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Everything posted by costasaint

  1. A nice place is Frigiliana, so is Nerja just down the road!
  2. Obviously the people sticking up for the police and justice system have no experience of them.The cops are lying *****s and will say and do anything to get a conviction.I know from experience.
  3. I live in Malaga city.There was another Saints fan here (EL Palo Saint I think), but I never met him.
  4. For some reason you can't get good coffee in England.They always serve it a cup the size of a bucket and like you said it's weak as ****. No one else in the world makes coffee so bad so why do English cafes insist of serving this crap?
  5. Not quite as obscene as the 3 million plus the RM ceo earns.How the fook can that be justified for a state run industry? I'm sure you could get someone to do the job forr 200k.
  6. I remember speaking to a mate from Basingstoke who asked me about this mad pakistani with a limp who used to laugh at people in Basingstoke so he obviously got around a bit. I don't know how crazy he really was as he came up to me in the West Indian club one night and starting talking to me and seemed pretty noramal.Maybe it was just an act.
  7. I knew the guitarist - Rich Casso was his name. The bassist (Johnny Bowler) went on to play for the Guana Bats who are a massive band in the rockabilly scene.He also went out with Britt Ekland for a while!
  8. Did you know St.George was actually a muslim, born in Turkey? - True! That'll upset a few people!
  9. Have you actually been to Cuba? I spent 4 weeks travelling all over Cuba and also have been to Tobago and Grenada.What i find strange is apart from maybe 5% of the population, Grenada and Tobago are just as poor as Cuba but you don't hear anyone going on about how crap capitalism is because of it.At least in Cuba they have free health care and education whereas in Tobago and Grenada if you are poor you are ****ed! And no I don't think state capitalism (cuba's system) is very good but capitalsim fails most of the world as well!
  10. There are no real capitalist countires in the world either as a true capitalist country wouldn't last a week.A free education system , a free health service etc etc are all socialst ideas and wouldn't exist in a true capitalist country.
  11. Thatcher started all this by de-regulating the banks and this policy has been continued by Labour.How ironic that the banks who used to whinge like **** about state interferance come running to the government cap in hand when they screw up! As for the capitalist system - why do you think we have a high standard of living? It's because of cheap goods.Why are they cheap? Because they are made in 3rd world sweat shops where people have no rights or freedom.The system is flawed.And what about India which is a capitalist country.Have you see the slums in Calcutta? Hardly something to boast about! "Every winner means a loser in the Western dream"
  12. Yep Barca are awesome.Don't forget Danny Alves, the best attacking right back in the world. And Ronaldo is a c u n t !
  13. 1.St Marys 2.Millbrook 3.Thornhill
  14. No, that's what Bush did with his disastrous christian abstenence campaign and hundreds of thousands probably died as a consequence.And since when has the West not dictated how things are run in Africa?
  15. Really? Then why is it that Britain has the highest % of people in prison in Europe? Doing a stretch in Brixton or Wormwood Scrubs is not what I'd call impunity!
  16. Actually there are many other countries in Europe with a higher % of immigrants than the UK - Spain being one of them.**** rags like the Daily Mail would have you believe that every immigrant in the world wants to come to the UK - it's total ********!
  17. The extremists probably represent about 0.001% of the Pakistani community.If there were thousands of them (like the Mail etc like to make out) there would be bombs going off every day! As for civil liberties, the governments motto seems to be "WE are protecting your freedom by taking away your freedom".****s the lot of them!
  18. You believe what you read in the Daily Mail ffs? I find it strange that all the right wing papers go on and on about Britain becoming a police state,losing our freedom etc etc but they never said a word when the tories were doing the same things or worse in fact the Mail,Telegraph etc were always justifing it!
  19. You have to go back one page to see what I posted!
  20. Sorry,this was a reply to Delldays post below.Is there no edit function? many people in this country who move to france or spain etc are leaving with money nearly all of the time...they leave with enough money to look after themselves and contribute... I wonder how many people leave the UK and 'sign-on' in france???? Thedelldays View Public Profile Find all posts by Thedelldays Add Thedelldays to Your Contacts #221 19-11-2008, 02:25 PM
  21. No actually Spanish newspapers are full of stories of foreigners (a big % of those being British) putting a massive strain on the Spanish national health service.A lot of these are pensioners who haven't contributed 1 € to the system! and you'll probably find this is the case in most EU countries
  22. FFS,are there a lot of thick people or here or didn't they actually read the 1st post?
  23. Yes, I have always hated the ***** and always will!
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