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wessex saint

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  1. We are SO devoid of any creativity Ralph makes them run around like lunatics in the 1st half... then we’re knackered. If we’re not 3 nil up at halftime then we’ll lose appalling Sunday league tactics. Awful.
  2. Agreed, but can you tell me when he played a defence splitting pass before Romeu got injured. I can’t remember one. He doesn’t offer anything in open play. he takes the David beckham type position. beckham used to drill an 80 yard pass cross field to a winger in space JWP pings a 5yard sideways pass to a CB overrated
  3. 9? Vestergaard, Romeu, Djenopo. Anyone else ?
  4. Disagree. JWP. Is fabulous at set pieces and work rate but I can’t remember the last time he playedan incisive, creative, forward pass b he plays the stats and he’s boring.
  5. Can someone please tell Stephens he’s not beckenbauer. He keeps getting caught in possession and pings 40 yard passes straight to Arsenal. And the dream move for Walcott is slowly losing momentum. He has been anonymous the last few games and today. and Ralph has been Ralph’d. Arsenal came at us the first 15 and we had no answer. Need a plan b
  6. Good call. Donated 👍
  7. 2 sides nearly sold out to saints fans... spuds have the whole of the Northam. Hundreds of tickets still available in the chapel... it won’t sell out. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Understand the frustration with away allocations... will be interesting to see if the official stance changes given the official reply states that they take form into account. Back to the OP ref spurs tomorrow. As much I dislike the decision to let them have the whole of the Northam, I’ve just looked and still lots of tickets available in the chapel. Kind of vindicates their decision. 27k a available to saints and we can’t sell out. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Not sure if yoshi put a foot wrong? He was hardly stretched but was tidy enough. However in general I agree with you. Poor performance, no intensity. You would have thought they’d all be trying to prove something to Ralph but I guess not. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Cheers the cat. Mate going on hols so we were hoping they would have arrived by now so we can ‘redistribute ‘. As it is he’s gonna have to trust me with his keys [emoji16] And batman... thanks as always for your really useful input. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Apologies if already posted but can’t see it elsewhere. 2 weeks left until I need my season ticket. I renewed in May... why has it not yet turned up? Is it on that slow boat from China with all the replica kits? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Bit surprised to see we haven’t even sold out for this one. Normally plenty of plastics fancy the Spurs game, plus the fact we’re fighting for our lives. Guess that extra tier is but a distant memory! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Cheers [emoji106][emoji106] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Sorry to disappoint you Turkish but the song was original and sounded pretty decent. Hope it can get some traction so we get to sing something other than OWTS. Oh... and it was interesting how quickly you turned up to mock. Again. Just out of interest, where do you sit at st Mary’s? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Apologies if posted elsewhere but can’t find anything on it. Other night v Fulham , the Northam were singing a new chant about hojberg. Obviously, in true Northam fashion, there was lots of clapping but not many singing so therefore, despite being in the kingsland north, I could barely make any of the words out. It’s so rare that we actually come up with a new chant, I’d hate this one to die. Anyone got any idea on the words.. I’ll then sing it loud and proud to the rest of the kingsland massive/ family centre [emoji3] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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