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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. Yes, but he's changed it to him wearing a Liverpool shirt. The cheeky ****.
  2. Not matter what you feel about Elia, there's no need for the insults towards Advocaat. He has always seemed a man of honour to me. But then again, that's just typical of this forum, always ready to be nasty, regardless of whether it's justified or not. I just hope he hasn't read this thread.
  3. Ludwig


    I'm with Batman on this one. This country is a joke. We ferry these people over here and then allow this sort of thing to happen. We probably helped them paint their signs at some sort of "refugee" centre. And I never check facts either if I'm on my phone, I just cut and paste anything I can find. It's just a forum, ffs.
  4. If you look "melt" up in the dictionary it's a collection of your posts from last summer.
  5. Imagine if we still had le Tissier and he was even better than he was back then. That would be great, wouldn't it?
  6. I think he's 14th best.
  7. Are you normal? If so, most abnormal people would be happy not to fit the norm.
  8. Ludwig


    I hope we sign him. But if we don't and Spurs or Liverpool do, I hope he turns out to be Lovren 2.0.
  9. I didn't realise CB Fry was a wife beater and child abuser, which it I turns out he is. I am disgusted by the whole thing. CB Cry is a more apt name. Or CB Die. Or CB Lie. I hope the authorities do something about this. It's just not right. We should be thanking Jeff for bringing this to our attention. I know the term "hero" is bandied about far too regularly, but I think it is justified here.
  10. Welcome Juanmi! We'll probably all hate you after your first 2 games so enjoy the love while you can get it!
  11. I said it 5 years ago.
  12. Did you include the post that says "you boring f*cking c*nt" because, surprisingly, that one isn't about you, but could be applied if needed.
  13. No, what's sad is that you have so many posts on here and many of them show your need to join in with the big boys and bully people. You hide behind Turkish, looking at who he is going to bully next and then join in. You did it to saintandy and now you're doing it to sue and Lou. Like I say, you're a c*nt and that needs pointing out, just in case you forget.
  14. What is your obsession with following Lou and Sue around and just being a bit unkind and trying to bully them? Do you have problems with women? Is it attention seeking? Are you trying to impress Turkish? And before you ask, the reason I follow you around is that you're a c*nt and need to be reminded of the fact on a regular basis. C*nt. Realistically, I am going to say Limerick. I've put £20 on it.
  15. You didn't read it? Don't lie. Surely you need some sort of distraction right now? I'm sure my short post provided some distraction from the horrible existence you seem to lead.
  16. Haha......no, you just make up girlfriends and then post as them. ****ing hell, if you post on here as a diversion, then you must have a lot of things in your life that you are avoiding. But it's not a story, is it? It's fact. You got banned and then started posting as a woman and eventually it turned out that this woman was actually you (let's not forget that you did admit all of this) but you pretended it was your girlfriend, who you met from here. Dont try and re-write history.
  17. Not really strange.....Alpine has barely posted a thing all season and clearly couldn't wait to have a moan last week. The fact that we have just destroyed Villa means we won't be hearing from him. I suspect the next time he posts it will be to tell us about the disastrous transfer policy, as he sees it and possible relegation next season.
  18. It doesn't hide your erection?
  19. Does this mean the parking issue is now sorted and you're turning your attention the next job on list?
  20. You should watch something that's more suited to your attention span. The 100m is over pretty quick, no ads in the middle and even has a gun at the start.
  21. Will you be pretending to be your own bride at your "wedding"?
  22. Clyne in John Terry's team of the year. Along with Bertrand and Mané.
  23. Of course, the only reason you use this board is because you support the saints. Thats why most of your many thousands of posts are either about not understanding what racism is or not understanding the word "mong", all of which directly relates to Southampton FC. Like I said, boring f*cking c*nt.
  24. You boring f*cking c*nt.
  25. Yes, but you were proper nawty when you were a youngster on the flowers estate. Now you are an upstanding member of the community. Things have changed. This is not about being judged on the things Farage did or said as a kid. The letter indicates racist tendencies. Today, the man leads a party with racist tendencies, as proven by the endless "gaffs" they make. So it is fair to make a link between the young Farage and today's Farage. What is more odd is that this letter was first released in 2013 and was news then. Saint Armstrong has dug it up from somewhere because its not in the headlines now as far as i can see.
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