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Everything posted by TheMidfieldGeneral

  1. Did I make it 100?
  2. So you managed to catch the 30 seconds of coverage they gave us, too!!
  3. Sub tomorrow? Jay Rod up front on his tod??
  4. Both games (Swindon & Hull) were in the early stages of last season.. Why are you getting your knickers in a twist now? Has it been on your mind for that long? Surely with Saints popularity growing the longer the season went on, there must have been some worse targets for you to start a meaningless thread about?? Why not start one about the Milton Agro years with Timmy the Mallet?!?!?
  5. Quick update from my mate. Everything agreed with player. Fee agreed. Just a hitch on how we pay. They want it all in one go.. We want to pay in instalments
  6. The person that told me is very Itk.
  7. Buttner signed today.... From a good source within the club who was there today!!
  8. ^ yeah exactly. There Must have been plenty of open land in soton back then.. Why there? Having said that... I still miss The Dell
  9. One of my earliest memories of watching Saints. Thank Tou!! ;-)
  10. Sunday People are giving legs to the Di Matteo rumour.. Let's hope that's all it is, paper talk. Let's hope Cortese isn't going all Rupert on us
  12. Tokyo Saint... Do you live over there?? If so, might I be so bold as to ask a wee favour. Can you text me. Many thanks ;-)
  13. Trotter - Millwall. Jay Rodriguez - Burnley. Will Buckley - Brighton
  14. Jim, Jim, Jim Red-path Southamptons leading Psychpath .. He only runs when the Chelsea comes!!
  15. I can see why people on here would get the hump over the pitch "invaders" as it may have caused the ref to add time on and also see why some fans got a touch over excited at us scoring in the last minute, Vs scum, in such an important game. However, any person that wants someone banned or arrested for it are the lowest of the low!!!
  16. Knock Knock Who's there? Neil Neil who. Neil Mcnab ain't got no Dad... Neeeeil Mcnab ain't got no Dad!!!
  17. Absolute Class!! I'm gonna try and send some stuff over.
  18. I'd like to apologise now on here to Chung... Didn't think he'd be up to it but his signing could be inspired!!! A bit Marian Pahars in his work rate and if he's half as good then happy days!! Up the Saints!!!
  19. Great clip that!! The SoS is the driving force behind our form since Adkins arrived... Saw this at Watford last week.... Glad someone captured it
  20. Do do do do do, Do do do do do, Do do DO PRADO , Oi Oi Oi ..
  21. I was born under a red & white flag I was born under a red & white flag Do you know where hell is? Hell is Portsmouth town Heaven's in Southampton as we watch the scum go down For I was born under a red & white flag A red & white, red & white flag.
  22. Saints fans should all sit at the ground in silence until these fans are allowed back.. sanitized bull**** modern day football
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