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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. hang onto those coattails, Tokyo!
  2. you might not do any of the above, but you're an incredibly annoying dullard. Just like Glasgow Saint.
  3. Give it a rest Dune, you tedious bore.
  4. I don't actually have objection to the joke, Bearsy, you got me there. What I object to, as would many who appreciated Deppos posts, is that Tokyo got him banned by complaining about a tasteless joke about a tragedy, but now it seems its ok to make those sort of jokes. The problem with Tokyo is he has double standards, is happy to report posters and spends far toomuch time trying to be funny. I know that there's a number of posters who hold him responsible for getting a good poster banned and for that reason alone, he I consider him to be a ***t. A hypocritical ***t. And that's meout of posts. I'm off to all the other forums I frequent to seek out my other, proper nemesis' (what a ***t)
  5. Oh, I thought that you had reported him for what you deemed to be a tasteless comment about a tragedy which led to him being banned. It just seems that you're doing the same thing. Incidently, I don't care where you're from, it makes no difference to the lack of taste of your "joke". I also don't understand the point about "finding my dad". What does that mean? And as for being your nemesis, do yourself a favour. You need to get a hobby which doesn't involve being a c*ck or trying to be as funny as Bearsy.
  6. And nine people died, yet you're happy to turn that into a joke? Remind me, why did you report Deppo and get him banned? Well done, once again you show yourself up to be a c*nt.
  7. define "being a bit of a bellend"
  8. Because I wanted to, you tedious blockhead.
  9. What time I got prayers later? What? Why do you want to know when I pray? How is this relevant? Or are you taking me up on my advice and just posting all of your incredibly stupid thoughts? I said do it in a blog that people can dip in and out of. Don't put each and every inane thought up on here or you'll be back up to 30,000 posts within no time and your cover would have been blown.
  10. Yes, I said that. You really are a very stupid person. I don't wish to be unkind, but you don't seem to understand the point of my post, when it is pretty straight forward. Help me out - can you explain why this "news" is so shocking to you that you felt compelled to use a "wowzers" and post the story? Is it because your brain is so tiny and undeveloped that changes to the human body, like weight gain, are so unexplainable that you find it freakish and need to share the news? Have you been through puberty? What the **** did that to your micro brain? You must walk around the place in a constant state of shock and awe. Each change to the world seemingly crushing your whole perception of reality. This current movember thing must be f*cking with your mind - people who used to have no moustache NOW HAVE A MOUSTACHE!!! How?! HOW HAS THIS HAPPENED? You should keep a blog about all the wondrous, amazing and confusing things you see during your day. I'd love to read your thoughts about when someone walks into a dark room, touches the wall and a mini sun appears or how in the morning you can walk past shops that have people in them but when you walk past them at night they are empty. It is indeed a mystery what has happened to those shop dwellers. See, this is better than looking at a fat person (just the one person/celeb....not "celebs") - mocking your stupidity. I'm quite happy to do this, it's better than reading pointless ******** that you link to. So, from now on, no more links to stories, give us examples from your own life where there is far more amusement to be had.
  11. Wowsers!!! A woman has put on weight!! This is shocking! I'm with you delldays, this news is INCREDIBLE! And it's clearly a set up - she's an attention seeker, always has been and has gone out with a crop top on, as all fat people do, training in a public park rather than a gym. She's organised the photo shoot and the whole thing is pathetic, from her involvement, the Mail printing this ****, dulldays thinking this is something worth posting and me for being drawn even talking about it.
  12. As thick as a what? Oh the ironing, as they used to say.
  13. I don't get it. Who has "forced" him to remove those tweets and why is he now unable to give the money to Children in Need? So some people called him an attention seeker, why should that mean he removed tweets? Surely most tweets are some form of attention seeking? You want people to pay attention to what you're saying - sometimes there may be something worth saying and it's justified and at others you might just be "doing a Glasgow Saint". There's some questions there I'd be interested in hearing the answers to - namely, who has forced him to remove the tweets and if it was he himself who removed them, why did he feel he had to do that? Weird stuff.
  14. To be honest, it looks like the bigger Batman is the one doing all the work and little "Batkid" is just following him around taking all the glory.
  15. That is my concern as well. Surely the boat can just slow down a bit and not do damage to the environment. There's no rush or anything.
  16. If his tactics are coming through the interpretor then this could lead to future problems. For example if he interpretor is learning all of MPs tactics and ways on the training pitch and could go off and steal his approach, helping another club improve like us. What if this bloke (not sure of his name, but I do know that he's not MPs son!) went to Fulham (opening there soon) and took all of MPs tactics and secrets with him? That would reverse the whole picture - MP wouldnt be able to communicate with our players so our performances will tail off whilst Fulham would basically have an English speaking MP. Some people have suggested that MP is simply the PR face of the club (handome former international, tackled Owen etc) and that its actually the interpretor who is running everything and is the brains, but I'm not sure I buy that.
  17. I understand what he wrote, I am just saying that the person who he is referring to as "his son" is in fact his interpreter. Just because the bloke is small that doesn't make him a child! I don't even think that MP has a child, there's certainly no mention of one on his Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauricio_Pochettino
  18. The little guy who is always next to him is his interpretor, not his son. Whether he is "inside" or "outside" of football, the relationship remains the same.
  19. Erm, that's not his son, that's his interpretor.
  20. Ramirez was awful when he came on yesterday. He basically lost us the match. Obviously, I didn't watch the game but I still feel that I can comment on the performance of a player. There is absolutely NOTHING unreasonable about that. Did anyone see MOTD? Linekar was terrible, a really bad anchorman. I mean, I didn't manage to watch it myself but I heard some bad reports about him. The BBC really need to get rid of him.
  21. Ramirez was awful when he came on yesterday. He basically lost us the match. Obviously, I didn't watch the game but I still feel that I can comment on the performance of a player. There is absolutely NOTHING unreasonable about that. Did anyone see MOTD? Linekar was terrible, a really bad anchorman. I mean, I didn't manage to watch it myself but I heard some bad reports about him. The BBC really need to get rid of him.
  22. Oh, I see. Sorry, the way you announced that the Kenyans were lacking discipline and uncoordinated made be think you'd based this assertion on something. Now you're saying you didn't do an investigation, so can i ask, what evidence did you use to.come to your conclusion? Another point, which i find a bit odd, is that you are complaining about the BBC although you actually agree with what they have said. It seems to me that you just want to have a moan about the BBC.
  23. but 4 days ago you started this thread saying "the kenyan army lacked discipline and no coordinated approach..." So why is it ok for you to conduct your own investigation and announce your conclusion but its not ok for the BBC to do it?
  24. Bloody predictive text. Please replace the following words: "during" should be "sharing" "dinner down" should be "dumbed down"
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