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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?45266-SFC-still-run-like-a-crappy-seaside-B-amp-B
  2. hi mate You can buy a ticket from a few sources. There is a special website I use to buy/sell saints tickets but they are at a premium (let me know if you want me to get you some) or get in touch with the poster called "42" on here and he should be able to sort you out. Cheers Ludwig
  3. if you do decide to go down that route and want me to sort out some tickets for you, drop me a PM. I'm sure we could find a price that suits us both.
  4. I'm sure many of you ITK posters are aware of the unofficial ticket site for Saints, where people "acquire" additional tickets for those who cannot normally get them and do so at a premium price.
  5. Burley was a drunk? Since when?
  6. I've always said that you can say what you want about Josef Fritzl (and some people wish to label him a "monster") but you cannot deny he was a brilliant handyman. In fact, brilliant is an understatement (and "handyman" is probably an insult). He is quite inspirational.
  7. I was talking to someone who knows quite a lot about this and he said that the only reason we're now being told to eat 7 portions if fruit/veg is because the Muslims don't get enough nutrients etc because they don't eat meat. I genuinely have nothing against the Muslims. They're free to live here, have their mosques and special shops, but when we need to start eating more fruit to suit them then that's when its gone too far. It should be THEM adapting to us, not the other way round.
  8. Maybe you should eat more or maybe you eat too much fruit and veg? You're saying you're not sure how much you should eat? Well, you're getting some guidance, some advice. So what's the problem?
  9. I can only manage 48 apples a week. Am I going to die?
  10. I thought this was an apt quote from the quote store cupboard of the internet:“There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and, after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.” — Logan Pearsall SmithLogan Smith? Who the f*ck is he? Dunno. Some bloke who said something that seems to fit with Saints.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_Pearsall_Smith
  11. If you look at the list of banned members over the years, none have been as obvious WUM as GS or as tedious. What an utterly sh*t job of moderating is being done here.
  12. I can't see us getting another point or scoring another goal, though I am basing that on what I read about the team on here.
  13. In years to come, parents won't be reading their children traditional folk stories, they'll read a selection of Glagow Saint's posts and the little ones will be asleep with seconds, barely able to muster "but you read that one yesterday!".
  14. I think it is very sensible to start speculating on the dismissal of Pardew and can see no reason why we shouldn't just assume it was because NC predicted he might headbutt someone.
  15. Ah, that old one - "enjoyment".Is that what you're all about adriansfc? Is it? You're the sort who go around happily announcing that we've "come so far" and enjoying seeing the progress, aren't you? Go on, admit it.Well, let me tell you something, mate. Some of us don't care much for that attitude. Some of us want more than that. Are we wrong? Are we wrong to want to be in the top 4? I for one will not be able to enjoy any game that we lose or any season where we havent won the league. And I suppose that you and your happy clapper cult will tell me that I'm wrong. You don't get to tell me what to enjoy, adriansfc. I decide that and if I decide that I am going to refuse to find any enjoyment in football and Southampton then that is MY DECISION and not yours.So, with all due respect, take your "enjoyment" and shove it right up your anus. And while you're enjoying that feeling, the rest of us will be preparing ourselves for a whole new raft of threads about how badly we're doing after Liverpool, inevitably, destroy us.[video=youtube;PGn3ge-UIFU]
  16. its his opinion you arrogant **** And just in case you get all upset, let me remind you..... http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?49196-Ralph-Krueger-upcoming-appointment&p=1890195#post1890195
  17. Ha! Are you really saying that you cannot tell who the WUMs are? I don't mind a bit of WUMing but its the constant and tedious nature of the current batch of WUMs that is the problem. I guess its not your fault, you are doing what you think is right and need some direction from the people who are making money from this website/product.
  18. ooh, be careful goatboy, she's jealous. Whatever you do Goats, don't start writing like Bearsy or hanging off his coat tails or you'll have Tokyo to deal with.
  19. What if all the other passengers were disabled or even more heavily pregnant? In which case, its this woman who is the "grade 1 c*nt" for demanding others less well off give up their seat for her. If there was one able bodied or non pregnant person on the train, then they're a c*nt.
  20. you really are a relentlessly dull bellend.
  21. so,basically, you want him to speak English? Well worth a thread. For the sake of a vibrant discussion i will take the opposing view. Here goes.... I don't ever wish to hear Pottechino speak English.
  22. Yes but they did that on behalf of the fans and were accountable. It was what we all wanted, don't try and re-write history.
  23. I think you are a complete tw*t, but are spot on with this one This season had so much potential. We started well and we should be finishing top 4, instead, we're languishing in 8th. No cups to play for after today is also a huge disappointment. In my opinion, I feel that today's performance was probably a reaction to some news that the players heard before kick off. I speculate that they had just found out one (or more) of the following: a) The club is being sold b) Pottechino is leaving c) Ramirez, Lovren or Fonte (or all of them) are out for the long term (possibly may never play again) The season has fizzled out and is now looking like an embarrassment. It's a shame that any drive for success has been replaced with the acceptance of failure.
  24. How do you know about this stuff? It's an interesting question that the OP poses. After today, I know that I am not alone in questioning the very point of living. We could have won a game of football, but in the end, we didn't. It is the fact that I know we could have won that game that makes it all so frustrating. In many ways, football is like life. Most of the time it's ****, but then you might get a good period and be really happy and then it all turns **** again. And that one moment of being **** is enough to wipe out all of the residual happiness from when it went well.
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