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Everything posted by sentry

  1. Agreed, stick it!
  2. Few points maybe an Austrian fan could answer having watched the vids now. 1) Mane seems to play on the left most of the time,,,, I thought we bought him in for the right? Am I wrong here on both issues or one? 2) That midfielder with the blonde hair actually looks pretty good,,,, is he? 3) Mane is pretty fast and kinda ackward, the type defenders hate to play against. 4) In Austria do they celebrate goals or did he not get on well with his team mates? In most goals (Assisting or scoring) not much of a big deal was made? Also welcome Mane to the greatest club in the world! COYS!
  3. Ha, you know what I mean. Still surprised Gazza did not go out on loan as we have 4 keepers now in the over 21 squad.
  4. Opps. Double post.
  5. Whats the rule on home grown? 8? We have 9, and one is RB on loan. And if we lost MS would be down to 7! Might explain why Long was bought in as he counts as home grown. Next year with KD potentially going/retiring we will maybe need a few more unless some of the under 21s get older.
  6. I did for one. Ha. I just don't rate him at all. Not saying he is not good, but not as good as many people do. Everyone has their own opinions though.
  7. Like a lot of players he just needs a run in the team. Bart B when he was our back up gk used to get a lot of stick, but when he actually had a run in the team he performed once more settled. When he was in for one game, then out etc he never really settled. Goes to show that once at Notts C and he got games under his belt then people could actually see what he could do. Yoshida is not the best in the world but def gets unfair criticism.
  8. Love RK's comments about the 1 min mark about long ball and even laughed at bit at it.
  9. Strange. But best to move on now rather than in 4 days. In all walks of life people struggle to adapt to countries/jobs/work colleges. It obviously happens in football too, just a shame its us after all the other players leaving. I never saw him myself but by all accounts he was good in the friendly and the under21 games he played in.
  10. You have let us all down, please never post on this forum again your lies and bile.
  11. So no Long, unchanged team. Thought Long would start (i have him as first scorer darn it!). Better looking bench this week. No Boruc still. 2-0 would be nice. Sorry, wrong thread!
  12. Im not the biggest fan of Batman, but what he wrote was fine. Nothing wrong with it. Has been, like this thread, very quiet last few days. I think we are just two players away from a really decent squad. Depends if Boruc leaves though. A right /Cnetre back A winger and if Boruc leaves a gk.
  13. Watched the interview, saw nothing wrong with it. He says all good things about Saints the club, basically says he supports us and Liverpool. Just thought carefully about when asked about the players leaving, and I agree with Monosaint above about NC and the players having a close relationship with him. That's all. IMO Rickie could come back to St Marys wearing a Portsmouth kit and poop on the Ted Bates statue and I would still love that big guy!
  14. Watched the interview, saw nothing wrong with it. He says all good things about Saints the club, basically says he supports us and Liverpool. Just thought carefully about when asked about the players leaving, and I agree with Monosaint above about NC and the players having a close relationship with him. That's all. IMO Rickie could come back to St Marys wearing a Portsmouth kit and poop on the Ted Bates statue and I would still love that big guy!
  15. Of the new boys Bertrand and Tadic were very good. Really impressed with both. Pelle was quiet and did not win as many (if any?) high balls as I would have wanted. But its still early and I remember a dutch fan saying it might take him a few games to settle in. Forster did not really have to make a decent save, but (and im being really picky here) I would of liked to see him clatter into Sterling on the one on one, but Cylne was heading back so I think thats why he hesitated here. Of the old guard, Vic was GREAT, Morgan solid considering the recent drama. Fonte great and for the yoshida haters he really was not all that bad at all. When you are watching people , looking for them to make mistakes you do usually see the negatives. Deserved a draw at least. I watched with two baggie fans and both said we should do a number on them next week.
  16. Of the new boys Bertrand and Tadic were very good. Really impressed with both. Pelle was quiet and did not win as many (if any?) high balls as I would have wanted. But its still early and I remember a dutch fan saying it might take him a few games to settle in. Forster did not really have to make a decent save, but (and im being really picky here) I would of liked to see him clatter into Sterling on the one on one, but Cylne was heading back so I think thats why he hesitated here. Of the old guard, Vic was GREAT, Morgan solid considering the recent drama. Fonte great and for the yoshida haters he really was not all that bad at all. When you are watching people , looking for them to make mistakes you do usually see the negatives. Deserved a draw at least. I watched with two baggie fans and both said we should do a number on them next week.
  17. It really isnt. I understand kids using it as they were bought up with it, but Boruc? He is 34! Im 33 and dont have instagram or twitter etc. Learne to be an adult first. But then they are footballers, I spose education came secondary to them (that's not a dig,, just prob true). If I were chairman I would have a straight ban on social media or a damn lot of fines/training around the subject. This is was Lovren, then Morgan now Boruc. All grown ass men with nothing better to do, thats the problem, too much thinking time, make them do 9-5, trainging, watch videos, visit hospitals etc. Urgh, modern football is tough work to try to still love. But I do, so COYR!
  18. sentry

    Dean Hammond

    Agree with all the above comments. A pro and a solid 7 player. Really pleased he got to play in the prem and I hope he has a good season for Leicester (except against us).
  19. Good, its not just me then. I picture Artur wearing a cheap wig and an old floral print dress, Norman Bates style.
  20. Genuinely thought at first you entertaining. Now its just a bit sad. The other GKs are not a joke. Kelvin was keeper of league 1 and champ keeper. He served us over the years very well and now is at the end of his time as a pro, thats all. You know little to nothing about them soooo maybe keep quite there. If you do know Artur then surely you would agree that as a professional, rather than throwing your toys out a pram and posting messages on instagram ( something my little sister does when she wants attention), artur should , like a pro and mature adult, go to his bosses, talk to them and request a move. simple. Oh and Angelman, I agree with this 'Good. If he thinks that he is going to be stuck on the bench, then best to move him on. I want someone with a pair of balls who is going to make Nº1 his or at least try his damndest, not moan about it when someone else comes in who is considered a better option. Or is the club supposed to hold itself back for his sake? Goodnight Irene, goodnight.
  21. It is strange though Irene, what is your agenda? You may know him, but why so concerned?
  22. Scores on his début! Not a fan of Leeds, but pleased for Billy. Should be the winner.
  23. Whoa! He said 'we are looking at 12-14th', thats his opinion, he is not saying that that is what the club has said. Chill ya beans.
  24. For the record i agree. Was just pointing it out.
  25. And soooo WC 2014. That was like, 1 month ago.
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