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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. An interesting article from the BBC. Thanks for during it with us Alpine. I can't believe that even with interesting and educational reports like this on their website some people still think the BBC is "useless and dinner down". Good work BBC! Good work Russian bloke (although im surprised that the army types on here aren't up in arms about the fact that really, this guy was a bad soldier who disobeyed commands.....would we be happy with one of our lads if they decided to ignore the chain of command?)
  2. What the ****? Lallana shouldn't be anywhere near an England team at the moment. He hasn't done anything to warrant a call up other than the little turn he did in the corner against Liverpool. But then Lambert has been called up during his worst period of football for a long time. Maybe they should call up off form saints players and then when theyre **** Roy can say "they're ****" and go back picking his favourites from the big teams.
  3. This is the most idiotic thread I've seen on here in a while. The OP is clearly an arsehole of the highest order.
  4. I am puzzled by almost everything in this post. Firstly, there is a arts forum, surely thats the place for this thread. More importantly though, why the hell would you smash your TV up? That sounds like the action of a complete ****. Were you a bit of a bellend as a child? I am also intrigued by the comment about you representing everything that Weller was against. What does that mean? Are you Mark Thatcher?
  5. People who try to get others banned from forums.
  6. Indeed! I wonder what those who predicted 2-0 and 4-0 are thinking? What about those who predicted 0-1? The were close. I wonder what they're thinking right now. And those who predicted 1-1, what are they thinking. And what about 2-2? I wonder what people who predicted 4-1 are thinking right now? I would love to know what people who forecast 6-2 are thinking? And I'm interested to know what those who thought it would be 1-3 are thinking.
  7. I'm really frustrated at what I am seeing. I feel impotent.
  8. You really are a tw*t aren't you?
  9. I once received an email from a person claiming to be God. I still don't know where they got my email address from but it wasn't guesswork as they knew a lot about me. It described some of the issues I was having with my life at the time and stated some simple things I could do to make.things better. I did try some.of them and they worked, which was surprising. I started to feel happier with my life and myself, as a person. I then got another email from this person and this time I arranged to meet them. I was a bit wary so arranged a meeting in a public place during daytime. When I got there the person was already waiting for me. He was a middle aged, white haired man. Dressed in smart clothes and with a briefcase. He showed me some photos of what appeared to be me in the future. It was very odd and he said if I wanted to know more then I should follow him to his offices. I went with the man and when we got to he office he touched my penis.
  10. I think its a combination of both of those things. Some people are born daft and are then brought up by idiots and lack education. These people are very stupid and should be out down for the good of mankind (or at the very least they should be banned from forums). Others are born dart but through education reach a reasonable level of intelligence that allows them to converse normally and reach plausible conclusions. Others are born with natural intelligence but have this washed out.if them.through their up bringing. And others, are just c*nts. I have a lot of sympathy for Saint In Paradise. It must be terrible constantly having the holocaust shoved down his f*cling throat. No one deserves that. people really should just forget about it. Next time anyone mentions the holocaust to SinP, I think he should gas the f*cker to death.
  11. Not everyone sees being imprisonment as a sign of success. I know you may find that difficult to understand.
  12. Is this for real? Are you f*cling nuts?
  13. "bore off"? Really? I think its nice that you've made a real effort to be amusing with this thread. I see that Norway Saint has upset you and you've risen to the challenge. Keep trying.
  14. Yes, this thread has certainly confirmed that.
  15. except that never really happened. Pretty much all educated people knew the world was a sphere. Its only in modern times that this idea that they thought the world was flat came about. Still, don't let facts get in the way of a sensible debate about climate change.
  16. Sound advice that doesn't seem to have been listened to Exactly And with that comment your mask has well and truly slipped. Selfishness is the rule for you, isn't it? Is empathy a foreign concept to you? You really cannot see why someone should care about what happens to someone else. You're more than happy to see a race to the bottom because it doesnt affect you. Have you even considered that others may not be in the same position as you? You may have more money, education and choices than others but there's no need, to go back to Grey Crabs point, to be complete c*nt. Yes, Baz, how dare you not just accept that Tokyo is right? Please stop giving your point of view and just accept what he's saying as the correct way of doing things. Tokyo, my advice to you is to stick to The Muppet Show - it's where you're best suited. Oh, and probably best to wait for Bearsy to post so you can at least be part of a comedy duo where one half of it is actually funny.
  17. Some people gave shown their true colours on here. What a horrible society some of you wish to develop.
  18. Why is a new thread needed for this? Yes, or else how would he have said it? This caving in when confronted with Nazis is not what the British navy used to be like, thank god. You're very angry today. Do you need a cuddle? Are you missing being surrounded by Semen?
  19. Why is a new thread needed for this? Yes, or else how would he have said it? This caving in when confronted with Nazis is not what the British navy used to be like, thank god. You're very angry today. Do you need a cuddle? Are you missing being surrounded by Semen?
  20. There is a certain level of ingratitude that only women can display evident here. They bleat on, in their usual way, about equal rights but they're too daft to understand that its for their own good that we won't allow them to play the courses that are just too hard for them. What do they want? It's like they want to be humiliated by playing on courses that aren't suitable. I do sometimes wonder whether this is the old "beaten wife" scenario - moaning about something that men are only doing for their own good. Women, if they must play golf, should have separate courses or pitch and putt. I and many other golfers don't want to see woman struggling around a golf course that is too difficult for them, losing a bit of their self esteem with each terrible shot. Keep them out and then both sexes can be happy. Lets not bow to the PC, lefty, rainbow brigade on this one.
  21. You really are a tedious tw*t
  22. I've never been a fan of articles written in such grandiloquent language.
  23. Flipping hell mate, calm down. What's the hostility about? You asked a question which he was obviously replying to before your update, a simple checking of posting times would show that. Don't get why so many people just feel the need to be rude to MLG.
  24. He wasn't an Adkins signing. How many times.do people.need to be reminded of not only Forrens interview when he joined but also Adkins, who when asked said he knew nothing about it. Cortese clearly signed him, panicking because of defensive frailties at the time. I can't believe anyone actually buys this nonsense about him being bought for the following season. It was simply a very poor signing and makes his refusal to go on trial at Liverpool make more sense. He obviously knew he wasn't up to it. I think Cortese saw a player linked with a club like Liverpool and thought "he must be good". Anyway, like I said earlier, Sky are saying we've got.most.of our money back so its not a huge problem. Personally id be happy with the new bloke and Yoshida this season. If we can buy someone else, even better.
  25. Flipping bizarre transfer. At least sky are reporting that its believed that we recouped most of what we paid for him.
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