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wessex saint

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Everything posted by wessex saint

  1. 17.5k for Tranmere is v.poor. Given current form you would expect gates to be soaring.. or at least going up very slowly Will be disappointed if we don't get 22/23k tomorrow
  2. I'm chuffed to bits with how our season's going but I do worry about our defence. Yesterday we looked very fragile - every time Northampton got in the last third it felt like it took last ditch defending to stop them from scoring! Don't think the centre back pairing has been solved yet - Murty looked great and Harding not bad but through the middle we look vulnerable. If we buy in Jan that's the first position I would look to strengthen
  3. Having watched yesterday and also Brighton game i'm not so convinced we should be so desperate to hold onto him. Makes basic errors i.e trying to head the ball back to Davies but just putting their striker in. Also his distribution is very poor. I reckon we can do better - tbh would rather see Thomas starting. Also Harding (although committed)_ is too slow - keeps getting skinned by one-two's. It seems once the oppo have sussed his lack of pace they look to get in behind him as often as possible. Good news is Murty is back - think he will make our right side a lot more solid. As has been said elsewhere, we have the quality going forward to score lots of goals - the problem is a shaky defence
  4. saintschris23 - could you give me the new lyrics for 'Oh When the Saints' please? Also we can't sing "we're by far the greatest time LEAGUE ONE has ever seen" when we're 3 rd from bottom. ...maybe "we're by far the greatest team that Southampton (and surrounding district) has seen for about 2 years" Not very catchy I grant you but I'm sure you can make it work
  5. This is probably the funniest thing I've read on here for a while - hilarious! For a moment i thought it was a serious post. Oh .. and do you mind not singing Oh when the saints go marching in because we don't really march and we certainly don't march in All factually incorrect. Rant over .
  6. Many thanks for suggestions chaps. Looks like prob Bedford Place this time.See you in there
  7. Am going tomorrow and for various reasons will pull into train station about 12 noon with kids in tow. Looking for a kid friendly boozer between the station and SMS that does half decent food and the adults can sup a few shandies. Any ideas?
  8. I'm going as Rupert the bear cos that way everyone will know my name
  9. I'm there - train in a couple of hrs and praying the rain passes through Southampton before 2pm! Let the all dayer.. I mean one dayer... begin
  10. wessex saint


    For me it was the early - mid 80's. SPurs at home - about 83? - with running battles all the way down Hill Lane to the station. Millwall in the Cup lighting fires on the terraces on the Archers. Chelsea smashing up the city centre in aboout 84 and everything else between the station and the Dell. I came out of the family centre with my old man to be met with hundreds of Chelsea using fence posts as javelins. **** scary. Upton Park late eighties/early nineties. Late to the ground due to police trying to protect us on the walk from the tube to the ground and seeing a Saints fan stabbed as he was just about to get in. Used to go to games with me dad in the car and fly my Saints scarf out of the window.Played Villa at home on a midweek game. . . Villa fans followed us back on the A36 and at the 1st roundabout in Salisbury they sped ahead of us and blocked us off, then got out their car and ran towards ours trying to bash the windows in with a baseball bat. In the car was me (about 12) my brother (about and my dad. Although I love watching Saints I've always **** meself a bit after seeing all that as a kid. Nostalgic? Not me. All of the above I witnessed 1st hand before I was 15. Make sme think twice every time I get a ticket for my boy.
  11. cheers - may have to look at alternatives then as last train leaves at 22mins past 10! Thanksfor info
  12. Guys - have got tickets for the one day/nighter on 9th September. Anyone know (assuming no rain delays!!) what time it's likely to finish? Just trying to sort train times etc so no-one has to drive and can go on the pop all day
  13. Ye anyone whoah but is he right because he's a man whose ITK and knowledgable or because he loves throwing **** around? Like 99.9% of posters on here I just wanna see saints survive. Read back through GM's posts - nothing but glee about seeing it all **** up. Don't really understand why. Oh and BTW when you say GM sometimes gets it right just remember that he may turn out to be right about the Pinnacle thing but he was also a Lowe advocate. Without Lowe's untimely exit and putting us into admin we would never have been in this position
  14. Mole -I'm with you. GM has been nothing but negative since day 1 of the pinnacle bid. You have to ask why? Every other true Saints fan was made up by the fact that someone wanted to buy our ****ty club and what's more- they would involve MLT and possibly KK. I've been on the message board reading his vitriol and pessimism for the last 4 weeks and cannot get a grip on why. If the Pinnacle bid fails then so be it - maybe the Swiss will buy us - maybe they won't. personally i'll be gutted if Pinnacle bid fails cos it was sold as a dream ticket and I bought one. GM - I feel sorry for you. You're either a permanent wind up merchant or a complete pessimist. either way I would imagine you're quite lonely - possibly bullied at school? I hope you'll be very happy if/when various takeover bids fail and we end up in the Blue Square Premier. At least you'll have been proved right. well done.
  15. GM - I don't really understand why you post on here. You're obviously not a Saints fan as the majority of your posts are provocative if not bloody minded to most Saints fans. Were you bullied at school? Is that the reason for your attention seeking stance on pretty much every topic I've seen you comment on? I rarely post but Christ you know how to wind people up
  16. To think 24 hrs ago I was in 7th heaven with a dream ticket of MLT as chairman, KK as manager, and an owner worth several hundred million. 10 point penalty or not Tony, please make this happen as I think the alternatives to the Pinnacle bid failing would leave us in a very poor position in comparison. I was 7yrs old when KK signed for Saints - went to my 1st game a couple of momnths later when we beat Boro 4-0 last game of the season. Following season me and me dad had season tickets in the Family Centre and saw every game KK played for Saints. Still had them when MLT started playing. For me they are the 2 footballers who were my idols as a kid - the idea of them joining forces to lift us out of the ****e we are now in has me wetting myself!! Before you all shoot me down - yes - I am a romantic who just wants to see something incredibly positive happen to our club. Would be the first time it has for many a year (aside from Lowe doing one). And yes - I'm writing this at 6.30am cos I can't sleep due to feeling sick over this whole thing. 10 point penalty or not I reckon we'd nearly fill SMS every wk if we had the 'dream ticket' at the helm. Bugger - not writing coherently due to sleep deprivation cos I'm so goddam worried about my club:)
  17. I hardly ever post - normally just read, but 19C: do you really think the stuff you write or are you just on a total wind up every day? You sir,are a complete arse.
  18. Apologies - I used to stand in Northam myself FFs. Just frustrated at the attitude of some which has put my son off coming to SMS. Sure I'll talk him round - just would be nice to live in a world where Saints fans got on rather than the 'I'm a better fan than you' ******** that so many Saints fans are obsessed with.
  19. I sat in the Kingsland with my boy. I made the mistake of going for a pee after Charlton had scored their third. I had dozens of people screaming at me 'W****rs'. I came back to watch the rest of the game with my son who was actually a bit frightened and wanted to go home. FFS - what makes all you chavs in the Northam act like you share one brain cell??? If some fans did leave after 70 mins so what?? They paid for their ticket and have a right to do whatever they want. Saints actually need these fans to turn up every week to boost the gate and hence revenue. Your actions today probably alienated a good few fans. We've obviously got a long long way to go before the fan base is united. Please please do a little bit of growing up and realise that not every Saints fan HAS to think the same way as you do. And yes - before you ask ,I've been going to Saints for 28 yrs. I've never seen such juvenile vitriol aimed at fellow Saints fans. Really sad.
  20. It was in a room of over 50 people with a local journalist also present taking pictures.. don't be such a jobsworth. Yes Malibu and coke still the drink of choice. He was unbelievably down to earth and had some great stories - the ones he told me afterwards were more confidential and that's why there not posted on here. Suffice to say he's chuffed Lowe has gone.
  21. Went for a meal tonight where Matty was the after dinner speaker. I tried to grill him. He told me and others the following: 1. Wupert is the most egotistical arsehole he has ever met 2. He is now up for being much more involved with Saints now Lowe has gone 3. he has no money - don't ask him to bail us out! 4. He never reads these forums. 5. He will do anything he possibly can to get us out of our situation but as yet no-one has approached him with a proper suggestion 6. On the way to dinner tonight he had a phone call with the administrators and he's meeting with them on Monday to see what he can bring to the party. 7. I asked him to take a sickie from SKY tomorrow and come to SMS but he's missed the last 4 weeks due to his missus being up the duff and therefore he has to go to work - he needs the money. 8.He told me Ken Monkou was gay 9.Again (especially for 19Canteen) he had admiration for all those Saints fans who have stayed away since Lowe's re-involvement. In his words " the guy is a complete **** who knows nothing about football - now he's gone I'll probably do a lot more for the club" 10.He scoffed his food like there's no tomorrow - mmm he loves food. My god - the guy is a god - he loves Saints nearly as much as me He told me a lot more detail about lowe but too much to go into here. PM me if you really need to know more. . . "the duck shooting rugby loving tosser". Not my words.
  22. I am at a dinner tonight where he is the after dinner speaker. Anything people want me to ask him?
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