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Everything posted by Ludwig

  1. Wow. Thats some pretty damming stuff right there from Dejan. There's a lot of quoting for that just to be made up. He's given us a real and depressing insight into whats been going on. For one, i think he's a bit of an idiot. He came he because he was "sold" this ambition by NC? He was at Lyon before. Surely if CL is that important then he would have stayed there? Or maybe it was because he was offered a load of money and had had a bit of a crap time at Lyon that he left them? Or is he that stupid that he thought that Southampton (who i bet he had never heard of before we approached him) would be a better and more ambitious club than Lyon? Whatever his reasoning, if he wants to go then let him go. Thats my view with all of them who want out. Go. As long as we get a good price they can go. I only want players who actually want to play for us here at the start of the season. I don't want idiot players here who are upset because we're not playing CL like they were promised. There's clearly stuff that the club needs to sort as well - like getting some strong leadership in place. Im sure Dejan is twisting and exaggerating things to orchestrate his move, but there is clearly some sort of problem within the management. I'll be glad when the football kicks off and things settle down.
  2. Hahaha! What an idiot. Courtois.......the bloke who has apparently displaced Cech at Chelsea? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/chelsea/10831871/Petr-Cech-may-leave-Chelsea-as-Thibaut-Courtois-emerges-as-Jose-Mourinhos-first-choice-keeper-at-Stamford-Bridge.html Maybe we should sign Cech?
  3. Haha! Nothing like panic, eh batman? he said THANK YOU! He MUST be off! That thank you meant "thank you for releasing me from these bonds of slavery". Oh no, its his birthday.
  4. Well, yes......our posts clearly do make a difference, hence Adam Lallanas advert. I have no doubt that he took that out as a direct result of the grief he was getting from here. So i firmly believe that our HCDAJFU threads are noted and if we say "buy some more players!" Then the board will buy some more. The fact that you don't see this shows that you are one of the posters who are happy to bury their head in the sand and pretend everything is fine. With all due respect, you are old and don't understand the importance and influence of social media and forums like this. They carry a lot of weight. If we got behind one player i have no doubt that we could get the board to buy that player,
  5. more negativity.we can force the club into signing players before it is too late. In sept, if we haven't signed anyone then it will be too late. We could pressure the board by posting our opinions on here and then we will have to wait till jan before we sign anyone, unless they are free agents. Why not be proactive and post complaints NOW so that the board have to buy players.
  6. Robbie's post might sound f*cking ridiculous but i have heard from two sources within the club that Lallana and Shaw both wanted to leave because they didn't want to wear an own brand shirt. One of my sources said that Lallana had said something along the lines of "Im not going from playing in the World Cup to wearing a Tesco top, get f*cked" I wonder about the calibre the 9 young kids we just signed. I mean, why would they come to us knowing that we haven't even got a proper shirt? I suspect that this lot might be the worst lot of scholars that we've ever had.
  7. FFS, even the kids have youtube highlights. What next, highlights of 7 yr olds filmed kicking a ball against a garage wall?
  8. What disappoints me the most is that we could have won the champions league but now we will probably be relegated straight to L1, possibly starting in -10 points. If only Markus was alive, everything would be ok.
  9. Never been a big fan of the YouTube clips, but at least in the old days they used to be highlights of goals, assists and skills........i turned that off after a minute and a half of nothing. That surely cant be his highlights? Maybe it gets better later, but I'm off to watch Colombia v Uruguay.
  10. Putting them in camps would require costly security. I'd hang the lot of them from trees and lamp posts around Windsor. Of course, if anyone disagrees, I'm just joking. If you don't disagree, i was being serious.
  11. There does seem to be a correlation between enthusiastic singing and playing well in football matches. Maybe Roy should hold some x-factor style auditions for the Euros in 2016? Forget about which club they play for or form, lets have professional footballers from all leagues in the O2 arena, being judged on their singing by Roy, Cowell and and maybe even the Queen (the actual queen, not Louie). In fact, it might even be worth just opening it up to anyone although some more check on this correlation between singing and performance are needed. Id be interested to see if doing a little dance routine during the anthem improves performance as well. If the singing raises our game, imagine what we would play like if we had some old school Motown routines, nothing fancy, maybe the captain could do a little spin around. Come Roy, get on the case!
  12. You'd probably be more at home on here http://www2.slybaldguys.com/smf/
  13. I see that Turkish is doing some serious internet detective work. I wonder if he will solve the case of two people having similar opinions. i know i would be suspicious if i were him. How likely is it that two different people on the internet sharing the same view?
  14. No, it would still be footage of people walking about, with us not being able to hear what was being said but instead having to listen to crap music. Im not sure why you would think it would be better if it were Watford and I'm certain most would disagree with your assertion.
  15. I completely agree. The power of posting on this board should not be underestimated. Im sure someone at the club is telling the players about all the bargains PaulSaint has in the buy/sell section. He's clearly a favourite of theirs, always selling his stuff. But what about this bloke? What have the club got against him? His coffee maker has been left unsold for over a week now http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?50611-Senseo-coffee-machine#.U6B_lWu9KSM Come on Les! We know youre reading and buying stuff from PaulSaint, spread the money out a bit, eh?
  16. That is an exceptionally boring video with incredibly sh*t music on it.
  17. That is excellent. RE slogans and such like, what about "unless you're a fan you can get f*cked" Or "fans are forever unlike the rest of you money grabbing w*nkers" (or c*nts - depends on demand, maybe some market research would be needed) or "I have a contract with Saints in my heart and dark thoughts in my head. Do not try and buy me" I think it is important to have some swear words in there to really get home how strongly we feel about not being for sale.
  18. Its even better when 6 people have already said that name. In the excitement of making a funny, people haven't got time to read the thread and realise that its already been done, and wasn't funny then either. Oh, Pele, btw.
  19. This is a typical reaction of someone who have never fought for their country. If it were down to you, we would have have handed the keys to GB over and be living under an IRA/Argie coalition by now. I know your sort - never done nothing for your country and were probably secretly pleased when Pinochet or whatever his name is was appointed Saints manager. Well not me, son. I'm glad we have our club back. Now we just need to free our country, but i don't expect you to help.
  20. What has this got to do with anything? You've gone into a bit of rant mode and lost all sense. Ah, a nice it of casual xenophobia from our depressive alpine friend. Well done.
  21. Basically, what you are saying is that political statements should be kept out of sport.....unless i agree with them. Thats a dangerous way of looking at things.
  22. I may agree with you on that point, but that is not really what the OP is saying. He's saying that the footballers views are indefensible (not the holding of a banner at a football game) and that as a result they should have the contracts stopped and be removed from the country. That is the point i take exception to because taken to its extremes it means that everyone n the country has to agree with everything Britain has ever done, whether it be the Falklands or anything else. People are entitled to their view and they are entitled to express that view, though i agree, international footballers doing it before an international tournament is probably not the right time.
  23. So they're not allowed to voice their own opinion, when in their own country? And why can't they disagree about the Falklands? Does every person living in Britain need to agree with everything Britain has ever done and every bit of foreign policy? Or does that just apply to the foreigners? You make it sound like you would want Britain to be a totalitarian state, yet you choose not to live here so, in my opinion, don't get to make that decision. Id be interested to hear your opinion about all those people who marched against the Iraq War. Do they fall into the same category as these footballers? Or is "defending the indefensible" rather reliant in your definition of "indefensible"?
  24. Bad news for you then......Widdrington has come in from 150-1 straight after vacancy arose to 16-1 now.........might not be the favourite but that is some shortening of odds.
  25. I think a demonstration is a great idea and really important if we are to have our voices heard. We need something powerful that sends a message. How about if we all dress up as clowns for the first home game?
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