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Goodfellas Jay

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  1. Dear RB Thanks again for ruining another perfectly good laptop. *chortle* *s******* Yours sincerely GJ
  2. Greetings Sir Eric.. Moist with anticipation.. Some weird place in central / eastern Europe that sees google maps crash.. Turkey, Greece.. Anywhere really.. my Skatebusters T-shirt is neatly pressed and ready for action.. Plans afoot from your side? Phil and co up for a trip somewhere?
  3. So many of our fishy friends are complete and utter mongs.. As per the qualification criteria we're into Europe and all those fukctards can do is trot out the 'you qualified by default' line.. Hope you're happy now all you web-toed slithery in-bred bottom feeding sister bothering ****s.. You're just are so fukced for so many years it's just so awesome .. Long will you have to worship at the altar of fukcedness..
  4. The "obligatory" year-of-birth post from me.. Keep up the fine work nutjobs.. Rallyboy et al, many thanks for the s******s, chortles, coffee over keyboard moments, not to mention the bemused stares received from work colleagues and finally... the joy of escaping here to avoid the meltdowns on the main board.. UTS
  5. Neil Bartlett Kevin Davies Micky Adams Carlton Palmer Trond Soltvet
  6. I have a Peru shirt... Can I wear it now??
  7. There seems to be a degree of memory loss on here with respect to Hoddle.. Aside from the infamous 'disabled' comments, which should not be forgotten or overlooked, there is the manner of his departure.. It is widely accepted that he spoke with representatives from Tottenham in South Africa whilst under contract and without permission from SFC.. This is the one item that prevents my support to his return regardless of his ability or previous record with SFC.. THFC should have approached SFC in the correct manner. They did not. Hoddle, when approached directly, should have declined their advances, as it was 'illegal', and asked THFC to speak directly with SFC / Lowe regarding this matter.. It is a question of ethics. Hoddle did not behave honourably let alone ethically. It is my opinion that had THFC approached us in the correct manner a deal would have been concluded to everyones satisfaction. Granted, the loss of Hoddle came at a seemingly bad time given our performances and league position at the time, but if he had conducted himself correctly then most Saints fans would have welcomed him back when the opportunity arose. After all his was returning to his boyhood club, his spiritual home etc.. Unfortunately, his actions came back to haunt him as the supporters were and still are polarised on this item.. SFC gave him his route back into football after the England debacle. This should be remembered and included in any conversation regarding the nature of his departure.. Hoddle to return - no thanks. Believe it or not, some things are more important than football..
  8. DIE DIE POMPEY.... POMPEY DIE DIE surely????
  9. Quiz for pfc123.... How many fans turned up at the next home league game following the 1 - 1 draw (FA Cup Semi-final) against the scousers at Highbury??
  10. Happy New Year Phil.. Sea View was awesome last night!! I'm very much with you (and Duncan) on this. When I moved away from Southampton mid 87 I ended up living in Chichester.. This lovely little city is deemed to be a skate stronghold and, in indeed, there were a few members of the sad blue few to be found.. A good friend of mine (a Brighton fan) and I frequented various pubs most weekends and we gradually got to know the local fishy friends.. And it was nasty.. The 'hatred' was obvious and there were numerous close encounters.. It wasn't from some of them, it was from all of them.. Pretty much I kept very quiet for my own safety but leading up to the FA Cup game Jan '90 it was brutal.. I never understood where the real nastiness came from. Maybe the bitterness is fuelled by the number times we've played each other simply because there have been so few encounters. Perhaps the time that elapses between each match just serves as a breeding ground for the hate.. For weeks after the game it was worse and I was seriously injured on one occasion and just attacked on a couple of others just because I supported Saints.. The bitterness and dislike I have for anything associated with them has calmed over the last 10 years or so.. If you'd asked this previously, humbled or destroyed, I would have wanted total destruction - only the ****roaches should be allowed to live.. And now? I smile when they lose, just a small wry smile. I smile when I hear that bell. I smile when I see their ground.. But as to whether they survive? Humbled or destroyed? Relegated? Docked points? Quite simply... I DON'T CARE... I wouldn't want to give them the satisfaction.. However, I will continue to smile, just a little one from time to time, at their discomfort and misfortune.. As always, Up The Saints...
  11. Gotta love freds like this.... Skates - obvious really, but anything and everything that is associated with them.. The city, navy stuff, westwood.. There was a time I couldn't wear anything blue or even hang the washing out with blue pegs.. This comes from living for a long time in a skate area and day after day hearing how much better they were than us in the 80' and 90's... Spuds - goes back to the early 80's when every single kid seemed to be wearing a Holstein shirt.. And then some bloke called hoddle.. Luton - nasty club, nasty ground and nasty fans.. Norwich - as I lived in Ipswich for a few years.. They despise each other as much as we hate the skates... and Delia... Mancs - winning the title at The Dell, just could never get over that.. Teams I look out for - Dundee Utd Yeovil - went cup final at Villa Park when they beat Stevenage.. Ipswich - see above, but very similar club to Saints.. Sporting Gijon - long story... Red 'n White stripes....
  12. I'll correct myself: The BBCI scandal is estimated to have cost him 7 billion and it was The Times obituary....
  13. It was the late Sheikh Zayed, ruler of Abu Dhabi and Preisdent of the UAE. He forked out 7 billion USD from his own pocket even though 1 billion of funds was 'stolen' by the bank from him.. Source: Daily Telegraph obituary - Sheikh Zayed
  14. Phil... Are you out tonight??
  15. There was one player that I remember who was hounded out of the club by the supporters. Personally I think he suffered more abuse than the likes of J Wright, Delap, Wotton etc.. Step forward Graham Potter.... and then there was.... Lee Todd... UTS
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