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Everything posted by TheMidfieldGeneral

  1. Any supporter that shouts any abuse at their own teams players during the game is a ***** Unfortunately, this club has the highest % of ***** in the western world.
  2. Red, White & Blue. Looks ace.
  3. Forest in their seats. Pompey. Blackburn on my 18th birthday. John Don and his flare at Sheffield. Highbury, Carnage!! Carlsberg don't do cup runs....
  4. Yes mate. Great Days!! Here's our mutuals handy work?
  5. Went down in one of the vans that left from The Painted Wagon. 39 of us in the back of our particular Transit van. I had my legs dangling out the back doors all the way down as i was a bit claustrophobic :-) Most of us had forged tickets for the Pompey end but the Old Bill just rounded us up on the Eastern Road and put us straight in the ground without even checking if we had tkts or not. Best game I've been to by a million miles. Pompey singing "Scummers, Scummers here we come" just as we scored!! Oops!!
  6. Got a song idea but Need some help... What rhymes with Brian Tiler??
  7. Seeing this thread immediately reminded me of this friendly ... Pretty sure this was the one I went to on Foleys coach.. Ended in the SUN newspaper after a local in a village held the coach up with a shotgun after a garage was raided by a some exuberant lads on the coach. Headline read. : WELLS FARGO HOLDS UP COACH :-) I think Bobby Evans threatened to shove the gun up his 'Arris
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksnHq2a6WMM&feature=youtube_gdata_player Highlights ;-)
  9. Lee Luscombe?
  10. ^ he was trying to come across as this amiable SFC loving chairman who cares for the club. Showed his true colours IMO.. Agree with me and all will be ok.. And it's no more than a company to him. Sound familiar?? You crack on fawning over him.. I'll please myself how I feel.
  11. Correction.. ** Calling the Southampton the Company
  12. Yeah, basically saying, all those who agree with me will be part of the club. Had to correct himself after starting to call us customers!! Cortese = Snide C**t
  13. As the title says. Long shot but need just the one!!! Cheers.
  14. Experience or not.. He murdered Liverpool in a cup game and looked very good doing it. An excellent acquisition IMO... As long as he stops the diving!!
  15. That's what the bloke next to me said... I pay my money, I can boo if I want!! Told him to **** off and why bother coming to the ground.. The heart attack waiting to happen c**t!! What an absolute bunch of tiresome wa**ers, the fans who boo their own team are. There is no right time to slag your own team off during a game..EVER!! They are normally the ones who think they could do better than Adkins & Players. But can't!! On a side note.. The collective sighs after Jay Rodriguez misplaces a pass arent helping the lads confidence either. I'm glad Kelvin doesn't turn round and acknowledge the singing of his name anymore... Coz he realises its the same helmets who booed him a few years ago!! Modern football at its worst!!!!
  16. I was 18, and 16 off us went via Persil tickets taken from Bitterne Sainsburys leaving open boxes on the shelf. :-) Stayed over in Amersfoort youth hostel the night before. Went to Rotterdam Amsterdam along te way. Got caught with a bottle of ammonia by plain clothes OB in Rotterdam. We were gonna fire it from water pistols at the hamburg fans.... WTF?!?!? (seemed a fun idea at the time) Spoke to a Brummie in Amaterdam square and said where we were going... He offered us a Hand Grenade.. "To send the Hamburg fans fishing" as he put it. Offer declined. Made our way to the ground.. Got ambushed at the train station. Saints 1 Hamburg 0 Got to the ground and got ambushed again by a load of skinheads Saints 2 Hamburg 0. **** game.. Was stood next to that fence.. (Blue jumper and White Ellesse ski hat) Had a good time in the reeperbahn after.. All stayed in one paid for single room on the floor. So cold tho.. Loads of other stuff happened.... Got some really good photos from it.
  17. I was 18, and 16 off us went via Persil tickets taken from Bitterne Sainsburys leaving open boxes on the shelf. :-) Stayed over in Amersfoort youth hostel the night before. Went to Rotterdam Amsterdam along te way. Got caught with a bottle of ammonia by plain clothes OB in Rotterdam. We were gonna fire it from water pistols at the hamburg fans.... WTF?!?!? (seemed a fun idea at the time) Spoke to a Brummie in Amaterdam square and said where we were going... He offered us a Hand Grenade.. "To send the Hamburg fans fishing" as he put it. Offer declined. Made our way to the ground.. Got ambushed at the train station. Saints 1 Hamburg 0 Got to the ground and got ambushed again by a load of skinheads Saints 2 Hamburg 0. **** game.. Was stood next to that fence.. (Blue jumper and White Ellesse ski hat) Had a good time in the reeperbahn after.. All stayed in one paid for single room on the floor. So cold tho.. Loads of other stuff happened.... Got some really good photos from it.
  18. I was sat in the front row.. The helmets behind the goal were effing and blinding at Boruc and he threw his bottle at the advertising boards and clapped sarcastically. If I ws him I'd have jumped over Cantona style. F**king whining c**ts trying to bubble him up now... What a joke.
  19. Whatever happens, whatever league were in I'll still go and watch Saints .. The worst thing about yesterday was the amount of utter caaaants we have that were there. Where the f*ck do they come from.. Let's just enjoy the ride with Adkins even if we get relegated. The majority of support yesterday was excellent.. And the lads must appreciate it.
  20. Is it true that after a major cock up in the tkt office, members have been sold tickets for seats that season tkt holders already "own" for the Man Utd game?
  21. An excellent buy for us.. Would fit into Adkins ethos and Lambert could fill his boots with his crosses.
  22. Damn... This time??
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