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Everything posted by de-fence

  1. Crickey, that really annoyed you didn't it. Not sure I could ever get so worked up about a chant.
  2. Crickey, that really annoyed you didn't it. Not sure I could ever get so worked up about a chant.
  3. Disappointed to have lost a key player but that's all I feel about this. Not particularly angry at the bloke but not pleased for him either. Met him once and it was a classic case of don't meet your heroes. Asked for a picture with him and he looked at me like I'd asked him to do a lap of the stadium. From that point on still loved watching him play, but never had any attachment to him as a personality, unlike the likes of rickie who I will always wish the best for. Asked him for a picture shortly before and he couldn't have been happier to oblige.
  4. The vote was also published after they announced Sterling was starting over Lallana so hardly surprising the vote went that way. Utterly pointless.
  5. What is the need for that comment? Such a gimpy thing to say. Adds nothing. Clearly what people are saying here is that they are not debatable decisions.
  6. A very exciting prospect: City fail to beat Sunderland away United beat Arsenal by 2 Liverpool fail to beat Everton away We beat Arsenal Certainly all possible though the last of those is perhaps the least likely BUT, if that does happen... We'll be sat top of the Premier League following the next league weekend. Unthinkably good!
  7. Not good news when you compare the quality of broadcasting. Sky are in a different realm to everyone else when it comes to covering football.
  8. No arguments here. Every Saints fan has got to hand it to him. What he has turned this club into from what it was is nothing short of remarkable.
  9. If anyone would be willing to let me use their customer numbers for this one (and earn some loyalty points in return) it would be greatly appreciated. I will have done both West Brom and Norwich sat in the home end so would love to be able to enjoy this one with the right set of fans. Will be in Manchester for the weekend too so will be especially annoying if I can't get tickets. Looking for 2 adult tickets. Cheers.
  10. de-fence

    Lee Mason

    Said to him as he left the ground 'not your best'. He laughed. Obviously knew he'd had a shocker.
  11. Stats don't tell everything. Ramirez was poor last season by and large. Puncheon is generally accepted to have played well. People will exaggerate both these statements to get their point across, especially if its relative to their cost but few will argue them I reckon.
  12. As if a sports journalist can be that fit...
  13. Really hope we don't sign any more midfield or forward players. Our squad is fine in those positions. Signing more is just going to alienate the players we already have. A friend of mine at work went to school with Jack Cork and is still good friends with a lot of his friends. He said he heard the signing of Wanyama has made Jack feel a bit pushed out and is now reconsidering his options. May of course not be true but it makes you think. We should protect our existing players.
  14. Fair play. Will give it a go, cheers.
  15. I am not sure if posts like this are allowed (if not then mods please lock), but I have been wanting to go away to West Brom for ages now (one of the few Prem clubs I haven't visited) but have always been busy/unable to get tickets in this case. Was really hoping to get to this one but was gutted to see the tickets have already sold out. If anyone has a spare / 2 spare then I will be more than happy to buy it. If you could email me at williamtwyman@gmail.com I would really appreciate it. Thanks, Will
  16. 'You scored 10 out of a possible 10 You're either very clever or very lucky. Or spend a lot of time on Google maps' Smashed it
  17. Let's see here... the ones I am yet to do are: United, Everton, West Brom, Villa, Newcastle, Sunderland, Cardiff and Hull. 12/20 done ain't bad I suppose given I was living abroad for this season. All those will be the priority along with Palace. In particular United, Everton, Villa and Newcastle.
  18. You need to get out more. Even if he is, why do you care.
  19. But the further away this goes from the context it was brought up in, the more it makes me look like its a point I raised as a result of the attack yesterday. Of course that is not the case. Couple of psychotic freaks clearly and very little, if any, relevance to immigration.
  20. The first point you have raised here is a reasonable enough reason. If we can bring over trained personnel to fill gaps that exist in our job market then that is of benefit to our economy. That of course raises the issue of the brain-drain in poorer countries which actually, contrary to your explanation, exacerbates the difference between the rich and the poor countries. This being that skilled professionals such as doctors move abroad leaving an immense shortfall in skilled workers in the countries they came from. If foreigners can come to the UK, be educated in a more stable environment, and then take these skills back to their own countries then the point you made stands, but more often than not this is not the case. So the argument for global integration falls down there. As for the second point, I just completely disagree. It would be nice? What do you mean it would be nice? Why are only some people entitled to this nice treatment? What about the country they are leaving behind in ruin? Why haven't the rest of the country's impoverished population been allowed to benefit from this niceness? It's wishy washy nonsense and is a paradigm that has developed in the last couple of decades that it is the norm for us to look after members of poor foreign countries by allowing them onto our soil and benefit from our institutions. I put the question back on you, why shouldn't people have to be accept the hand they are dealt? And why do some people have to accept it and others get to reshuffle the pack. I know I am extremely fortunate to be born British (winning the lottery of life and all that). But that is the country I was raised in. Good for me. What is this need for multi-culturalism? When did it become the case that having a world made up of various national identities was seen as a bad thing?
  21. I'm a bit undecided on the whole immigration argument. In my view its too late to stop multi-culturalism getting out of control anyway because enough foreigners of first, second, third etc generation live here already so you have to accept that this is what our country is now. But the bit I've highlighted there is my slight gripe with it. Why do we owe foreigners a better life here in our country? Left wing people speak about it like every foreigners right to come here and live a better life, but why is this so? Some people are born British, some people are born Somali. It's just the hand that you're dealt.
  22. Live in Gothenburg. Don't speak the language though so apologies if I missed something in the news out here. I'm not well informed at all by what has happened but nothing really happened in that video did it?
  23. Do me a favour. You are the moderator on a football forum. Since when do you have the right to police people's political views. Inevitably debates on immigration will be brought up following an incident like this. The Queen recently said in her speech she would like 'to welcome those who will contribute and turn away those who will not'. Calling for tighter immigration policy following an event like this is to be expected surely. Having lived in Sweden for the last year and not seen any evidence of crime or vandalism, I personally cannot help but think I wouldn't mind the UK taking a leaf out of their book with regards to who they allow into their country.
  24. I'm ****ing sick of people slating David Beckham. I literally do not understand what else you could ask for from a professional footballer. 'Batman's' list there is extremely comprehensive and thus he has to be regarded as one of the leading British footballers of his generation. But even if you refuse to accept that he has been a FANTASTIC role model for young people in this country. Besides playing a major role in obtaining the Olympics for us (one of the best month periods this nation has enjoyed for decades in my opinion), he has done an enormous amount for charity and above all else is just a supremely nice bloke. He's taken himself from being a bit of an illiterate div to a well rounded, almost intelligent and coherent speaker. The people who dislike him just sum up what is wrong with British people in general. We hate winners. And DB has won at every major project he has ever turned his hand to inside and outside of football. Appreciate the contribution this man has made to your country, a contribution that dwarfs anything you will ever achieve by many orders of magnitude. People who refuse to acknowledge this are just bitter and quite frankly pathetic in my opinion. Rant done.
  25. A very coherent and valid explanation, thank you.
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