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saint francis

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Everything posted by saint francis

  1. So if I'm after a fridge, which I am, and all the usual avenue's have been exhausted (ebay, amazon, pm to Junction 9 etc, etc) I am to wade through a forum littered with old cookers and tumble driers before getting to a fridge which even then may or may not be suitable? Well I don't not pay five pounds for that. Let's have a fridge forum, with a subforum for both over and under the counter versions, and possibly another one for those big American ones for people who need to store a years worth of chilled food in one go. No freezers though please.
  2. Bill Oddie, 'bird pervert'. Mauled by pigeons.
  3. I like to watch old Manimal transformations, they could definitely bring that programme back. It startles me that with all the advantages of modern technology in screen production, they've never been able to recreate the realism and emotion they captured back then. This is a good one. It's in French for some reason, doesn't matter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjMmkHTWfzk&NR=1
  4. The thread title is now obsolete. Perhaps the moderators would consider amending the thread title to "Was it Boxing Day two days ago" to avoid unnecessary confusion for the next few hours.
  5. Brilliant I thought when I read the thread title! Reading the posts opinions seem a bit mixed. Shall we say 50/50?
  6. That's unfortunate, perhaps try Andrex next time.
  7. I got on a bus the other day and was shocked to discover a woman sat in the driving seat, bold as brass. As she moved off I took it upon myself to stand next to her, advising her on correct road positioning, best gear selection, opportunities to make progress, safe distances etc and offered a little praise when she got it right. "Good girl, good girl." Now this is all very well but I can't be expected to be there every day. I don't currently own a drivers license, but it's the fares you see.
  8. Surprised at the votes for Lambert and Guly so far, and surprised considering the spread that Fonte has none. It was a hard one for me to single out an individual today as it seemed like a big team effort, nobody obviously sticking their head above many others. Perhaps Lallana edged it for me.
  9. Advertisers call it the 'annoyance factor', they use it to get attention of viewers. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it.
  10. Good Point Deano. Tiggs obviously wants to visit the mainboard. If trading's the in thing on here at the mo, perhaps he could exchange his mainboard banning for banning of another forum instead. Personaly I've wanted his ass off 'Technology Chat' for months.
  11. Enough of your parallelospam.
  12. I'm after a triangle if anyone has a spare? Must be the right shape.
  13. I might need a photocopy of those rules J9, if that's alright.
  14. How about me and Junx go half and half on the price, he can have the triangle and the rules and I'll have whatever's left.
  15. I've always found it difficult to play anything on more than one platform. Then again, one of my legs is a foot shorter than the other.
  16. Tim Minchin says it best.
  17. Wagon, looks like you've been let off lightly, what with Wiltshire's troubles at the tip holding things up. If I were you I'd consider myself pretty fortunate that you haven't been owned in the Plume aswell as on the internet. Wiltshire I hope you gave that bloke at the tip what for. There's nothing worse than going about your business and having some busy body interfering with your waste.
  18. I hope that beard didn't give him a rash.
  19. One day some aging, lonely millionaire somewhere will look to give away his fortune to randomly selected people, maybe by telephone, maybe via the internet. Nobody will be interested.
  20. 1) Sounds like Kevin Spacey so I'll say American Beauty 2) 3) 4) 5) Junction 9/Wiltshire Saint. 6) 7) 9) 10) 11) Austin Powers II 12) My least favourite 13) 14) 15) Possibly DeNero, maybe Deer Hunter 16) Carry on Films....Alan Sugar's brother 17) 18) Jolly Green Giant
  21. saint francis


    Two large turkeys available for immediate collection if you're interested. Charming, but very messy creatures. Personally I'd seek expert advice before considering keeping birds of this size. Definitely better off outdoors. Possible part exchange for a hamster or gerbil.
  22. The things we do to avoid gym membership.
  23. I'm quite enjoying watching the spoiled little ****s getting the run around. Second half I'm hoping for a ball booted squarely in the face moment; a real stinger.
  24. One thing I learned about the globe recently is how accustomed we are to seeing North top and South bottom, whereas both poles are equally as deserving as being 'top'. Apparently in Australia it's not uncommon to see globes/maps in upside down mode.
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