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Everything posted by TheMidfieldGeneral

  1. We were going to have Duelbits. It’s owned by a Sotonian didn’t work out so he’s sponsoring AFCB
  2. https://www.espn.co.uk/football/match/_/gameId/715065/lazio-southampton
  4. True, coz it’ll be filled with foreigners
  5. Soppy Cunt? look at you giving it the big un You’re about as intimidating as Louis Spence soft lad.
  6. I wouldn’t be surprised you desperate fool. She’s 81. Right up your strasse
  7. Wrong again dum dum. you’re assuming I’d seen it a while ago he’s sad and pathetic and you’re sat in your bedroom at mummies house 😂😂😂😂
  8. And you’re not 😂
  9. Hey. Could you send a photo of the tkts and if I can scan in I will send the money to you. Any gd? we’re going up with or without
  10. 16… your age I take it. is Duncan Wolfie Smith Holley your Grandad ? you’ll grow out of it lad, hopefully.
  11. You (The leftards) are a cult. why is it inconceivable to you, you MAY be wrong.. Matt is even saying he may be wrong.. he just wants everything validated rather than just believing everything you hear on the MSM. Even someone as stupid as you can see that… surely.
  12. Show me `his lunacy’ other than his opinion of Do whatever you need to do personally.. but try and check out everything first. yeah, that’s fucking mental behaviour, dummy. Your reasoning is, ooooh I wanna buy a car, ok, but make sure you believe the car salesman… he will tell you the absolute gospel truth looooool
  13. Look at you… making it about you yeah.. of course I looked that up especially for you. 🤣 why don’t you just let Matt have an opinion without you crying about it. typical liberal neighbourhood watch , all vaccines plus boosters, mask wearer. are you unhappy because you feel silly about being duped into taking it.
  14. Here you go , you absolute drip. According to Joe, his uncle’s secret KFC recipe consists of the following 11 herbs and spices: 2⁄3 tablespoon salt 3 tablespoons white pepper 1⁄2 tablespoon thyme 1⁄2 tablespoon basil 1⁄3 tablespoon oregano 1 tablespoon celery salt 2 tablespoons garlic salt 1 tablespoon black pepper 1 tablespoon dry mustard 4 tablespoons paprika 1 tablespoon ground ginger
  15. What’s it got to do with you or his friends
  16. Drivel? which comment, exactly, was drivel? I’ll wait
  17. This!!! 💯 Grow up laddy
  18. Newcastle want Salisu so swap him for Lascelles (and make him Captain)
  19. And even if they are.. who knows why? could be on them. so many busy cu**s about
  20. Just a quick post Nobody from the club reads your made up fantasy transfer news. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you have zero experience in the real world of football and know nothing of what’s going on behind the scenes. just saying.
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