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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. You really shouldn't be flattered. I remember it because it was the single most saddest and pathetic thing I'd ever witnessed on a football forum. Don't try and rewrite history either.....it wasn't your ex girlfriend. It was you pretending to be a girl. Interestingly by calling "her" an ex, you're implying that you ****ed yourself off so much that you dumped yourself. That's the most believable bit of your whole sorry story.
  2. I remember very clearly when Hypo pretended he had a girlfriend who posted on here but it turned out to be him. Imagine that.....pretending to be your own girlfriend on line. How anyone could still show their face after that is astonishing, let alone continue acting like a prize c*nt.
  3. It will be difficult, that's for sure. To answer the question posed, how do we prepare as fans, I have a few things I'll be doing and some suggestions: 1. I will tell my family I love then everyday 2. Some sort of support group is needed. If the club doesn't organise one then we'll have to do it ourselves. Maybe weekly meetings where we can talk about how we feel. 3. A 24hr phone line where people can ring when when they're feeling low. Sometimes the fear of relegation hits people in the middle of the night. A helpline would be a lifeline for these people. 4. More light hearted approach is you could bet on saints going down and bet against us every game, so at least you have some money (could help with transport costs to the help group) Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk
  4. Not the first time he's ****ed up at the back and cost us a goal. Why he plays over lemina, I don't know. Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk
  5. We did something very similar a few years back https://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?7949-Saints-Greatest-XI-B-Team-Right-Striker-Nominations#.WcAufbJ97IU
  6. Yeah! That John Aldridge isn't even fashionable! What a c*nt.
  7. You can change your father? I don't think that's true. Not sure if you can change your brain or DNA either. Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk
  8. I think it's a really important appointment Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk
  9. Sounds ideal for us given that we're not a big team and he'll be taken from us if he is any good. Sign him up!
  10. Let's get some Southampton blood back - Tommy Widdrington is with Coventry now and would jump at the chance of a return to Saints.
  11. Sorry I'm not addicted like you. In the last three months what have you said that is of any value? **** all, because I just read three pages of your posts. So as an active poster who keeps up to date with this thread, why did you not feel it was important enough to comment on until I posted?
  12. 5 days and not a single post on this thread. Says a lot about the membership of this place. Nothing worth mentioning, eh?
  13. Ludwig


    To watch you cry when I post, you big c*nt.
  14. Ludwig


    Ha! I wanted a bite on my post, so well done on that!
  15. Ludwig


    What do you want? A medal?
  16. Thanks for that. You're a good person.
  17. I understand that people want to watch the highlights of their match on the day. I also understand that other people don't want MOTD on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
  18. Jesus. No, what they knew in advance was that one of the biggest games of the English calendar would be played on the Monday. Why is that such a difficult thing to understand?
  19. Well, if anyone saw the Middlesborough vs Watford game then they might not be so quick to demand highlights. Let's be honest, the first half of our game wasn't exactly brilliant either. So why would you ignore one of the biggest games in English football in order to put out highlights of 2 halves of dire football and one of a goal less ha;f between us and Burnley? It's not a conspiracy or anything to **** your pants about. In fact, it would be odd if they put MOTD2 on today and ignored the game tomorrow.
  20. Is this genuinely a thread aimed at professional footballers?
  21. Ludwig


    Of course you don't sound too negative by saying we're in a relegation fight after four games. You just sound like a mentally subnormal c*ck.
  22. Ludwig


    Don't be a c*nt all the time.
  23. I know I speak for many others when I say I'm delighted that we've sold so many players.
  24. Men, not "been"
  25. Yes, having a very attractive woman on the programme for been to letch over is definitely all about being PC.
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