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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. What's this got to do with the Paris massacre? Maybe you need to start another thread where you can collate all of the anti Muslim stuff you can? This thread is a disgrace, from the point scoring and arguing to this. This thread was never about what happened to those people in Paris. It's an opportunity for people to argue and try and whip up anti Muslim feeling. I would say I'm surprised its been allowed to continue but I'm not, it's pretty much the norm for this board. Absolutely no moderation or input from owners and people pay £5 for the privilege of reading this ****.
  2. I have no idea what the point of your post is. It's a really odd thing to start bringing up on a thread about Auschwitz. Of course there were other atrocities, everyone knows that. "sometimes the holocaust is portrayed as the most despicable aspect of the war". Well, is that surprising? It was the most despicable aspect just for the sheer scale of the extermination. I have no idea what you're trying to achieve or why you think a thread about Auschwitz is the place to do it.
  3. You're going to have to elaborate. Surely when talking about the holocaust there's no need for a "but..."
  4. You're vaguely comical. 4 clean sheets and a great performance tonight. Stick to discussing what shade of white stripe we should have for our next kit.
  5. Apart from all those white people who have been nominated and won awards. Like Sam Smith. And all the others. The endless list. What a tool.
  6. What, like people predicting we'll be relegated? ****.
  7. What a bellend. "I told you we would go down" "I told you we wouldn't go down" Worthless point of view.
  8. Tommy widdrington
  9. Every migrant is a potential terrorist is about as true as every male is a potential rapist. Every person is a potential something.
  10. Being blocked in by the Masons doesn't count. Although I could believe that someone punches you in the face every couple of years.
  11. Your "thread winning" comment pretty much sums up why you can't have a discussion or debate on here anymore. You're too busy trying to score points. I'm not trying to "win" the thread. I take it you're upset because I dared to point out that your "facts" about population density were wrong (or possibly wrong)?
  12. The interesting thing about those who say there are too many people in the world is that they never identify themselves as the superfluous ones.
  13. That is unbelievable! That man is a f*cking liar! We really have all been taken in by his bu*ll****. The bloody media need to hang their heads in shame, the way we have all been manipulated by them. Luckily, this source that Saint in Paradise has found is cutting through the bull and allowing us to see the truth. I don't think I've seen such a well thought out manifesto in my life as what they have in the "Solutions" tab of their blog - it's so important that I think we should all see it, so here are their "solutions" to the Muslim problem: "There are sensible ways to tackle Islamic terrorism and make the future safer for the world. The problem is not that there are no solutions. The problem is that politicians are not bothered to act. They are unwilling to implement what it takes to end MUSLIM ISLAMIC terrorism once and for all, and undo the damages poor political policies have caused: Islam must be made illegal and defined as a foreign fascist ideology, not a religion. Ban and demolish all mosques. Every single mosque in the West collect donations ‘for Muslim causes’. Jihad is the core foundation of Islam and a duty for every single Muslim. Each and every mosque goer is expected to contribute in some way or the other. Joining terrorism, committing terrorist acts, supporting and recruiting for jihad is an act of treason and should be sanctioned by capital punishment. Ban and punish any and all arms trade with Muslim countries. Ban all aid contributions to Muslims. There is no need for the West to contribute aid. Ban the Koran and burn them; block the content from being accessed online. Halal tortured meat, a major funding source towards terrorism, must be fully and completely banned. Remove all practicing and religious Muslims from the West. Completely. Deport them by canceling residency, revoking passports, and cancelling visas on basis of incompatibility and ineligibility. Countries that refuse / block to take Muslim immigrants back to their own countries need to be fined and sanctioned. Muslims deported to their home countries should be booked on a one-way flight, disembarked in their homeland and left at the airport for local officials to deal with. It is irrelevant if the countries will accept to take them back or not: that option to chose should not be obligatory. Refusal should be heavily fined. Ban all trade with and from the Muslim (majority and ruling) world. Ban all travels to and from the Muslim world. All sales of properties owned by Muslims in the West need to be revoked of all ownership. The properties should be resold at market value. Funds should be used to cover the losses caused by Muslim immigration (welfare, housing, prison system, healthcare, security) and the massive bill for legal costs, law enforcement, national intelligence, etc., for the removal of Muslims from Western society and the elimination of Islam. Ban all banking and payments to and from the Muslim (majority and ruling) world to other non-Muslim countries. Ban all investments to and from the Muslim world. All “charitable” funding and accounts raised by Islamic organizations in the West are to be frozen. Funds should be allocated to the government for tackling Islamic terrorism. End the entire oil trade with the Muslims. The oil trade continues to be an endless source of Islamic terrorism. Sanctions on Muslim countries from trading in oil to non-Muslim nations should be made active until a total trade ban is put in place. (We need a permanent replacement for oil for all our energy needs). Muslims who are in prison in the West, before they are deported, must be separated from non-Muslims. No special privileges for gatherings, prayer meetings, food, mingling or religion are to be provided Muslim charged with plotting, planning or committing terrorism should be executed. As an option, a bilateral agreement can be signed with Saudi Arabia to execute them sharia-style by beheading. Muslims must be permanently banned from any jobs within law enforcement, immigration, government. Borders must be protected with three levels of boundaries with clear warnings within each boundary. Illegals forcing their way into the third boundary to be shot on forced entry at their own volition."
  14. Fact checking is important. This site quotes UN figures which are, again, contradictory to your figures. http://statisticstimes.com/population/countries-by-population-density.php How do you decide which "facts" are right in the face of different figures? I thought the UN were a reliable source but it turns out that they're not. It's very difficult. Are you confident that your sources are more reliable than the ones I've provided?
  15. Interesting. Those links only show the Netherlands data but your list showed many more countries. Where did that list come from? I presume you didn't visit every country page from worldpopulationreview.com and compile the list yourself?
  16. I'd be interested to see your source for that. Here's a named source that says you are wrong. http://www.tavinstitute.org/infographics/ And your post is the height of sensible debate?
  17. I'm in the same place and have also been talking to Mane's agent. He's French. Really nice bloke. He said that he didn't have many footballers on his books.....Mane and Payet, but he also managed musicians. He named Gareth Gates and Olly Murs.
  18. Hmmm, not sure you should be making comments like that. Gary Glitter is a convicted sex offender and for you to suggest that RK has some connection to him is dangerous and probably libellous. I suggest you or the mods delete your post.
  19. You're obviously not a stupid person Adrian, but Watford is clearly not in London.
  20. Oh boo-hoo. Tell him to grow a pair.
  21. F*cking hell! Already? I haven't got a stream or BT sports. Sounds like it could be a cricket score. Who scored for them?
  22. This is pure supposition and I'm pretty sure it's also complete arse.
  23. Just because others have heard of a player that you haven't doesn't mean you have to act like a tit. I've not heard of the chap either but I'm not going to demand evidence from each and every poster that they have heard of him. You could always try reading up on him, although I understand why that may be a struggle.
  24. What? That is utter nonsense. You can't play devils advocate by just typing a load of old ********.
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