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Everything posted by sentry

  1. Pesimistic w*nker!!! 4-1 saints!!!!
  2. Why should we? They are a solid side, play-off hopefulls, and we are away. Draw would be a good result.
  3. Well hopefully with the wilkins link, he will be pretty decent as Ray would wants his bro to do well.
  4. sentry

    3 down...

    Completely agree. I said earlier this season the same, 2 strickers, 1 cm 1 rm 1 cb + add that with 1x lb and 1 x rb of course.
  5. Update to 'Saints fan not killed'? or Breaking News, There is no news.
  6. I like the hair cut! But then i like romanian orphans! But on a serious note, he was a little light weight, agreed.
  7. Verticle stripes are slimming?
  8. My god you are bored!!!
  9. Oh and players,,,, Julian grey (did he sign?) Izzy Iriekpen - Bristol to Hamilton
  10. 23 year olds? or 20 x 3year olds?
  11. 1) Darren Bent despite his time at tottenham hasa fanststic record. In fact even for tottenham he has a great recored! 2) I always tend to think players leave us and go on to do better? Delap, Fuller, Howard, Davis, Berkovic. I could name more i think but im tired! 3) Personally I would love a good surprise signing, someone like chris colman a few years bk.
  12. I liked her nose before!!! I knew she looked different ! GOD DAMN!!! Same with ashlee simpson, she was cute before, cute nose, curves and brunette,,, now fake, with blonde hair and thin! gross!
  13. Agreed, if women want equal pay then they should be allowed to prove them selves in the mens tours/sports. If they fairly win the competetion then they should be entitled to the big money. Sports like motor racing, horse racing, shoooting, sailing, golf, snooker darts etc,,,, women should all be near the top in these sports there is no reason why they are not. With regards to football though im not really sure, hmmmmm?
  14. Actually Goater cost less than Tevez!
  15. What are your thoughts on these? HCDAGJFC Ryan Thomas - Hull - Left Wing - Free Transfer Carl Hoefkens - WBA - CB - Free Transfer David Connolly - Sunderland - Striker - Free Transfer Henri Camara - Wigan - Striker - Free Transfer Ezomo Iriekpen - Bristol City - CB - Free Transfer Radhi Jaidi - Blues - CB - Free Transfer Patrick Kisnorbo - Leicester - CB - Free Transfer (wants Championship football but could be tempted by us?) there were others but i dont ahve all day. I have done your work for you Ap, now go get a couple. Pip xxx
  16. Also i still cant believe that when new managers/coaches join a new club that they have to tell grown men to show up to work on time. But yes, I have always liked AP and very pleased to have hiim here and hopefully for many years yet.
  17. Thats the problem, we need to keep it a secret,,,, shhuussshhh. little voices.
  18. Keri-Anne Payne is ok,,,, well pretty hot. Not so much in pictures but when she was on t.v last night she was beautiful.
  19. The girls in the first pic DO all look like trannies. FAr left in this new one... elle is it?
  20. This will be my last post of the day. Good result, and McGoldrick scoring is great news, against good opposition as well. Killer lasting the 90 again. Bring on next weekend.
  21. Yeah i think you do, We need a new pic up the top as currently there is not a pic of a saints squad member? My vote goes to killer.
  22. Me too, will sort it out on monday.
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