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Everything posted by TheMidfieldGeneral

  1. A mate has got 2 Club Wembley tickets for sale... He wants a little extra for them I'm afraid. As soon as they are in his grubby little hands I'll get back to anyone interested!!
  2. Agreed mate!! A whole lot of fuss over absolutely nothing!!! The word "Poopey" .............. FFS. To all the Court Jester hat brigade.. If you`re that bothered about the whole thing why not go over and say something to the lads involved instead of spouting ****e on here or sitting at home ringing crimewatch??
  3. Class photos mate!! That kit in the bottom pic is the best ever. Bring back the red socks please.
  4. TT... Ask Ron the Nod if he remembers doing some caricature drawing of Saints players on metal called METALPICS. He gave the templates to my Mum for me early 70s. Unfortunately they were stolen in a burglary. Coincidentally, About the same time, whilst we were losing 8-0 to Everton I was visiting Buddha in hospita after he broke his leg playing for Saints. He was listening to the results on the radio.
  5. I walked into town after CC scored that hat trick on debut. The fella who was selling THE MILITANT outside the information bureau was shouting "Get the paper Colin Clarke reads" :-)
  6. I'll see you at the club K. ;-) Scuuuuuuuuuuuuu-merrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs!!!
  7. Drama Queen!!
  9. FFS. I don't understand why people on here have to come in their pants because a few(and it was just a few) fans ran on the pitch I wouldn't do it myself but if others do it's no big deal in the great scheme of things!! Stop making yourselves busy and get on with your own lives. As for MKDons support, I was speaking to a lad and his girlfriend on the way out... Seems that MK put the price up for them from £10 to £17. They were pretty ****ed off. Again though, not at all worried about them. It was better for us.
  10. Sorry if this has already been said, skim Reading on my iPhone. Ever since Murray became editor The Echo has turned into a rag that will do anything to grab headlines. Ask Jason Dodd how they intruded into his private life in the most disgusting way possible. Even the Sun wouldn't have sunk to those depths. F**k The Echo!!
  11. PM me your number.. I think i might have 2 off a lad from Totton.
  12. I`LL SECOND THAT!! If thats what we`re relying on to get out of trouble then we`re fooked!! Let him learn his trade at a club that can afford to play someone as bad as him.
  13. Good Call.. A couple of strategically placed bags on the back seat filled with after match celebratory drinks!!
  14. We All Agree... Ricky Lambert is Magic..
  15. This one?? On my mates leg just before the Cardiff Final
  16. THAT... is Class!!!
  17. Can`t beat the old BEN MILLER STAND though K!!
  18. I`LL second that.. Not an appointment to get the town buzzing but a solid enough fella who knows English football and has crossed the promotion finishing post. Good Luck Pardew
  19. 125 years of History behind us and all UMBRO can come with is THAT!!! Saying that though, It`s not the worst we`ve ever had!!
  20. Boca Saints??
  21. Seeing him regularly would make me feel better about myself!!
  22. NOTHING comes close to this one.. IMO of course!!
  23. I hope you`re right.. It`s the last game i go to if Adams takes the job. F88king bumbling incoherent idiot!!
  24. takeover done, pompey bid possibly on verge of collapse and hoddle in.. what a week, could it get any better!!
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