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Everything posted by Georgie

  1. I don't know that is all they could tell me at the time, hopefully they will have more information if the tickets do have to be duplicated! Lets just hope no one's tickets have to be duplicated and they all arrive today or tomorrow!
  2. The ticket office said that if duplicates have to be printed these will need to be collected at Wembley on the day as they can't print them at Saints.
  3. Yeah I'm also ST holder who ordered on first day and there is also someone at work in same position. But then this then wouldn't stack up with the ticket office saying they were sent out alphabetically. If people end up having to pick up duplicates I wonder what time the ticket office at Wembley will be open from? When I phoned the enquiry line they didn't know, in fact they didn't even know what time the game kicked off! When I asked if they knew what time the Wembley ticket office would be open they said "Oh we don't know that yet, what time does the game start, 3pm?" !!!
  4. Mine not arrived, ticket office said sent all remaining tickets sent out yesterday. And she said they were sent first class. Looks like they are telling everyone different things. She also said they were sent out alphabetically, well if that is the case I should have mine by now as surname begins with H. They said to ring Wednesday if haven't got them by then. There is so many different pieces information being given out, I wish they would make up their mind! I really hope I don't have to collect the tickets at Wembley, as I won't really look forward to it until I have the tickets in my hand.
  5. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/4254471.Lowe_and_Wilde_resign_from_Saints/
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