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saint francis

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Everything posted by saint francis

  1. I would have him back tomorrow.
  2. Couldn't he be one of those Executive managers and oversee both Spurs and us? It's all the rage within the school system these days and we'd certainly save money on his salary.
  3. Can anyone confirm the rumour that Pochettino's translator has been employed directly by Cortese and is being used to pass messages to the players regards tactics and formation, regardless of what the manager says?
  4. A man can not live on raisins alone.
  5. I cottoned on to this crisps issue years ago and I won't go near them. No nutritional value at all, a poor addition to your diet whatever your age. I give my kids Skips instead and they've never complained.
  6. Amazing bit of sculpture really. Apparently he was on his way to the tailors to get his trousers fitted. He posed for 10 minutes in exchange for a light.
  7. Junction 9 fitted an entire central heating system in my place for a very good price. It was funny one time, I came home, went upstairs and he had the wife's knicker drawer open and her undies spread all over the bed and everywhere. I thought wtf? but it turns out he noticed a fault with one of the drawers, which I didn't know we had, and he thought he'd fix it while he was up there, at no charge! Highly recommended.
  8. Norway, I think it might be helpful to have a little glossary or addendum to the forum, where people can be directed if they don't understand certain accepted norms, such as why the term 'coloured' might be considered offensive, so that normal, fair minded folk don't have to repeatedly explain it to them. Perhaps we could also add a ethnicity FAQ section, such as why the MOBO awards are fine, and why starting a Music of White Origin award ceremony would not be quite the same thing, as someone will suggest every October, without fail.
  9. As humans, I suppose it's natural to see the value of life from a human perspective. I presume another animal would, in turn, see it from its own. Is it reasonable to see the loss of human life and the loss of animal life as at least comparable? It's complex for me, but I'm not offended by Morrissey's words.
  10. "We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried S*** every day." He makes a point.
  11. During corners, the gay striker will have the freedom to roam around the box unimpeded as defenders would prefer not to put their arms around their shoulders, for fear that photos taken might be misconstrued and sold to the press. Perhaps Viz could devote a corner to it?
  12. Homosexuals have been, for many years, denied football league access, for fear of unfair advantage as it is well known that openly gay players are given more space on the pitch during free kicks, as the behaviour of opposing players standing too close might be considered 'flirty' by their team mates.
  13. I would have preferred a "liked it" option, between "it's ok" and "loved it". It's ok doesn't sound quite enough. Personally I think it's fine.
  14. But then the apes will uncover 'the lounge' and be reassured by its humanity. Maybe.
  15. There must be the potential to, rather than type out responses on forums, for us to have a little pad and a stylus so that we could handwrite our posts and our writing could be seen rather than a typed font. Would we want that though?
  16. Mincing then.
  17. Have to agree with the above poster, with the exception of Dykes on Bikes which I've always enjoyed.
  18. Dr Dog, 2006, Portsmouth Guildhall. I don't think we need to say any more.
  19. Four from the top and two from down below, just what I would have chosen.
  20. I would press 'like' but do a +1 too just to hammer the point home.
  21. Been there. Complained that I was penetrating too deeply. I didn't think there was an issue but she insisted the ball was in.
  22. Middle aged housewives.
  23. saint francis


    My Bridgestone tyres say Roadstone on them. Surprising that didn't get picked up in quality control.
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