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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. F*ck me, you really are a bunch of c*nts who don't deserve a team like Saints to support.
  2. Jeff is having a complete nightmare on this one. The past couple of pages have been an amusing read.
  3. See, even this post where you claim not to be angry is coming across as a bit angry. Im not sure what this mind set you refer to is. Britain and America have "a special relationship" and have done since Reagan was knobbing Thatcher. I fear you may be paranoid about this mind set thing. Im not sure that giving guns to angry, paranoid people, who don't even recognise when they're angry or paranoid, is a good idea. Theres that old cliche (or song lyric); "Guns dont kill people, people do". You're the living embodiment of that.
  4. How can you even comment when you haven't read the link? For the record, i dont think it would be 6 shootings. It would probably have been more, nearer 8-9. Sarnia Saint, i have read your posts on this thread with interest. Theres quite a lot of them, about 165, i think. And each one seems to be very angry and very anti British. Why are you so angry? And do you think it is sensible for angry people to be given guns?
  5. This must be the most uninteresting football statistic ever posted on the internet. Can anyone find a less interesting one?
  6. What's your excuse now you are no longer 16?
  7. Okay, Patrick Bateman - time to pay up. I told you, didn't I? Sorry everyone, this thread was made because Patrick and I had a bet. He said that he didn't think many people on here had completed school because you are "all so thick and stupid". I bet him that more than half had and that some would have gone to university. I won, naturally.
  8. Notting Hill Prep (SATs) Eton (GCSEs) Eastleigh College (BTEC) Cambridge (BA Hons) Harvard (MA)
  9. Its not hard to figure out that you're a massive tw*t, to be honest. "Based on a few words" - you do realise you have 23,000 posts on here? You post on virtually every thread, seemingly an expert in everything. And its wholly predictable ******** that you post. Why cant you just find something else to do rather than feel you have to provide an opinion about EVERYTHING, even when you obviously don't even have a clearly thought out opinion? "Thankfully I wont have to meet you".....are you being serious? You think you're the one who has got the good deal out of that? You're deluded, much like you were deluded when you posted on here pretending to be your own girlfriend. Thats not weird at all, is it? In summary, you're a tedious, predictable f*ckwit who desperately tries to show off in front of other forum members and you had to pretend to have a girlfriend.
  10. seems foolish when you can feel impotent in the comfort of your own bedroom
  11. Ludwig

    Net migration

    What a thorough cockmuffin. You really are a simpleton.
  12. He did ask for a bullet pointed summary.
  13. On an unrelated note, if any Nigerian phishing criminals are looking for someone who believes every single email they get, I know someone who fits the bill.
  14. What is the reason you continually act like a massive c*nt?
  15. The train things wasnt on the front page of every newspaper. This story is a few days old and is still being reported now. So it has had plenty of attention. How do you know it was black people who wrote the notes? I dont believe it was because i see the good in everyone. The media are trying to tell us that it was blacks who wrote the notes but i havent seen any evidence that this is true. Willenhall is not a "black area" as the media would have you believe. Some of us like to dig a bit deeper and not just get caught up in what the media tell us.
  16. It seems to me that this black man is trying it on and making things up having been influenced by social media. He initially fell off the train and then when he saw the uproar on twitter he thought "I could get some compensation here". So he will end up with a nice family holiday to London whilst the football lads will have their futures ruined because of his lies, his lack of balance and the PC twitter brigade.
  17. Yes, I thought that as well. When saw the original footage, thought " hang on.....that singing isn't even coming from the right part of the train" and then when I looked even closer, a little like you and Turkish have done, I noticed that that black man wasn't even pushed off of the train. He just fell off. If you look closely, no one actually touches him but all those social media lefties have convicted the Chelsea innocents already.
  18. Agreed. And we can take down that statue at the front of the ground too. Embarrassing sentimentality.
  19. it would be great if people did learn from this and society move forward, but you can see the problem in some of the responses on this thread. Some people, like Turkish and Griffo, don't seem to think this behaviour is either racist or a problem. When you have someone who spends as much time on forums as Turkish does, a lot of people will read his message. Its a shame that rather than pretending that he's doing some sort of public service for free speech or justice, Turkish cant just admit that this is a racist incident perpetrated by football hooligans. I wonder why he would want to defend such behaviour?
  20. hypochondriac (as in "he's a right hypochondriac") = c*nt
  21. I cant see a link either. Either post the link to your source about these people being paedophiles or read the sticky about libel.
  22. This is where we need Shane Long.
  23. Does he envisage a day when Saints will have an entirely electronic footballer playing for them? If so, what position does he think would be best suited to an electronic footballer and why?
  24. What's his favourite colour?
  25. The commentators on the stream I was watching said they thought he had the best dead ball delivery in the whole league.
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