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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. Bioshock/Fable II.
  2. Both of those teams are truly awful. Without Lita and Smith playing, it might as well have been a Blue Square South game.
  3. Animal Collective - Sung Tongs
  4. We'll get Watford away (I hope).
  5. That's an awful pun, you should be ashamed.
  6. When did he set up a fund?
  7. Nice one.
  8. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes Los Campesinos! - Hold On Now Youngster Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago The Dodos - Visiter Laura Marling - Alas I Cannot Swim
  9. Millions of them flying about tbh.
  10. Should be Pakistani (mainly Muslim) but was acceded to India by the prince in 1947. But really ought to be independent, which is I believe, what the people want.
  11. South Oxhey has a BNP councillor tbh.
  12. Both. It's just that the way in which partition was conducted with freedom declared for the states before borders were finalised that left public order up in the air, which was ignorance on the part of the British iyam.
  13. Thanks for the assumptions.
  14. F*ck off. They were perhaps well placed, but did Briitain partition Canada and Australia in a way that led to massacres and complete destabilisation in a way that would prevent development for a long time? F*ck right off.
  15. You were a bit ****ed up when you were SF76 and you still remain ****ed up now. Seriously, there is some utterly ridiculous conjecture there.
  16. Why do you have child porn on your PC? And worse yet, why are you sharing it online? You are disgusting, I bet you were one of the perpetrators of the horrible violence that took place yesterday after the football. You truly are a vile specimen of man.
  17. I think we really should be ashamed of ourselves, how dare people who call themselves Saints fans perpetrate such heinous acts. You make me sick, especially all of this glorification of the events that followed the match, calling them a 'joke' and laughing them off. There is nothing funny about violence ffs. I feel ashamed to be a Saints fan today.
  18. Maths is entirely logical. If you don't get it, you're lazy unless you actually have some sort of numerate disability. It takes a while for logic to prevail, but if you go through everything slowly it really should all click and the basics ought to be second nature to all.
  19. Don't be so silly. 7 people in our entire school year were entered for foundation, that's it! I got 480/480 UMS on the exam and was told by my stats teacher that I got full raw marks as well, I dropped 4 UMS on the coursework though. Oh well.
  20. Last years Edexcel papers were ridiculously easy, I got full marks. :cool:
  21. Well, there can be multiple solutions to an equation, there can even be imaginary solutions, so not really!
  22. Left-wing massive Mao Cap McDonalds Maidstone Rob (the ginger fat one) McDonalds Swaythling
  23. -- Shylock, "The Merchant of Venice", Act III Scene I Even Shakespeare had the right idea, yet they still haven't caught on!
  24. Omg, they're outnumbering us. You stupid retarded c*ntrag.
  25. Err... no.
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