the last decade before that though didn't you? Should we look at you as some sort of shamen because your boring prediction of 17th eventually came true? Oh.. and who are the teams that will finish below us? I'll stick some cash on it.
  17. JWP is an enigma. In that I like him but I don’t think he’s got enough in his locker. I don’t think he offers enough during open play to warrant a starting berth. No pace, no strength, no tricks to beat an opponent, and generally plays the safe sideways ball. When he did try to play something creative yesterday in open play, it was either under or over hit. And yes... I know he hits a mean dead ball but I just don’t think that’s enough. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Richarlison was their only new signing who played yesterday. And they cut through us like a knife through butter. We don’t really know what the likes of Fulham will be like this season.. lots of players signed neardeadline day and not yet integrated into their first XI. By October we’ll understand what they’ve got. And wolves have been excellent so far. They were incredibly unlucky yesterday... I don’t think they’ll be one of our relegation rivals. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Ahhh. Frustrating. I’m taking a deep breath and reminding myself we’re only 2 games in so give them some time. However, there’s a couple of things that do scare me. 1. We have 5 centre backs... in my opinion they range from best to worst in this order... yoshi, vestergaard, bednarek, stephens, hoedt. Is yoshida off? Surely he’s match fit since his return? Every other player at the World Cup are back and playing. I can only assume he’s lining up a move away. And bednarek isn’t featuring at all. I appreciate Hughes knows more than I do but I am completely flummoxed by his choice of centre backs. 2. Formation... Hughes has played 3 at the back pretty much since he joined us, including pre season. But after getting our asses kicked for an hour last week he changed it. Then yesterday he started with a 4 4 2 ( or something similar). Then made some random and desperate subs which handed the onus back to Everton. I’m just worried that he doesn’t know what team and what tactics he wants to impose on the team. It’s all been reactionary so far. Oh... and the 3rd thing. Don’t start with Charlie frickin Austin!! I’d love him to do the business for us but sadly he’s just not good enough for this level. Play Ings and gabbi... the 2 most intelligent forwards by a country mile. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. In Kingsland north, they didn’t open the small bottle bar ( which has been open the last few seasons). It meant therefore everyone queuing at the same outlet whether buying a bottle of lager or kids buying a chocolate bar. Queue was so long it was a struggle to actually get down the steps into the concourse proper. A fair amount of pushing and pulling going on by people trying to navigate to the toilets etc. Pi## poor management from people supposedly operating a service, and will cost them profit for sure. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Not a lot of love for Romeu then! 3 yrs ago he was pretty much our best midfielder. Been poorly managed since then. Anyway.. if everyone was on top of their game I would start with this ( given Hughes likes 3 at the back) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. Yep I’d agree Need to understand what attacking options we have I.e. can he play the target man role? To be fair he looked quite quick on weds night so would be good to see exactly what he can offer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Oh, and apologies. Stuart Armstrong looked promising last night,; sprints into space in front of him with the ball- not seen that since ...erm.. lallana maybe? If the Northam mongs can get the Celtic Armstrong song going I’ll be stunned! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Apologies... haven’t seen this elsewhere so thought I’d start it. Soooo, Weds night. Yoshi, Cedric, lemina, redmond not involved. Started with maybe 7 of Hughes’s favoured starting XI. I would like to think that the starting XI on Saturday will be much closer to his idea of our best first XI. Possibly still without yoshi as he’s just come back. In other news, BVM are bringing 800 so it may feel like a real football match rather than a training game My suggestions: Don’t sell targett... he looked decent on weds. Gabbi is key, he looked really bright v celta vigo... just play a system that gets the best out of him. Flog Forster.. even if it’s at a loss. Hs obviously not required so get him off the wage book. Umm.. and that’s it. Hopefully a few more saints fans will be there Saturday than last night! Cheers Nick Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Christ... the babyish comments on here! 1. Cedric went down in injury time for over a minute... the ref was right to play the amount of injury time he did. There is no conspiracy. 2. Yoshi was bloody unlucky. Genuinely going for the ball but got there a split second late. Was a yellow card all day long. 3. Bertie... was desperately trying to stop a throw in level with the 18 yard box but didn’t wrap his foot around it as he wanted to. It’s heart breaking to concede that late in a game but it’s no one else’s fault, and there’s no conspiracy. If we go down, it’ll be nothing to do with fortune over the last few games, it’s because we were absolute dog **** under Pellegrino. Get over it and sing your hearts out over the last 2 games. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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