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saint francis

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Everything posted by saint francis

  1. Need to put this game to bed now.
  2. Hot water with 10% bleach and a few minutes elbow grease should get it out.
  3. Half of them aren't even drinking, just walked in to watch the telly.
  4. Clever stuff saintfully. I double checked just to be sure.
  5. NC: [motioning to PS to get closer to the barrels] Come on PS! Move, move, move! PS: I'm not going out there! NC: Beyond the edge of the barrels, go to the end of the barrels! Further out! PS: What? NC: Further out! PS: Why? NC: Go further out! PS: What for? NC: Will you go to the end of the pulpit, please? PS: What? NC: Will you just please go to the end of the pulpit! PS: What for? NC: I need to have something in the foreground to give it some scale. PS: Foreground, my ass!
  6. +1 If I have to look at the main board, so should he.
  7. He's not one of those nodding dogs is he?
  8. The scheme wouldn't have the intended affect on me. I would simply avoid getting into cabs that displayed the sticker. I expect a lot of people would.
  9. Tilers usually prefer to give you a flat rate.
  10. 11. Sonic Temple by The Cult. Shotgun!
  11. Not even the forum's biggest....
  12. Also, bear in mind it is far easier to adopt a child than a mother. In fact I've never even heard of a mother adoption agency. Something he might have considered at the time, although I imagine he was probably feeling pretty rushed and stressed.
  13. Does it say who was driving?
  14. Good? Did you even consider the thoughts of the families of those lost in the tsunami when you made that comment? Do you really think any of them would describe the sorrow and anguish in this way? I despair (but not in a good way).
  15. Melvins - Nude with slippers, cheap lager, cheese and biscuits in a nice comfy chair.
  16. As has been mentioned, steel strung acoustics are tough work for a beginner. The cheese wire will make easy work of your softie fingers. What I did was to buy a £17.99 spanish guitar from Argos which has the benefits of being cheap as chips, stays in tune, strings don't hurt your fingers, can be played like a normal acoustic. After six months if you're still enjoying it you can upgrade if you want to. If not, no harm done.
  17. I never understand this city. We are currently engaged in conflict in the Middle East, battling against the Taliban. It's a controversial occupation, but the soldiers who come from Southampton and elsewhere who battle for the freedoms of the innocent, in my opinion deserve our fullest support. What I don't understand is the indifference we show in this city to the terror reeked by those 25 miles East of here. They wear blue, their 'city' is certainly inferior to ours, they sing disparaging songs, swear, and here's the worst part, geographically they are really quite close. If for no other reason than civic pride, they should be overcome.
  18. I'm 'watching' a Honda C90 on ebay, a blue one. I want it but have to justify its purchase financially. It'll probably save cash in the long run with its excellent MPG, but the initial outlay plus equipment and CBT all seems a bit frivolous. That's right; frivolous. A Honda C90. Certainly a design classic, mind you.
  19. I liken discussing the existence of ghosts with ghosty types to discussing the existence of god with the religious. If you ask for proof you won't get it, look for evidence and you won't find it. And arguing that because their might be unknowns about the universe, about life and death does not automatically prove, or make more likely that something supernatural must exist, even if people would like it to be the case. Ultimately the discussion will end with one half having some sort of 'faith' in the supernatural and the other half not.
  20. He's like a camp cyberman.
  21. I don't think Pankake takes bribes.
  22. I've eaten winkles before, but didn't really like them. They have recently been listed on the National Official Vermin Register on the basis that they eat sand from the beach, contributing to coastal erosion.
  23. No, I never did, you had to pay for those. I was in the grey camp, all the best posters were. In those days I likened donating to leaving an apple for the teacher (which I never did either, I kept them all for myself and made crumble).
  24. You'd have got four little footballs for that in the olden days. Not any more though. I reckon Baj popped them all and took them home.
  25. Ridiculous. Piece of cheese? Yes please!
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