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Everything posted by waggy

  1. Whilst I don't agree with the heavy handed way this has been handled, technically the steward/club/OB weren't wrong. The Sporting Events Act is quite clear on alcohol in grounds. In this instance Section 2a applies. By taking the hip flask from your mate you have assumed possession of it. Also when you purchase a ticket you enter into a contract with the club agreeing to abide by their rules. Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) Act 1985 2 Offences in connection with alcohol, containers etc. at sports grounds. (1)A person who has intoxicating liquor or an article to which this section applies in his possession— (a) at any time during the period of a designated sporting event when he is in any area of a designated sports ground from which the event may be directly viewed, or (b) while entering or trying to enter a designated sports ground at any time during the period of a designated sporting event at that ground, is guilty of an offence.
  2. Well done agent connolly
  3. http://www.3news.co.nz/VIDEO-All-goals-1-0-Southampton-V-West-Bromwich-Albion-English-Premier-League-2013-14-Hawthorns/tabid/415/articleID/309472/Default.aspx?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+co%2FHCaY+%283News-+Latest+News%29
  4. RIP St Markus, all this is down to you and I for one will be eternally grateful.
  5. Announcement in the DE re the funeral arrangements, RIP Charlie. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/announcements/deaths/deaths/10514347.CHARLIE_PURVES/
  6. SRL get in!
  7. As I don't wanna go out for a drink with the guy I couldn't give a flying f*** about his charisma. What I do want is someone that can take this club forward without doing a Pimpey and thus far he's doing it, no matter how ruthless he might be. You wanna nice guy chairman suggest you try Wigan who are where exactly...................................................
  8. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?44837-Saints-players-going-into-management
  9. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/10418022._/ good luck Beats, will be looking out for their results next season
  10. Cheers DP, got the champers on ice awaiting this to be announced. ;0)
  11. Done and good luck Cov, keep the faith!
  12. Yeah, wtf do Fergie and AVB know about football?
  13. PdC was on BBC2 final score and said that we were by far the better team but MP wasn't shown on the bit I did see?
  14. Echo all the above sentiments, Peter is an all round good guy. Get well soon.
  15. Chelsea down to 10 ffs
  16. Benteke scores 1-0 AV
  17. Nice one agent Bale!
  18. I guess any chance of MLT and NC having a reconciliation during this millenium have now been scuppered http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2265446/Southampton-chairman-Nicola-Cortese-coward-ego-problem-says-Saints-hero-Le-Tissier-branding-Adkins-decision-bizarre.html
  19. Henry Winters article struck a chord with me re the squaddie. I was in Cyprus with the UN in the mid 70's and wrote to the club to wish LM well. He sent a personal reply bigging up what we were doing in Cyprus and likened it to what he was trying to do at Saints. Doubt that you'd get that kind of personal service from the club at the moment and whilst I do not agree with whats happened to NA I believe that we should now get behind PM and the players, starting with Mondays game.
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