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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. Don't be a bunch of c*nts. She has come out and stated that she wants her kids to have the opportunities that she didn't - foremost being an education. She has unashamedly said that she will make whatever money she can in her last few months for them to have this. Fair play to her. Her intentions are impeccable despite what you think of her. If that was me, I'd do the same and I wouldn't give a sh*t what a bunch of mugs on an internet forum thought of me. If the opportunity was there for you to do the same for your family and you'd had her upbringing, don't tell me you wouldn't jump at the chance. Don't forget that, for her, reality TV saved her life. It got her out of her ****ty life and gave her opportunities. Why should she not turn to this in her dying days. It is the place where she feels comfortable; happy. I'm sure if thedelldays were dying, he'd want to spend at least a few of his last days hedonistically confined to a small cabin with sweaty men.
  2. I agree, Macs are much more gay.
  3. Get off your moral ant.
  4. Didn't Matt Mills leave us for Man City having not got enough first team chances? It's a bit ridiculous to put him up there in the B team just because Birmingham are willing to chance a few million on him.
  5. If only David Copperfield could work his magic on us.
  6. Being good at taking chances does not mean that you're necessarily good at creating chances, nor does it guarantee that you can prevent chances being created against you, so why does Watford being able to take chances mean that they should be miles away from where they are? Also - why does it make the 'other table' so laughable and inaccurate when there's only a difference of 3 shots between them. Or do those 3 shots alter the statistics so hugely beyond recognition that they present us as significantly worse/better? :smt115
  7. An average of one goal per good chance across the leagues, yet Saints are rubbish and miss some. Thus there must be cases where teams score more than one goal for every good chance. :roll: Also - why have you given another definition of the Poisson distribution (rather irrelevantly), when the one Wiltshire Saint gave would suffice?
  8. Even if we did accept your classification of shots (in which case everyone else's figures should probably be reduced downwards too) and reduce Saints' total by 13, they'd still be 3rd in the list. You're making a complete non-point.
  9. Talking Heads Arab Strap (euphemism, but still) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah The Small Faces
  10. I've taken a slow train from Euston to Watford Junction earlier today - from everywhere after Harrow the snow begins and gets gradually worse as you reach Watford. Central London and some outer areas are fine, but Herts etc. has been quite affected.
  11. This game and the reaction throughout the next week will be worse this year than most.
  12. This thread has gone sufficiently off topic as to be able to justify moving it to 'The Lounge'.
  13. http://matchlive.safc.premiumtv.co.uk/mlex/258741/matches/10172006/2686762/match_console.html?clubid=undefined tbh
  14. It's not a right link at all.
  15. It sounds like so Middlesbrough fan whinging like ****.
  16. I dunno, I live in Watford. I'd assume that if there are no services back, then you may as well go Waterloo way.
  17. Just go via Watford Junction, you can only get slow trains to High Street from Euston and the walk is about 10 minutes more from Watford Junction than from Watford High Street, whereas the train journey is about 25 minutes more, if you get an all stations train from Euston as opposed to a fast one. Also - I'd recommend the Clapham Junction way if you time it properly, it's the one I prefer and find much quicker generally when I travel down to So'ton.
  18. We should sign him and Carlos Ruiz then get Paul Allen as owner. Easy. Problem solved.
  19. Ludwig

    Nathan Dyer

    Rasiak is rated by ****ford fans.
  20. He'll steal the tie!
  21. Depends what you want to do really. Trying to get into certain sectors without a degree would be nigh-on impossible nowadays, it really does depend upon the motive of the individual when going to Uni.
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