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Northam Girls

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Everything posted by Northam Girls

  1. At Carlisle we sang "lan Pardew's Red Army" for a solid 20min+ and it raised the team, even the subs warming up were watching us in awe. On Tuesday night OWTS was sung loud and slow and sounded brill. Come on Northam we can do this - show the rest of the ground what this game means to us - go home with a sore throat and no voice if that's what it takes WE CAN DO THIS :-)
  2. Chap sat next to me on train home from London today was going to game - in Directors Box - so I gave him a couple of song sheets to take with him ;-)
  3. The same as Liverpool's Torres song :- http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=torres+song&search_type=&aq=0&oq=torres hope this works :-)
  4. Why is everyone so hard on Lloyd? In one game alone he played in 3 differnt positions CM, RM and RB. No wonder he occasionally gets confused as to where he's playing. It is obvious that AP has faith in him, or he wouldn't be playing so can we quit having a dig at the lad and try giving him some encourgement.
  5. We've got 200+ song sheets - anybody want one in Northam give us a shout :-)
  6. Let's hope Michael gets a chance as no 2 - he's better than both Bart and Forecast
  7. Got sung lots of times today - printed song sheets but left them in the car - oops :-)
  8. Think it's about time got the photocopier working again - lets see what we can do for Carlisle :-)
  9. On radio - Oscar Gobern gone on loan to MK Dons to join big brother Lewis Good luck to him
  10. Like this but would play Mills instead of Holmes in this one. Better defensively and can dovetail with Harding.
  11. Thomas - Jaidi - Trottman - Harding and just in case they get past that brick all Davis COYR - ;-)
  12. What a well balanced view for a change with which I agree. No histrionics just plain facts. Paterson had an off day, don't we all at times and unfortunately that caused the problem with only 2 out and out forwards to select. We had width today but no-one in the middle to convert the crosses. Saga or Papa would have been ideal today, but without them there was still progress and it was great to see Fish back in the team. It's coming together, slowly I admit but it is coming together.
  13. Beat me too - might as well delete the other two
  14. Senegalese Striker on seanson long lone
  15. And never stopped barking order, seemed to read possible danger before it happened
  16. Coffee actually. Oh and which Premiership club did you play for hmm ?
  17. When are you gonna GROW UP. Your the kind of kid that causes havoc in the supermarket coz mum said NO you can't have some sweets. We are in Div 1 - We are on -7 points - we had our pre season screwed through no fault of either ML or AP. Why should any self respecting player want to come and play for us in preference to the Premiership, Championship or high placed teams in Div 1. It doesn't matter how much money you have if there's nothing to spend it on you can't spend it. Would you pay £1m for a new car that should only cost £20,000 ? Stop being a spoilt little brat or stop calling yourself a Saints supporter
  18. Oxford English Dictionary argument • noun 1 a heated exchange of diverging or opposite views. 2 a set of reasons given in support of something. ;-)
  19. I didn't stop reading BUT I totally agree it's starting to p me off too - grr But to the point - the more I read what AP is saying the more I feel we are in safe hands not only at board level. He talks a whole lot of sence and isn't affraid to voice opinions that most wouldn't do openly. Ok we have only picked up 2 points this season so far - but I am confident we will get better very quickly once the transfer window closes
  20. Does he need a taxi ? ;-D
  21. i was thinking same - but maybe "no news is good news" - we can but hope
  22. Final Score Man Utd 1 Saints 3 ;-) Now come on seniors - emulate that
  23. It could be arranged if you think it would help get the ball rolling ;-)
  24. People really annoy me at times - they think Ollie is crap so they will only ever see crap. The lad did a lot better than Thomas last night and at one point played a wonderful through ball that nearly led to a goal. They talk about experience, how they hell does he get experience if you don't let him play. It didn't help that Murty was missing but give the boy a chance for goodness sake not everything he does is as bad as people are making out. I'd rather have Ollie than Wotton any day at least he passes it to one of ours !
  25. Gave out nearly 400 song sheets last night - lots of people already knew 'oooh is that the Rickie Lambert song?' We gave quick hum of the tune and most caught on quite quickly. We did get it going in the 1st half in the Arkle stand before they scored but then the atmosphere collapsed. Only saw 1 discarded copy when we left the stadium so hopefully it will re-appear on Saturday and we can have another go. Def think it's gonna catch on in big way - just need the man to score a few ;-)
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