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Everything posted by CLOTH EARS

  1. Somehow we have to obtain a license from them to take part in their competition, as Pinnacle tried to do. BUT, the FL were saying for them to issue us with our license we need to waive our right of appeal, unless somebody does this they will not issue us with it, will they?
  2. Oi, stop winking at me, people will start talking!
  3. Saints manager will Be Christian Gross ( rememeber him? ) Saints chairman will be Ramon Vega ( remember him? ) Saints team will be.................................Oh ****, now you've got me!
  4. There must be a deadline date for us to obtain our license to play in the football League? Is it this friday 3rd?, or is that just the date the administrator has set for a deal to be done?
  5. 7 days to go folks! Tickets on sale from 7 till 9 this evening.
  6. Sponsors required for the above packages. It would be advatageous for any interested parties to be fluent in Swiss, so that they can act as interpreters in the boardroom!
  7. We have had some enquiries but as yet these packages have not been taken up.
  8. 8 days to go....we hope!!! Tickets on sale tonight from 7 untill 9. AFC Totton have put so much effort into staging this game that it will be a disaster for us too, should it not happen. Just in case the worse happens this week and some of you still want to watch some football. Totton have a few decent pre season games lined up at Testwood park SAT July 7th Home to Salisbury City TUE July 21st Home to Eastleigh SAT July 25th Home to Woking Admission to these 3 games wil be £5 adults and £3 for concessions I am sure someone will SAVE OUR SAINTS!!! Come on Mr Lynham please ease our tension!
  9. The strain of it all seemed to be showing in Matts face when he spoke on SSN at about 6.15pm. I really feel sorry for him as he obviously believed Pinnacle could pull it off, publically he still says they can do it, but privately I wonder what he's really thinking. He wasn't to know that it would drag on like this. The guy genuinely wants to help save the club he loves. No TRUE Saints fan should place any blame at his door if the Pinnacle bid does go tits up. I really hope for Matts sake that they can do it, but my gut feeling is that if saints are to be saved it will be by another group.
  10. July 7th mate. Kick off 7.45pm. If you decide to go for it either drop me a PM, or send an email to supportersgroup@afctotton.co.uk
  11. July 7th KO 7.45. Drop me a PM or email supportersgroup@afctotton.co.uk if you decide to go for it. Cheers mate.
  12. Its brilliant for Totton to be playing Saints. It hasn't happened at first team level since the 1880's, yes i know it is a friendly but we ( AFCT ) are VERY excited about this game.
  13. I reckon their are a good few Saints fans out there with the financial clout to go for these packages.
  14. Its probably something to do with a masonic plot to destroy the club? Maybe Faikka is in Lowes lodge???
  15. South Today are doing a big feature on the Saints situation tonight, so maybe they have had cameras there today.
  16. 11 Days to go. Someone SAVE OUR SAINTS please!!! Tickets on sale tonight 7pm till 9pm and tomorrow morning 9am till 1pm.
  17. Come on peeps, if you take up either of these sponsorship opportunities you will find yourselves possibly rubbing shoulders with Saints new owners in our boardroom!
  18. We all need to pray mate. I am sure Saints will be ok.
  19. This whole thing seems to be turning into a sick joke!
  20. The culprits aren't here to suffer the consequences though are they!!!! WE suffer for the previous administrations mismanagement.
  21. 12 days to go.....we hope!!! Come on Mr Lynham!
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