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brongal's Achievements

  1. Goalkeeper to blame for both goals
  2. Billy Blunt - let's hope that that is not Cockney Rhyming slang
  3. Take off our best player and leave on Sharp - dear oh dear
  4. Didn't anyone else think that Foz looked clueless at left wing - they didn't even seem to want to pass to him
  5. If anyone who had supported the club for years was going to buy the club then they would have made themselves known some time ago. Why would anyone looking at investment as a business decision put their money in to a club where the fans think its acceptable to invade the pitch when one of their own players is laying on the ground and then only to taunt the opposition. I thought it was disgraceful anyway.
  6. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2009/apr/05/football-finance This has been the story at Southampton, where the parent holding company last week called in administrators as a securitisation deal - that is, a loan secured against future ticket sales - appeared to be turning sour. The move comes less than six weeks after League Two's Darlington called in insolvency experts for the second time in six months. Both have spent substantial sums on new stadiums in recent years. Lawrence Schechter, a director at boutique finance house Schechter & Co, says: "Southampton used to be run very well, by former investment bankers who managed the club like a business. But the fans got upset that they weren't spending ridiculous amounts of money on star players. "Now the fans should point the finger at themselves and say: is this what you wanted? They forced the guys out in 2005, those who were doing a good job, but the fans wanted Southampton to be like Chelsea or Man United. The fans bit the hand that fed them."
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