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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. I typed out a really long reply, but was timed out ffs. What a load of crap. Here's the gist of it: The 'empire' is the epitome of British nationalistic pride. This empire which has exploited a nation of people whose population dwarfs that of Britain, used another nations natural resources and took all its wealth and anything of value. It created borders that led to great massacres, this was the work of the British as they declared independence before borders were finalised, so the respective governments were left to their own devices with regards to public order. Please also remember that the same British carved Israel from Palestine. Two places were WWIII may begin. Immigrants and ancestors have fought for Britain, there were many commonwealth troops who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII, these are mainly forgotten, but they did certainly play their part in fighting for our liberties, why not grant them the liberty to stay in the country they fought for? (gurkhas are one example) There are over 60 million people in Britain, but only 10,000 registered BNP members. The vocal minority speak wrongfully on behalf of the silent minority, who are capable of rational thought. You positing that most anti-BNP must be ethnic is ridiculous. Immigrants helped boost the post-war economy after WWII, plugging the gaps when it came to the NHS in particular. Immigrants have been very beneficial for Britain in the past, fighting for Britain and coming and working in Britain when it needs it most. This, despite Britain imposing tyrannical rule over their ancestors, the empire's proliferation of Indian resources and people was disgusting. The massacres in 1946 and 1947 due to partition can be directly attributed to the British. Yet despite this, the great empire, symbol for nationalistic pride, the peak of such a thing, it was horrible at times. I'm not saying it didn't have great positives for the commonwealth nations, but the negatives are apparent and are important. Foreigners and the British have had a mutually beneficial relationship in history as described above, but, if you seriously think a few immigrants sponging benefits, 'taking our jobs' at your expense even compares to the wrongful proliferation and exploitation of resources by the empire, the oppressive rule imposed upon many people and the greed that was behind all this, over centuries, not just a couple of decades, you truly are stupid. Immigrants positives far outweigh their negatives and to question the motives of any immigrant for coming to Britain is somewhat hypocritical. I find it ridiculous that anyone thinks Britain could function without immigrants. Absolutely so. You may call it the past and distance yourself from the actions of the 'civilised empire', but 1947 was not actually that long ago and degenerates take a long time to progress their sphere of thought. I doubt the underlying bigotry has escaped and see the BNP as nothing but a tool to harbour racists. Being opposed to immigrants is not racist, but being so without proper reason is. The positives of immigrants outweigh the negatives. It's not as if there aren't many a white person who live their life willingly off the dole, sort out problems relating to the British before turning 'externally' to the immigrants. They're a wrongful scapegoat. I'm not denying that sponging etc. is bad and those who do so shouldn't be in the country but the implication that seems constant that all immigrants are such is ridiculous and in itself practically a racist slur.
  2. Thirded.
  3. I heard it's a prequel, in the sense of story.
  4. If you kill most she's even angrier. If you save them all it's some weird gay thing.
  5. Which ending did you get? There are 3.
  6. Am studying this at the moment, it's brilliant. I'm starting Crime and Punishment later today. Hope it's what it's made out to be.
  7. I take grave offence to this statement.
  8. A limit for paid members in 'football' only? That would rejuvinate the rest of the forum and increase lurking time too.
  9. Totally agree. I paid up, but hardly use this site anymore. I post a lot less than 3 times a day on average and find what's on here of little interest in terms of posting. No way am I re-paying if it remains the status quo.
  10. this online is well good
  11. yeah shane, you stupid *****, read this
  12. They're all facets of Holden Caulfield, who's still alive, posting from a Californian institute. Btw, they think you're a phoney.
  13. It's not as though there isn't a lag with the interest rates anyway... but the inflation figures this time next year will be very interesting!
  14. Are these the belated passing bells?
  15. They opened a shakeaway in Watford recently. I still haven't bought anything there because it's too expensive.
  16. Now 46 was great
  17. homoeroticism.......I MEAN BOOBS HONESTLY, I'M NOT GAY AT ALL
  18. my god - you can't say cli-toral?
  19. Ok, great, I'll follow that up by reading an in-depth book on ****oral stimulation. Thanks for the advice, learned one.
  20. Yeah, ok. Let me take 'girl advice' from a self-professed intellectual who comes across as a bit of a dippy sod. I don't need it, thanks, I'm doing alright myself.
  21. That's a bit of an assumption, saying I haven't. Well I haven't, but I've got damn closer than you ever have, I'm certain!
  22. I was imitating you with that comment. Oh well, simple pleasures for simple folk....
  23. The highlighted parts are the funniest. I'm definitely preserving this for posterity, something to be displayed in museums in the future when highlighting the idiocy of the common male in our time. Also - I'm not particularly fussed by you accusing me of being gay, if you want me to be in your little fantasy land, let it be so. I don't need to justify myself to anyone, nor protest vigorously at the slightest mention that I may be queer. I know I'm not, that's all that matters. The fact that you think I'm lonely is also amusing, but I won't even bother explaining anything in that regard, my 'real' (as you like to call it) life is seperate to when I mess about on the internet, looking for music, Saints news and become distracted when I ought to do something more productive. Saying I don't have a social life though is rather funny. You may notice that I hardly ever log in on here anymore, let alone post on this board, that you singlehandedly have ruined, surpassing even my and others' previous efforts. Sorry, but that post is pathetic, but I don't feel a need to explain to you.
  24. Robsk has already been victimised enough for one lifetime, being in a train crash-esque fallout would surely be even worse for his already fragile pale freckly vaguely orange complexion?
  25. It's like cloning a dead mouse, only to poke it and laugh at it. Gingers, like the Japanese, are soulless.
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