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  1. Manning has struggled tonight - looks like Bristol targetting that side.
  2. On official site, I get 'no source video found'...
  3. How are you listening/watching the game?
  4. Anyone got another stream option on a different site? Whilst the official one is being crap...
  5. Video not working for me - I set VPN to portugal. Has anyone got success using VPN - if so, which country?
  6. The first 20 mins was great, then it was buffering every few seconds. Tried changing VPN locale and different browser but still buffers. Its a pity as first 20 mins were great!
  7. Looks simple, thanks. Do I need to have a VPN enabled to use Bingsport.com or can I disable it and just pay the 10 dollars?
  8. I have just installed a VPN. Registering payment with Peacock seems a bit fiddly. DAZN detects that I'm using VPN. What paid service are you guys using that works with a VPN and accepts a UK payment method/Paypal?
  9. Thats new - usually the free sites are ...free whereas if I'm gonna pay for a VPN service I'd want a decent stable service. I guess it might be the time to start paying for my streams.
  10. That one was what i used but the 3rd stream down went offline at kick off and hasn't come back. None of the other links work - it seems they are all sharing the same stream.
  11. I'm used to these sites being a bit virus'y...but this one is the worst I've seen. Stops me from even clicking a link and cant be worked around. Tried two browsers. Really struggling to find anything today.
  12. I just wish they would stop playing Faithless before kick off - The last song the players should hear b4 kick off is saints brass.
  13. Streamsgate.tv is OK. Couple of the streams worked with some interruptions.
  14. Ahead of the new season, can anyone recommend any streaming sites that aren't likely to give our PCs herpes or at the very least are fairly reliable with a stable, if not spectacular stream?
  15. Do we know why JWP didnt get at least a run out?
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