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Everything posted by Offside

  1. Good stream here, but might only be available in Canada. http://www.tsn.ca/soccer/
  2. Very lucky to have Saints mad relatives who could get tickets!
  3. I'm in Ottawa too, well Kanata actually. Born in Southampton in '63, but been in Canada since '69. Have always supported Saints from afar as my Dad's a big fan. I've only seen Saints play live four times, but twice at (old) Wembley (Charity Shield & League Cup Final).
  4. You are an absolute and utter tool. Even as a lurker I felt the need to post this.
  5. The Toronto 2013 away shirt seems pretty close to the shirt at the top of page 16.
  6. My boyhood hero; hard to believe he's gone. R.I.P Ron
  7. A really good post apocalyptic book is The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Really, really dark, but so good I read it twice. Coming out as a film later this year
  8. I think minime said earlier in this thread he knows who it is.
  9. Harry Redknapp and Michal Tabor are good friends according to this link. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4161/is_20041128/ai_n12912756/ Did Harry put in a good word for us?
  10. If there is a Canadian bid, and a big IF as I know nothing, it is probably from Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE). Last year their CEO and CFO visited Saint Mary's amongst other clubs, and there were rumours in Canada at the time that they were interested in purchasing an English club. http://www.thestar.com/comment/columnists/article/417801 They may see Saints as very attractive at the current price; an asset they can grow. Would be amazing for Saints as MLSE is a billion dollar enterprise focused on sports teams. (Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors and Toronto FC). There is also a slight Southampton connection as former Saint Jim Brennan is the captain of Toronto FC.
  11. I think at one time this past year it was thought that Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment were interested in the Saints. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple_Leaf_Sports_&_Entertainment Saints would be chicken feed for that operation!
  12. Here's a radio link: http://matchlive.safc.premiumtv.co.uk/mlex/258741/matches/08152007/2873792/match_console.html?clubid=10281
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