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Everything posted by CLOTH EARS

  1. This is just the best news we could've wished for....fantastic!!!
  2. Here is an update. There has been good ticket sales, but as things stand tonight it looks as if the game will not sell out, So it looks as if there will be cash admission on the night. THe admission is £10 Adults and £5 for OAP/KIds ( under 16 ) and Students with a valid student card. Tickets will be on sale at Testwood Park from 10am untill 3pm tomorrow for those who wish to purchase in advance. This is the first time AFC Totton have had the honour of hosting Saints 1st team and alot of people at our club have put alot into planning for the game. We are a club thinking big and we aim to work our way up the non league structure. WE ARE ALSO BIG SAINTS FANS!!! We really hope everything goes smoothly and you all enjoy tomorrow evening. The 'next' time we play Saints, we'll be in our new ground in Calmore with better facilities and alot more space. Thanks All. See you all tomorrow
  3. I am not yet in a position to give you the sales as they stand BUT i would advise you to come down to Testwood Park tonight and get a ticket 7pm till 9pm OR alternatively tomorrow from 10am till 3pm. IF there are tickets left there will be cash admission on the night. The turnstiles open at 6.15pm. The closest pubs for you to drink are The Salmon Leap in Testwood Lane ( 5 minute walk ), The Red Lion opposite Totton railway station, ( 10 minute walk )The Elephant & Castle in Commercial Road ( 5 minute walk ) and The Cross Keys in Commercial Road ( 5 minute walk ). Our clubhouse bar is limited in size so it may be tricky getting served in there. There are several car parks in Totton and you can park in surrounding roads BUT PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE TO THE LOCAL RESIDENTS. The car parks behind Totton shopping precient may have time limits SO CHECK BEFORE YOU PARK THERE. The nearest car parks are in Testwood lane next to the ambulance station, Salisbury road behind Testvale doctors surgery and Salisbury road behind Countrywide. If you park in the last two car parks i mentioned you can cut through Testvale Park and the ground is right opposite in Testwood place. PLEASE DO NOT COME DOWN TESTWOOD PLACE IN YOUR CAR AS THE ROAD IS A DEAD END AND YOU CANNOT PARK DOWN THERE. Our ground capacity is 2500. If you are bringing kids then i'd advise you to get there early. If you have any further questions then I will be back online approx 9.30 pm this evening.
  4. Flippin hell, I wonder if these people will be in our boardroom at Totton on Tuesday? They could be in for a shock as our boardroom is a tad different to what they'll be used to!
  5. You sound like the kind of guy that only goes when Man Utd, Chelsea or Arsenal come to town. Only two years to wait mate!
  6. After terrific sales this morning, we urge all fans to purchase tickets in advance of Tuesdays game. Our revised sales times are as follows Monday 10am till 3pm AND 7pm till 9pm Tuesday 10am till 3pm Tickets are also available from the Saints Megastores at St Mary's and West Quay on Monday until 4pm. There WILL be cash admission on the night, providing the game is not a sell out. Turnstiles open at 6.15pm
  7. Batchelor OUT!!! We need to make him aware that he is not wanted!!!
  8. I will be at Testwood Park tonight from 7pm till 9pm selling tickets for the Saints game. We will be selling them from the porta cabin on the right as you come into the ground. We cant sell them from the clubhouse tonight as it is bingo night. Dont forget, tickets will be on sale at Asda in Totton from 9am till 1pm tomorrow as well as from the clubhouse at Testwood Park.
  9. I will be at Testwood Park tonight from 7pm till 9pm selling tickets for the Saints game. We will be selling them from the porta cabin on the right as you come into the ground. We cant sell them from the clubhouse tonight as it is bingo night.
  10. I used to go to school with Lee Moulesdale
  11. Ooooh you naught boy!
  12. For any fans planning on being at Testwood Park who have not yet purchased their ticket we have recieved permission to sell tickets from the Asda superstore in Totton on saturday morning from 9 untill 1. They will be on sale at the entrance to Asda at the car park end. We will also be selling tickets from Testwood Park on saturday morning from 9 untill 1. We are open tonight and tomorrow from 7pm till 9pm, As well as saturday we will be open on Monday 6th from 7pm till 9pm. We will also be selling tickets on the day of the game (Tue July 7th) from 10am untill 4pm.
  13. The sales have been OK considering the uncertainty surrounding Saints. We expect 2000-2500 for the game. We were hoping to sell out before the game and we are hopefull that may still happen, especially if the takeover is completed before the game. For any fans planning on being at Testwood Park who have not yet purchased their ticket we have recieved permission to sell tickets from the Asda superstore in Totton on saturday morning from 9 untill 1. They will be on sale at the Car Park end of Asda. We will also be selling tickets from Testwood Park on saturday morning from 9 untill 1. We are open tonight and tomorrow from 7pm till 9pm, As well as saturday we will be open on Monday 6th from 7pm till 9pm. We will also be selling tickets on the day of the game (Tue July 7th) from 10am untill 4pm.
  14. R U going to tell me your his double?
  15. No but I did note the reg no.
  16. He did say hello and wave goodbye!!!
  17. I was in the Saints car park at the megastore end at 1.30pm today and unless my eyes were playing tricks on me a certain Mr Failka was in the car park dressed in light blue jeans and a royal blue shirt talking on his mobile, He left in a navy blue sports car. If this wasn't him it was a very good lookalike!
  18. These are good packages peeps! It may be STILL possible to rub shoulders with MLT in our boardroom IF, as some people are saying he takes a role with another consortium. Oh and of course IF he comes to the game!
  19. WE WILL be taken over so get down Testwood Park and buy your tickets between 7 and 9 tonight. 6 days to go!
  20. This is a time for all Saints fans to pull together like they have never pulled together before. Over the years we've been asked to pull together for various relegation battles BUT this is the BIGGEST BATTLE OF THEM ALL folks!!! We are on life support and we are struggling for breath!!! The pre season matches could honestly be the last games you see Saints play, especially as the FL are refusing to grant any new owners with a license unless they waive their rights of appeal.........think about it!........its a very bloody scarey thought!
  21. Can you play in goal?
  22. What time can you get there?
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